出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示 】
筑波大学 大学院数理物質科学研究科 博士前期課程物性・分子工学専攻 修士課程 2014年03月 修了
筑波大学 大学院数理物質科学研究科 博士後期課程ナノサイエンス・ナノテクノロジー専攻 博士課程 2017年03月 修了
経歴(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2016年04月-2017年03月筑波大学 数理物質科学研究科 日本学術振興会 特別研究員 (DC2)
2017年04月-2018年03月東京大学 工学系研究科 マテリアル工学専攻 日本学術振興会 特別研究員 (PD)
2018年04月-2021年03月東京理科大学 基礎工学部材料工学科 助教
2021年04月-2023年03月東京理科大学 先進工学部マテリアル創成工学科 助教
2023年04月-2024年09月東京工業大学 物質理工学院材料系 助教
2024年10月-2024年11月東京科学大学 物質理工学院材料系 助教
2017年04月-2023年03月ナノ医療イノベーションセンター (iCONM) 一木ラボ 客員研究員
2024年12月-現在東京科学大学 総合研究院 口腔科学センター 構成員
研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示 】
論文・総説 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Xue Xie, Yuta Kurashina, Kyohei Okubo, Hiroyuki Wada, fYoshitaka Kitamoto. Enhancement of acoustic cavitation using chitosan nanoparticle-shelled composites Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2025.02; ( DOI )
Shaomeng Yang, Kyohei Okubo, Yoshitaka Kitamoto. Finite Element-Based Simulation Model for Brownian Relaxation Behavior of Magnetic Nanoparticle Clusters for Biosensing Applications SSRN. 2025.01; ( DOI )
Adira Nofeadri Ryofi, Kyohei Okubo, Yoshitaka Kitamoto. Magnetically Hydrodynamic Behavior of Magnetoliposomes Designed for Liquid-Based Biomolecular Sensing Proceedings of 2024 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition (WORLD PM2024). 2024.12; 707-714.
Wibias Muliawan, Kyohei Okubo, Yoshitaka Kitamoto. Effect of interparticle and inter-cluster dipole–dipole interactions on dynamic behavior of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles modified with citric acid Journal of Applied Physics. 2024.08; 136 (7): 073903. ( DOI )
Masakazu Umezawa, Hikaru Haraguchi, Gaku Sugawara, Konosuke Sato, Hiroyuki Kurahashi, Teiji Oda, Kyohei Okubo, Kohei Soga. Temperature imaging inside fluid devices using a ratiometric near infrared (NIR-II/III) fluorescent Y2O3: Nd3+, Yb3+, Er3+ nanothermometer Analytical Sciences. 2024.04; 40 (7): 1323-1330. ( PubMed, DOI )
Ryodai Fukushima, Toshihiro Takamatsu, Konosuke Sato, Kyohei Okubo, Masakazu Umezawa, Nobuhiro Takeshita, Hiro Hasegawa, Hideo Yokota, Kohei Soga, Hiroshi Takemura. Non-invasive imaging of exposed nerves in vivo with near-infrared hyperspectral laparoscopic devices Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2024: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. 2024.03; 12928 129281X. ( DOI )
Hiroyuki Kurahashi, Masakazu Umezawa, Kyohei Okubo, Kohei Soga. Pixel Screening in Lifetime-Based Temperature Mapping Using β-NaYF4:Nd3+,Yb3+ by Time-Gated Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging on Deep Tissue in Live Mice ACS Applied Bio Materials. 2024.03; 7 (6): 3821-3827. ( PubMed, DOI )
Ryodai Fukushima, Toshihiro Takamatsu, Kounosuke Sato, Abian Hernandez-Guedes, Gustavo M. Callico, Kyohei Okubo, Masakazu Umezawa, Hideo Yokota, Kohei Soga, Hiroshi Takemura. Detection of Exposed Nerves in Two Individuals In Vivo and Unexposed Nerves Ex Vivo with Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Laparoscope 2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII). 2024.01; 19-24. ( DOI )
