Personnel Information



Job title


Research Areas, Keywords

Geriatric Oncology, Clinical Ethics, Patient Safety

Field Introduction URL

Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Sapporo Medical University, Faculty of Medicine, 1995.03, Graduated

  • Sapporo Medical University, Faculty of Medicine, 1995.03, Graduated

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2024.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Comprehensive Patient Care, Clinical Oncology, Professor
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Comprehensive Patient Care, Department of Clinical Oncology, Professor

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2019.11
    Keio University School of Medicine, 消化器内科, 准教授
  • 2020.07
    Keio University School of Medicine, Keio Cancer Center, Associated Professor
  • 2024.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Department of Medical Oncology, Professor

Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • 日本食道学会

  • 日本臨床腫瘍学会

  • 日本胃癌学会

  • 日本緩和医療学会

  • 日本神経内分泌腫瘍研究会

  • 日本癌治療学会

  • 日本消化器病学会

  • 日本希少腫瘍研究会

  • 日本内科学会

  • 日本人類遺伝学会

  • American Society of Clinical Oncology

▼display all

Academic Activity 【 display / non-display

  • 2008.04
    日本胃癌学会 代議員
  • 2008.04
    日本胃癌学会 代議員
  • 2011.04
    日本臨床腫瘍学会 協議員
  • 2014
    日本癌治療学会 国際委員
  • 2017
    日本臨床腫瘍学会 教育企画部会委員

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Medical management and medical sociology

  • Medical biochemistry

  • General internal medicine

  • Nutrition science and health science


Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. オンライン診療を用いた緩和ケアの有用性に関する検討 2022.10; 60回 O76-3. ( ichushi )

  2. Keitaro Shimozaki, Kenro Hirata, Taro Sato, Maho Nakamura, Kyoko Kato, Hidekazu Hirano, Yosuke Kumekawa, Kaori Hino, Kentaro Kawakami, Yosuke Kito, Toshihiko Matsumoto, Takeshi Kawakami, Masato Komoda, Kengo Nagashima, Yasunori Sato, Kentaro Yamazaki, Shuichi Hironaka, Hiromasa Takaishi, Yasuo Hamamoto, Kei Muro. WJOG13219G: The Efficacy and Safety of FOLFOXIRI or Doublet plus Anti-VEGF Therapy in Previously Untreated BRAFV600E Mutant Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Multi-institutional Registry-based Study (BRACELET Study) Clinical Colorectal Cancer. 2022.08; In press. ( DOI )

  3. Clinical Validity of Plasma-Based Genotyping for Microsatellite Instability Assessment in Advanced GI Cancers: SCRUM-Japan GOZILA Substudy. 2022.02; 6 e2100383. ( PubMed, DOI )

  4. Exploration of predictors of benefit from nivolumab monotherapy for patients with pretreated advanced gastric and gastroesophageal junction cancer: post hoc subanalysis from the ATTRACTION-2 study. 2022.01; 25 (1): 207-217. ( PubMed, DOI )

  5. Concordance analysis of microsatellite instability status between polymerase chain reaction based testing and next generation sequencing for solid tumors. 2021.10; 11 (1): 20003. ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Shimozaki K, Sukawa Y, Sato Y, Horie S, Chida A, Tsugaru K, Togasaki K, Kawasaki K, Hirata K, Hayashi H, Hamamoto Y, Kanai T. Analysis of risk factors for immune-related adverse events in various solid tumors using real-world data Future Oncology. 2021.07; 17 (20): 2593-2603. ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Boku N, Satoh T, Ryu M.H, Chao Y, Kato K, Chung H.C, Chen J.S, Muro K, Kang W.K, Yeh K.H, Yoshikawa T, Oh S.C, Bai L.Y, Tamura T, Lee K.W, Hamamoto Y, Kim J.G, Chin K, Oh D.Y, Minashi K, Cho J.Y, Tsuda M, Nishiyama T, Chen L.T, Kang Y.K. Nivolumab in previously treated advanced gastric cancer (ATTRACTION-2): 3-year update and outcome of treatment beyond progression with nivolumab Gastric Cancer. 2021.07; 24 (4): 946-958. ( PubMed, DOI )

  8. Hayashi Y, Hosoe N, Takabayashi K, Limpias Kamiya K.J.L, Tsugaru K, Shimozaki K, Hirata K, Fukuhara K, Fukuhara S, Mutaguchi M, Sujino T, Sukawa Y, Hamamoto Y, Naganuma M, Takaishi H, Shimoda M, Ogata H, Kanai T. Clinical, Endoscopic, and Pathological Characteristics of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Gastroenterocolitis Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 2021.06; 66 (6): 2129-2134. ( PubMed, DOI )