Visualization of hydrocarbon chain length and degree of saturation of fatty acids in mouse livers by combining near-infrared hyperspectral imaging and machine learning 2023.11; 13 20555. ( DOI )
Doan, TKD; Umezawa, M; Okubo, K; Kamimura, M; Soga, K. Enhancing near-infrared fluorescence intensity and stability of PLGA-<i>b</i>-PEG micelles by introducing Gd-DOTA at the core boundary JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART B-APPLIED BIOMATERIALS. 2023.09; 111 (12): 1-9. ( PubMed, DOI )
Heat Treatment Effects for Controlling Dye Molecular States in the Hydrophobic Core of Over-1000 nm Near-Infrared (NIR-II) Fluorescent Micellar Nanoparticles 2022.02; 7 (7): 5817-5824. ( DOI )
The influence of Gd-DOTA conjugating ratios to PLGA-PEG micelles encapsulated IR-1061 on bimodal over-1000 nm near-infrared fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging 2022.01; 10 1217-1230. ( DOI )
Influence of the difference in refractive index on the interface of an object and the surroundings in near-infrared fluorescence tomography 2022.01; 61 (2): 638. ( DOI )
Effect of the enantiomeric structure of hydrophobic polymers on the encapsulation properties of a second near infrared (NIR-II) fluorescent dye for in vivo deep imaging 2022.01; 12 (3): 1310-1318. ( DOI )
Influence of physiological media on over-1000 nm NIR fluorescent DSPE-PEG micelles for bio-imaging 2022.01; 51 (2): 208-211. ( DOI )
K. Okubo, T. Yamada, H. Haraguchi, M. Kamimura, M. Umezawa, and K. Soga. Photopolymerization induced by upconversion emission for poly(pentaerythritol acrylate) shell coating on NaYF4 nanoparticle surface toward ratiometric optical thermometry JOURNAL OF PHOTOPOLYMER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2021.12; (6): in press.
Ayano Yahata, Hiroshi Takemura, Ren Iwanami, Masakazu Umezawa, Kyohei Okubo, Kohei Soga, Toshihiro Takamatsu, Tomohiro Mitsui, Tomohiro Kadota, Takeshi Kuwata, Hiroaki Ikematsu, Hideo Yokota. Gastric Cancer Detection by Two-step Learning in Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Journal of Information and Communication Engineering. 2021.12; 7 (2): 467-473.
Wavelength Selection of Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Gastric Cancer Detection 2021.11; 219-223. ( DOI )
Near Infrared Fluorescent Nanostructure Design for Organic/Inorganic Hybrid System 2021.10; 9 (11): 1583. ( DOI )
Effect of Polarization of Surrounding Organic Molecules on Upconversion Emission of β-NaYF4 Co-Doped with Er3+ and Yb3+ 2021.08; 239 118394. ( DOI )
S. Fang, M. Umezawa, K. Okubo, and K. Soga. Polymer-based near-infrared afterglow fluorescent complex of dye and rare-earth-doped ceramics JOURNAL OF PHOTOPOLYMER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2021.06; 34 (1): 7-10.
Over 1000 nm Near-Infrared Multispectral Imaging System for Laparoscopic In Vivo Imaging 2021.04; 21 (8): 2649. ( DOI )
Visualization of quantitative lipid distribution in mouse liver through near-infrared hyperspectral imaging 2021.01; 12 (2): 823-835. ( DOI )
NIR Hyperspectral Imaging 2020.12; 203-222. ( DOI )
Distinction of surgically resected gastrointestinal stromal tumor by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging 2020.12; 10 (1): 21852. ( DOI )
Dental Plaque Detection on Near-infrared Hyperspectral Image using Artificial Neural Network 2020.11; 2020 (0): 2P1-F12. ( DOI )
Stabilization of indocyanine green dye in polymeric micelles for NIR-II fluorescence imaging and cancer treatment 2020.04; 8 (8): 2245-2254. ( DOI )
Near-infrared Biomedical Imaging for Transparency 2019.12; 58 (6): 602-616. ( DOI )
Perforated Bimodal Interferometric Biosensor for Affinity Sensing 2019.09; 4 (9): 1800533. ( DOI )
Biological Deep Temperature Imaging with Fluorescence Lifetime of Rare-Earth-Doped Ceramics Particles in the Second NIR Biological Window 2019.09; 9 (1): 12806. ( DOI )
Photostabilization of indocyanine green dye by energy transfer in phospholipid-peg micelles 2019; 32 (1): 115-121. ( DOI )
Extracellular vesicles nanoarray technology: Immobilization of individual extracellular vesicles on nanopatterned polyethylene glycol-lipid conjugate brushes 2019; 14 (10): e0224091. ( PubMed, DOI )
Directional coupler biosensor with molecularly imprinted polymer 2018; 30 (5): 1009-1017. ( DOI )
Microfabricated directional coupler-based biosensor for afinity sensing 2017.07; 1441-1444. ( DOI )
Silicon nitride directional coupler interferometer for surface sensing 2017.01; 56 (1): 017101. ( DOI )
Kyohei Okubo. Tissue Transparency Dominated by Bending and Absorption of Light Japanese Journal of Optics: Publication of the Optical Society of Japan. 2021.04;
大久保喬平、曽我公平. 「曲がる」「吸われる」が支配する生体の透明性 光学. 2021.02; 50 (4):
Chen, Y; Okubo, K; Slavakis, K; Kitamoto, Y. Estimation of biomolecule amount by analyzing magnetic nanoparticle cluster distributions from alternating current magnetization spectra for magnetic biosensing JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. 2023.12; 588 171387. ( DOI )
Evaluating the identification of the extent of gastric cancer by over-1000 nm near-infrared hyperspectral imaging using surgical specimens 2023.08; 28 (08): 086001. ( DOI )
Influence of Carboxyl Group Ratios on the Design of Breast Cancer Targeting Bimodal MR/NIR-II Imaging Probe from PLGA@Gd-DOTA@PEG Micelles Conjugating Herceptin 2023.06; 6 (7): 2644-2650. ( DOI )
Hyperspectral imaging and detection mapping of in vivo biological tissues applying near-infrared laparoscope 2023.04; ( DOI )
Three Dimensional Lifetime-Multiplex Tomography Based on Time-Gated Capturing of Near-Infrared Fluorescence Images 2022.07; 12 (15): 7721. ( DOI )
The effect of Gd-DOTA locations within PLGA-b-PEG micelles encapsulated IR-1061 on bimodal over-1000 nm near-infrared fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging 2022; ( DOI )
森彬乃, 大久保喬平, 神谷知憲, 梅澤雅和, 上村真生, 大谷直子, 曽我公平. 近赤外ハイパースペクトルイメージングとサポートベクトル回帰分析によるマウス肝臓中脂肪酸の飽和度分布の可視化 バイオイメージング. 2022; 31 (2):