  9. Shimozaki K, Hirata K, Horie S, Chida A, Tsugaru K, Hayashi Y, Kawasaki K, Miyanaga R, Hayashi H, Mizuno R, Funakoshi T, Hosoe N, Hamamoto Y, Kanai T. The entire intestinal tract surveillance using capsule endoscopy after immune checkpoint inhibitor administration: A prospective observational study Diagnostics. 2021.03; 11 (3): ( PubMed, DOI )

  10. Takeuchi M, Imamura C.K, Booka E, Takeuchi H, Mizukami T, Kawakami T, Funakoshi T, Wakuda K, Aoki Y, Hamamoto Y, Kitago M, Kawakubo H, Boku N, Tanigawara Y, Kitagawa Y. Prospective evaluation and refinement of an S-1 dosage formula based on renal function for clinical application Cancer Science. 2021.02; 112 (2): 751-759. ( PubMed, DOI )

  11. Expression of PD-L1 and PD-L2 in colorectal cancer (CRC): A post-hoc integrated analysis of SCRUM-Japan GI-SCREEN CRC. 2021.01; 39 (3): ( DOI )

  12. Takahashi Masanobu, Kato Ken, Okada Morihito, Chin Keisho, Kadowaki Shigenori, Hamamoto Yasuo, Doki Yuichiro, Kubota Yutaro, Kawakami Hisato, Ogata Takashi, Hara Hiroki, Muto Manabu, Nakashima Yuichiro, Ishihara Ryu, Tsuda Masahiro, Motoyama Satoru, Kodani Mamoru, Kitagawa Yuko. 日本人進行食道扁平上皮癌患者を対象としたニボルマブ投与と化学療法の比較 多施設無作為化非盲検第3相試験(ATTRACTION-3)のサブグループ解析(Nivolumab versus chemotherapy in Japanese patients with advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a subgroup analysis of a multicenter, randomized, open-label, phase 3 trial(ATTRACTION-3)) Esophagus. 2021.01; 18 (1): 90-99. ( ichushi )

  13. Satoh T, Kato K, Ura T, Hamamoto Y, Kojima T, Tsushima T, Hironaka S, Hara H, Iwasa S, Muro K, Yasui H, Minashi K, Yamaguchi K, Ohtsu A, Doki Y, Matsumura Y, Kitagawa Y. Five-year follow-up of nivolumab treatment in Japanese patients with esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma (ATTRACTION-1/ONO-4538-07) Esophagus. 2021; 18 (4): 835-843. ( PubMed, DOI )

  14. Kawasaki K, Toshimitsu K, Matano M, Fujita M, Fujii M, Togasaki K, Ebisudani T, Shimokawa M, Takano A, Takahashi S, Ohta Y, Nanki K, Igarashi R, Ishimaru K, Ishida H, Sukawa Y, Sugimoto S, Saito Y, Maejima K, Sasagawa S, Lee H, Kim H.G, Ha K, Hamamoto J, Fukunaga K, Maekawa A, Tanabe M, Ishihara S, Hamamoto Y, Yasuda H, Sekine S, Kudo A, Kitagawa Y, Kanai T, Nakagawa H, Sato T. An Organoid Biobank of Neuroendocrine Neoplasms Enables Genotype-Phenotype Mapping Cell. 2020.11; 183 (5): 1420-1435.e21. ( PubMed, DOI )

  15. Distribution of Residual Disease and Recurrence Patterns in Pathological Responders After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 2020.10; ( PubMed, DOI )

  16. Weekly paclitaxel plus ramucirumab versus weekly nab-paclitaxel plus ramucirumab for unresectable advanced or recurrent gastric cancer with peritoneal dissemination refractory to first-line therapy-the P-SELECT trial (WJOG10617G)-a randomised phase II trial by the West Japan Oncology Group. 2020.06; 20 (1): 548. ( PubMed, DOI )

  17. Chen L.T, Satoh T, Ryu M.H, Chao Y, Kato K, Chung H.C, Chen J.S, Muro K, Kang W.K, Yeh K.H, Yoshikawa T, Oh S.C, Bai L.Y, Tamura T, Lee K.W, Hamamoto Y, Kim J.G, Chin K, Oh D.Y, Minashi K, Cho J.Y, Tsuda M, Sameshima H, Kang Y.K, Boku N. A phase 3 study of nivolumab in previously treated advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer (ATTRACTION-2): 2-year update data Gastric Cancer. 2020.05; 23 (3): 510-519. ( PubMed, DOI )