Concept and Application of Thermal Phenomena at 4f Electrons of Trivalent Lanthanide Ions in Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Nanostructure 2021.09; 10 (9): 096006. ( DOI )
Upconversion Luminescent Nanostructure with Ultrasmall Ceramic Nanoparticles Coupled with Rose Bengal for NIR-Induced Photodynamic Therapy 2021.05; 4 (5): 4462-4469. ( DOI )
Size-controlled bimodal in vivo nanoprobes as near-infrared phosphors and positive contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging 2021.02; 22 (1): 160-172. ( DOI )
Transparency in Biology 2021; ( DOI )
Author Correction: Distinction of surgically resected gastrointestinal stromal tumor by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (Scientific Reports, (2020), 10, 1, (21852), 10.1038/s41598-020-79021-7) 2021; 11 (1): ( DOI )
Infrared to visible upconversion luminescence of trivalent erbium tetrafluoroborate complexes 2020.07; 10 (7): 1749. ( DOI )
Development of Molecular Imaging Probe for Dual NIR/MR Imaging 2020.07; 33 (1): 117-122. ( DOI )
Energy Transfer Between Rare Earth-doped Ceramic Nanoparticles for Gauging Strain and Temperature in Elastic Polymers 2020.07; 33 (1): 129-137. ( DOI )
Trimodal polymer waveguide interferometer for chemical sensing 2019; 58 (6): ( DOI )
High-precision nanofabrication technology for metal nanoparticle ensembles using nanotemplate-guided thermal dewetting 2018; 10 (30): ( DOI )
書籍等出版物 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Kohei Soga, Masakazu Umezawa, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Doan Thi Kim Dung, Karina Nigoghossian, Toshihiro Sera, Atsuto Onoda. Transparency in Biology: Making the Invisible Visible. Springer Singapore, 2021.01 (ISBN : 9789811596261)
講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Ryodai Fukushima, Toshihiro Takamatsu, Konosuke Sato, Kyohei Okubo, Masakazu Umezawa, Nobuhiro Takeshita, Hiro Hasegawa, Hideo Yokota, Kohei Soga, Hiroshi Takemura. Non-invasive imaging of exposed nerves in vivo with near-infrared hyperspectral laparoscopic devices. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2024: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling 2024.03 San Diego, California
Ryodai Fukushima, Toshihiro Takamatsu, Kounosuke Sato, Abian Hernandez-Guedes, Gustavo M. Callico, Kyohei Okubo, Masakazu Umezawa, Hideo Yokota, Kohei Soga, Hiroshi Takemura. Detection of Exposed Nerves in Two Individuals In Vivo and Unexposed Nerves Ex Vivo with Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Laparoscope. 2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII) 2024.01 Ha Long, Vietnam
Magnetization dynamics of interacting iron oxide nanoparticles in ionic solutions. 2023.05.15
A machine learning based analysis method of ac magnetization spectra for estimating cluster distribution of magnetic nanoparticles. 2023.05.15
Kyohei Okubo, Masakazu Umezawa, Kohei Soga. Strategy for Designing Near Infrared Fluorescent Nanostructure with Organic and Inorganic Hybrid System. 5th International Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive Materials 2022 (I3CEM2022) 2022.07.04 Costa de Caparica, Portugal
Kyohei Okubo, Masakazu Umezawa, Kohei Soga. Chemical Polarity for Designing Near Infrared Fluorescent Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Nanoprobes. 5th International Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive Materials 2022 (I3CEM2022) 2022.07.04 Costa de Caparica, Portugal
Kohei SOGA, Kyohei OKUBO, Masakazu UMEZAWA, Doan Thi Kim DUNG and Masao KAMIMURA. Rare-Earth Doped Ceramics for Near Infrared Bio and Medical Photonics. 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 14) 2021.12.13 Vancouver, Canada (Online)
Kohei Soga, Masakazu Umezawa, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Hsin-Cheng Chiu. Nanostructure of NIR-Excited Photo Dynamic Therapy for Killing Three Birds with One Stone. MRS Fall Meeting 2021 2021.12.06 Boston (Online)
A. Yahata, H. Takemura, T. Takamatsu, H. Yokota, R. Iwanami, M. Umezawa, K. Okubo, K. Soga, T. Mitsui, T. Kadota, T. Kuwata, and H. Ikematsu. Wavelength Selection of Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Gastric Cancer Detection. 2021 6th International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences (ICIIBMS) 2021.11.25 Oita, Japan
Umezawa M, Murakami A, Okubo K, Ikeda K, Doan TKD, Nakashima Y, Tsukahara N, Kishimoto H, Kamimura M, Soga K. Conjugation of small molecule antibody (VHH) to OTN near-infrared fluorescent probe for molecular imaging of in vivo deep tissues. EMBL Symposium - Seeing is Believing: Imaging the Molecular Processes of Life 2021.10.05 Virtual
S. Fang, M. Umezawa, K. Okubo, and K. Soga. Polymer-based near-infrared afterglow fluorescent complex of dye and rare-earth-doped ceramics. ICPST-38 – The 38th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology 2021.06.15 Online
K. Okubo, T. Yamada, H. Haraguchi, M. Kamimura, M. Umezawa, and K. Soga. Photopolymerization induced by upconversion emission for poly(pentaerythritol acrylate) shell coating on NaYF4 nanoparticle surface toward ratiometric optical thermometry. ICPST-38 – The 38th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology 2021.06.15 Online
Kohei SOGA, Kyohei OKUBO, Masakazu UMEZAWA, Thi Kim Dung DOAN, Karina NIGOGHOSSIAN, Masao KAMIMURA. Materials Design and Applications of the Near Infrared Fluorescent Agents for Biological and Medical Uses [Invited]. THERMEC 2021 Virtual Conference 2021.06.01 Online (Graz, Austria)
Kitagawa Yuichi, Okubo Kyohei, Umezawa Masakazu, Kamimura Masao, Ohtani Naoko, Soga Kohei. 近赤外線ハイパースペクトルイメージングを用いたマウス肝臓脂肪の定量的分布の可視化(Visualization of quantitative lipid distribution in mouse livers using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging). バイオイメージング 2020.11.01
Tezuka Keiko, Umezawa Masakazu, Liu Tei-I, Nomura Koki, Okubo Kyohei, Chiu Hsin-Cheng, Kamimura Masao, Soga Kohei. NIR誘導光力学療法のための炭化水素化したローズベンガル色素と超小型Yb3+/Er3+含有β-NaYF4ナノ粒子のハイブリッドナノ微細構造(Hybrid Nanostructure of Ultrasmall Yb3+/Er3+-Doped β-NaYE4 Nanoparticles with Hydrocarbonized Rose Bengal for NIR-induced Photodynamic Therapy). バイオイメージング 2020.11.01
Ayano Yahata, Yuichi Kitagawa, Ayumu Okubo, Kyohei Okubo, Kohei Soga, Tomoko Oshima, Hiroshi Takemura. Dental Plaque Detection by Near Infrared Hyperspectral Image without Plaque Stain Using Artificial Neural Network. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2020) 2020.07.20 Vancouver, Canada