  18. Kato Ken, Doki Yuichiro, Ura Takashi, Hamamoto Yasuo, Kojima Takashi, Tsushima Takahiro, Hironaka Shuichi, Hara Hiroki, Kudo Toshihiro, Iwasa Satoru, Muro Kei, Yasui Hirofumi, Minashi Keiko, Yamaguchi Kensei, Ohtsu Atsushi, Kitagawa Yuko. 日本人食道癌患者に対するニボルマブ反応の長期有効性および同反応を予測する相関因子(Long-term efficacy and predictive correlates of response to nivolumab in Japanese patients with esophageal cancer) Cancer Science. 2020.05; 111 (5): 1676-1684. ( ichushi )

  19. Suzuki T, Sukawa Y, Imamura C, Masuishi T, Satake H, Kumekawa Y, Funakoshi S, Kotaka M, Horie Y, Kawai S, Okuda H, Terazawa T, Kondoh C, Kato K, Yoshimura K, Ishikawa H, Hamamoto Y, Boku N, Takaishi H, Kanai T. A Phase II Study of Regorafenib With a Lower Starting Dose in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Exposure–Toxicity Analysis of Unbound Regorafenib and Its Active Metabolites (RESET Trial) Clinical Colorectal Cancer. 2020.03; 19 (1): 13-21. ( PubMed, DOI )

  20. A 3-Year Overall Survival Update From a Phase 2 Study of Chemoselection With DCF and Subsequent Conversion Surgery for Locally Advanced Unresectable Esophageal Cancer. 2020.02; 27 (2): 460-467. ( PubMed, DOI )

  21. Kunimasa K, Hirotsu Y, Nakamura H, Tamiya M, Iijima Y, Ishida H, Hamamoto Y, Maniwa T, Kimura T, Nishino K, Goto T, Amemiya K, Mochizuki H, Oyama T, Nakatsuka SI, Kumagai T, Okami J, Higashiyama M, Imamura F, Omata M. Rapid progressive lung cancers harbouring multiple clonal driver mutations with big bang evolution model. Cancer genetics. 2020.02; 241 51-56. ( PubMed, DOI )

  22. Satoh Taroh, Kang Yoon-Koo, Chao Yee, Ryu Min-Hee, Kato Ken, Chung Hyun Cheol, Chen Jen-Shi, Muro Kei, Kang Won Ki, Yeh Kun-Huei, Yoshikawa Takaki, Oh Sang Cheul, Bai Li-Yuan, Tamura Takao, Lee Keun-Wook, Hamamoto Yasuo, Kim Jong Gwang, Chin Keisho, Oh Do-Youn, Minashi Keiko, Cho Jae Yong, Tsuda Masahiro, Tanimoto Mitsunobu, Chen Li-Tzong, Boku Narikazu. ATTRACTION-2試験においてトラスツズマブを事前使用されていた患者を対象とした探索的サブグループ解析 進行性の胃癌/食道胃接合部癌の患者におけるニボルマブの有効性と安全性を調査するランダム化第III相臨床試験(Exploratory subgroup analysis of patients with prior trastuzumab use in the ATTRACTION-2 trial: a randomized phase III clinical trial investigating the efficacy and safety of nivolumab in patients with advanced gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer) Gastric Cancer. 2020.01; 23 (1): 143-153. ( ichushi )

  23. Multiple Immune-Related Adverse Events and Anti-Tumor Efficacy: Real-World Data on Various Solid Tumors. 2020; 12 4585-4593. ( PubMed, DOI )

  24. Yagasaki K, Takahashi H, Ouchi T, Yamagami J, Hamamoto Y, Amagai M, Komatsu H. Patient voice on management of facial dermatological adverse events with targeted therapies: a qualitative study Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2019.12; 3 (1): 27. ( PubMed, DOI )

  25. Nivolumab versus chemotherapy in patients with advanced oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma refractory or intolerant to previous chemotherapy (ATTRACTION-3): a multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. 2019.11; 20 (11): 1506-1517. ( PubMed, DOI )

  26. 新規臨床試験最新情報 食道がんに対するニボルマブの開発状況について 2019.10; 57回 SSY14-4. ( ichushi )

  27. Exposure-toxicity analysis of unbound regorafenib and its active metabolites by dose escalation strategy with low starting dose in patients with colorectal cancer 2019.07; 79 (13): ( DOI )

  28. Small intestinal perforation due to a huge gastrointestinal stromal tumor in a kidney transplant recipient: a case report and literature review. 2019.04; 20 (1): 120. ( PubMed, DOI )