Hisanori Kobayashi, Atsushi Oshima, Kazuno Ikeda, Doan Kim Dung, Masakazu Umezawa, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Kohei Soga. Effect of Physiological Saline and Albumin on OTN-NIR Fluorescent DSPE-PEG Micelles for In Vivo Deep Imaging. 7th International Postgraduate Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (iPoPS2020) 2020.02.27 Tokyo University of Science Noda Campus, Chiba, Japan
Kyohei Okubo, Yuichi Kitagawa, Naoki Hosokawa, Masakazu Umezawa, Masao Kamimura, Naoko Ohtani, Kohei Soga. Quantitative Visualization of Lipid Distribution in Mouse Livers by Using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging. 107th Indian Science Congress, Materials Science Section 2020.01.03 University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India
Kohei Soga, Masao Kamimura, Kyohei Okubo, Masakazu Umezawa, Doan Thi Kim Dung, Karina Nigoghossian, Gil Yeroslavsky. Materials Design and Processing for Near Infrared Biomedical Photonics with Transparency [Keynote]. 107th Indian Science Congress, Materials Science Section 2020.01.03 University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India
Masakazu Umezawa, Karina Nigoghossian, Gil Yeroslavsky, Doan Thi Kim Dung, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Kohei Soga. Functional Bioimaging for Deep Tissues Using Over-1000-nm Near-Infrared Fluorescent Materials. 107th Indian Science Congress, Materials Science Section 2020.01.03 University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India
Gil Yeroslavsky、梅澤 雅和、大久保 喬平、Karina Nigoghossian、Doan Thi Kim Dung、上村 真生、曽我 公平. Stabilization of Indocyanine Green by Energy Transfer in Block Copolymer Micelles. 2019年度イメージングフロンティアセンターシンポジウム、 2019.12.14 東京理科大学野田キャンパス
Gil Yeroslavsky, Masakazu Umezawa, Kyohei Okubo, Karina Nigoghossian, Doan Thi Kim Dung, Masao Kamimura, Kohei Soga. Stabilization of Indocyanine Green Dye in Micellar Systems for Various Bio-applications. OKINAWA COLLOIDS 2019 2019.11.03 Bankoku Shinryokan, Nago, Okinawa, Japan
Hisanori Kobayashi, Masakazu Umezawa, Shota Sekiyama, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Kohei Soga. Synthesis of Bright NIR-II Fluorescent Polymer Nanoparticle with IR-1061 Dye via Mild Heating-Cooling Process for Deep Bioimaging in the Second Biological Window. Resonance Bio International Symposium (RBIS 2019) 2019.10.30 Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Kazuno Ikeda, Masakazu Umezawa, Hisanori Kobayashi, Doan Thi Kim Dung, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Kohei Soga. Over-1000nm Near-Infrared Fluorescence Properties of IR1061 Dye-Loaded Micelles Dispersed in Different Concentration of Hydrogen Ion. Resonance Bio International Symposium (RBIS 2019) 2019.10.30 Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Masakazu Umezawa, Shinsuke Haruguchi, Kazushi Yamaguchi, Masao Kamimura, Kohei Otomo, Tomomi Nemoto, Kohei Soga. Phosphate-Based Rapid Optical Clearing for Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Imaging of Mouse Brains. Resonance Bio International Symposium (RBIS 2019) 2019.10.30 Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Yuichi Kitagawa, Kyohei Okubo Masakazu Umezawa, Masao Kamimura, Naoko Ohtani, Kohei Soga. Quantitative Visualization of Lipid Distribution in Mice Liver by Using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging. Resonance Bio International Symposium (RBIS 2019) 2019.10.30 Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo
Gil Yeroslavsky, Masakazu Umezawa, Kyohei Okubo, Karina Nigoghossian, Doan Thi Kim Dung, Masao Kamimura, Kohei Soga. Stabilization of Indocyanine Green by Energy Transfer in Block Copolymer Micelles. Resonance Bio International Symposium (RBIS 2019) 2019.10.30 Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Karina Nigoghossian, Nobuhiro Nitta, Kensuke Osada, Ichio Aoki, Gil Yeroslavsky, Doan Thi Kim Dung, Kyohei Okubo, Masakazu Umezawa, Masao Kamimura, Kohei Soga. Optical and magnetic multimodal bioimaging probes based on rare-earth doped ceramic nanophosphors. Resonance Bio International Symposium (RBIS 2019) 2019.10.30 Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Doan Thi Kim Dung, Masakazu Umezawa, Karina Nigoghossian, Gil Yeroslavsky, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Masayuki Yamaguchi, Hirofumi Fujii, Kohei Soga. Conjugation of Gd-DOTA to IR1061-PEG based micelles for dual MRI/OTN-NIR imaging. Resonance Bio International Symposium (RBIS 2019) 2019.10.30 Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Daiki Sato, Naoki Hosokawa, Kosuke Maeda, Toshihiro Takamatsu, Kyohei Okubo, Masakazu Umezawa, Masao Kamimura, Hiroshi Takemura, Hideo Yokota, Takeshi Kuwata, Hiroaki Ikematsu, Tomonori Yano, Kohei Soga. Development of Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Endoscopy. United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Week Barcelona 2019 2019.10.19 Fira Gran Via, Barcelona, Spain
Kohei Soga, Karina Nigoghossaian, Gil Yeroslabsky, Thi Kim Dung Doan, Masakazu Umezawa, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Naoko Ohtani,. Near Infrared Biomedical Imaging for Visualizing Subcutaneous and Submucosal Information. The 6th International Symposium on Bioimaging & The 28th Annual Meeting of the Bioimaging Society 2019.09.21 Teikyo University, Itabashi Campus, Tokyo, Japan
Doan Thi Kim Dung, Masakazu Umezawa, Karina Nigoghossian, Gil Yeroslavsky, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Masayuki Yamaguchi, Hirofumi Fujii, Kohei Soga. Multimodal OTN-NIR/MRI imaging with IR 1061@Gd DOTA imaging molecules. The 6th International Symposium on Bioimaging&The 28th Annual Meeting of the Bioimaging Society 2019.09.21 Teikyo University, Itabashi Campus, Tokyo, Japan
Soga Kohei, Nigoghossian Karina, Yeroslavsky Gil, Doan Thi Kim Dung, Umezawa Masakazu, Okubo Kyohei, Kamimura Masao, Ohtani Naoko. 皮下および粘膜下の構造情報を可視化する近赤外バイオメディカルイメージング(Near Infrared Biomedical Imaging for Visualizing Subcutaneous and Submucosal Information). バイオイメージング 2019.09.01
Doan Thi Kim Dung, Umezawa Masakazu, Nigoghossian Karina, Yeroslavsky Gil, Okubo Kyohei, Kamimura Masao, Yamaguchi Masayuki, Fujii Hirofumi, Soga Kohei. IR-1061@Gd-DOTA造影剤を用いたマルチモーダルOTN-NIR/MRIイメージング(Multimodal OTN-NIR/MRI imaging with IR-1061@Gd-DOTA imaging molecules). バイオイメージング 2019.09.01
森 彬乃, 大久保 喬平, 神谷 知憲, 梅澤 雅和, 上村 真生, 大谷 直子, 曽我 公平. 近赤外ハイパースペクトルイメージングとサポートベクトル回帰分析によるマウス肝臓中脂肪酸の飽和度分布の可視化. バイオイメージング 2022.08.01
市橋 理江, 梅澤 雅和, 大久保 喬平, 上村 真生, 曽我 公平. OTN近赤外蛍光プローブの胆汁排泄に至るまでの挙動の主成分分析による可視化. バイオイメージング 2022.08.01
曽我公平、大久保喬平. 近赤外光と機械学習で見えない生体情報を視る[Invited]. 第73回西日本泌尿器科学会総会 2021.11.04 宮崎県宮崎市、宮崎観光ホテル
曽我 公平, 大久保 喬平. AIとイメージングが導く次世代の癌治療 近赤外光と機械学習で見えない生体情報を視る. 西日本泌尿器科学会総会抄録集 2021.11.01
竹松真歩、梅澤雅和、世良俊博、横田秀夫、大久保喬平、上村真生、曽我公平. 試料表面の屈折率差が近赤外蛍光 CT に及ぼす影響. 第 30 回日本バイオイメージング学会学術集会 2021.09.09 オンライン
市橋理江、梅澤雅和、植屋佑一、高本英司、大久保喬平、上村真生、曽我公平. 疎水性高分子の立体構造が OTN 近赤外蛍光色素の内包特性に及ぼす影響. 第 30 回日本バイオイメージング学会学術集会 2021.09.09 オンライン
竹松 真歩, 梅澤 雅和, 世良 俊博, 横田 秀夫, 大久保 喬平, 上村 真生, 曽我 公平. 試料表面の屈折率差が近赤外蛍光CTに及ぼす影響. バイオイメージング 2021.08.01
市橋 理江, 梅澤 雅和, 植屋 佑一, 高本 英司, 大久保 喬平, 上村 真生, 曽我 公平. 疎水性高分子の立体構造がOTN近赤外蛍光色素の内包特性に及ぼす影響. バイオイメージング 2021.08.01
大久保喬平. 近赤外ハイパースペクトルイメージングによるマウス肝臓内の脂質濃度可視化. 第12回バイオメディカルインターフェース・ワークショップ 2021.03.26 宮古島市未来創造センター
梅澤雅和、池田一乃、大久保喬平、上村真生、曽我公平、村上明一、中島雄介、塚原成俊、岸本英博. OTN近赤外蛍光プローブへの抗HER-2低分子抗体VHHの導入. 第12回バイオメディカルインターフェース・ワークショップ 2021.03.25 宮古島市未来創造センター(宮古島)
宮田敬充, 梅澤雅和, 野村洸希, 大久保喬平, 世良俊博, 横田秀夫, 曽我公平. 近赤外蛍光タイムゲートCTを用いた蛍光寿命の断層画像法による多色3次元イメージング. 第29回日本バイオイメージング学会 2020.11.20 オンライン開催
北川雄一, 大久保喬平, 梅澤雅和, 上村真生, 大谷直子, 曽我公平. Visualization of quantitative lipid distribution in mouse livers using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. 第29回日本バイオイメージング学会 2020.11.20 オンライン開催
竹松真歩, 宮田敬充, 梅澤雅和, 世良俊博, 横田秀夫, 大久保喬平, 上村真生, 曽我公平. 小動物3次元近赤外蛍光イメージングにおける屈折の抑制. 第29回日本バイオイメージング学会 2020.11.20 オンライン開催
手塚景子, 梅澤雅和, Tei-I Liu, 野村洸希, 大久保喬平, Hsin-Cheng Chiu, 上村真生, 曽我公平. Hybrid nanostructure of ultrasmall Yb/Er doped beta-NaYF4 nanoparticles with hydrocarbonized rose bengal for NIR-induced photodynamic therapy. 第29回日本バイオイメージング学会 2020.11.20 オンライン開催
宮田 敬充, 梅澤 雅和, 野村 洸希, 大久保 喬平, 世良 俊博, 横田 秀夫, 曽我 公平. 近赤外蛍光タイムゲートCTを用いた蛍光寿命の断層画像法による多色3次元イメージング. バイオイメージング 2020.11.01
竹松 真歩, 宮田 敬充, 梅澤 雅和, 世良 俊博, 横田 秀夫, 大久保 喬平, 上村 真生, 曽我 公平. 小動物3次元近赤外蛍光イメージングにおける屈折の抑制. バイオイメージング 2020.11.01
北川 雄一、大久保 喬平、梅澤 雅和、上村 真生、大谷 直子、曽我 公平. 近赤外ハイパースペクトルイメージングとサポートベクターリグレッションを用いたマウス肝臓内の脂質の定量的可視化. 2019年度イメージングフロンティアセンターシンポジウム 2019.12.14 東京理科大学野田キャンパス
Keiji Miyata, Masakazu Umezawa, Takumi Chihara, Shota Sekiyama, Kyohei Okubo, Masao Kamimura, Kohei Soga,. Contactless Temperature Sensing for Deep Biological Tissues by Time-Gated Imaging with Near-Infrared Fluorescence of Rare-Earth-Doped Ceramics Particles. 第29回日本MRS年次大会 2019.11.27 横浜情報文化センター/横浜開港記念会館
海老原恵都, 浅川潔, 鈴木博章, 大久保喬平. 化学センシングのためのマルチモード導波路干渉計. 第36回「センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム」シンポジウム 2019.11.19 アクトシティ浜松
佐藤 大幹, 細川 直輝, 前田 耕輔, 高松 利寛, 大久保 喬平, 梅澤 雅和, 上村 真生, 竹村 裕, 横田 秀夫, 桑田 健, 池松 弘朗, 矢野 友規, 曽我 公平. 「消化管画像診断」医工連携による次世代画像診断の開発 近赤外ハイパースクペクトルイメージング内視鏡の開発にむけて. 日本消化管学会雑誌 2019.02.01
Adira N. Ryofi, Kyohei Okubo, Yoshitaka Kitamoto. Magnetically Hydrodynamic Behavior of Magnetoliposomesk Designed for Liquid-Based Biomolecular Sensing. 2024 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition (WORLD PM2024) 2024.10.14 Yokohama
担当授業科目(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
無機化学基礎,2025年 - 現在
無機材料科学演習,2024年 - 2025年
材料科学実験第三(M,P,C),2023年 - 2025年