  29. Kato Ken, Satoh Taroh, Muro Kei, Yoshikawa Takaki, Tamura Takao, Hamamoto Yasuo, Chin Keisho, Minashi Keiko, Tsuda Masahiro, Yamaguchi Kensei, Machida Nozomu, Esaki Taito, Goto Masahiro, Komatsu Yoshito, Eguchi Nakajima Takako, Sugimoto Naotoshi, Yoshida Kazuhiro, Oki Eiji, Nishina Tomohiro, Tsuji Akihito, Fujii Hirofumi, Kunieda Kenji, Saitoh Soh, Omuro Yasushi, Azuma Mizutomo, Iwamoto Yasuo, Taku Keisei, Fushida Sachio, Chen Li-Tzong, Kang Yoon-Koo, Boku Narikazu. 2種類以上の化学療法レジメンに対して不応ないし不耐であった進行胃癌または胃食道接合部癌患者に対するニボルマブの第3相二重盲検プラセボ対照無作為化試験における日本人患者のサブ解析(ONO-4538-12,ATTRACTION-2)(A subanalysis of Japanese patients in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial of nivolumab for patients with advanced gastric or gastro-esophageal junction cancer refractory to, or intolerant of, at least two previous chemotherapy regimens(ONO-4538-12, ATTRACTION-2)) Gastric Cancer. 2019.03; 22 (2): 344-354. ( ichushi )

  30. Kato K, Satoh T, Muro K, Yoshikawa T, Tamura T, Hamamoto Y, Chin K, Minashi K, Tsuda M, Yamaguchi K, Machida N, Esaki T, Goto M, Komatsu Y, Nakajima T, Sugimoto N, Yoshida K, Oki E, Nishina T, Tsuji A, Fujii H, Kunieda K, Saitoh S, Omuro Y, Azuma M, Iwamoto Y, Taku K, Fushida S, Chen L, Kang Y, Boku N. A subanalysis of Japanese patients in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial of nivolumab for patients with advanced gastric or gastro-esophageal junction cancer refractory to, or intolerant of, at least two previous chemotherapy regimens (ONO-4538-12, ATTRACTION-2) Gastric Cancer. 2019.03; 22 (2): 344-354. ( PubMed, DOI )

  31. Early administration of systemic chemotherapy should be considered for scirrhous gastric cancer: A case report. 2019.01; 10 (1): 113-117. ( PubMed, DOI )

  32. Satoh T, Kang Y, Chao Y, Ryu M, Kato K, Cheol Chung H, Chen J, Muro K, Ki Kang W, Yeh K, Yoshikawa T, Oh S, Bai L, Tamura T, Lee K, Hamamoto Y, Kim J, Chin K, Oh D, Minashi K, Cho J, Tsuda M, Tanimoto M, Chen L, Boku N. Exploratory subgroup analysis of patients with prior trastuzumab use in the ATTRACTION-2 trial: a randomized phase III clinical trial investigating the efficacy and safety of nivolumab in patients with advanced gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer Gastric Cancer. 2019; 23 (1): 143-153. ( PubMed, DOI )

  33. Relationship Between Thymidine Kinase 1 Expression and Trifluridine/Tipiracil Therapy in Refractory Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of 2 Randomized Clinical Trials. 2018.12; 17 (4): e719-e732. ( PubMed, DOI )

  34. Minami Kazuhiro, Iwasaki Eisuke, Itoi Takao, Fukuhara Seiichiro, Horibe Masayasu, Seino Takashi, Kawasaki Shintaro, Katayama Tadashi, Takimoto Yoichi, Tamagawa Hiroki, Machida Yujiro, Hamamoto Yasuo, Ogata Haruhiko, Kanai Takanori. Successful EUS-guided antegrade stenting for malignant severe biliary obstruction combined with a newly developed plastic stent ENDOSCOPY INTERNATIONAL OPEN. 2018.11; 6 (11): E1336-E1339. ( PubMed, DOI )

  35. Takeuchi M, Suda K, Hamamoto Y, Kato M, Mayanagi S, Yoshida K, Fukuda K, Nakamura R, Wada N, Kawakubo H, Takeuchi H, Yahagi N, Kitagawa Y. Technical feasibility and oncologic safety of diagnostic endoscopic resection for superficial esophageal cancer Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2018.09; 88 (3): 456-465. ( PubMed, DOI )

  36. Post-progression survival following second-line chemotherapy in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer previously treated with gemcitabine: a meta-analysis 2018.03; 1-10. ( DOI )

  37. Yokota Tomoya, Yasuda Takushi, Kato Hiroyuki, Nozaki Isao, Sato Hiroshi, Miyata Yoshinori, Kuroki Yoshifumi, Kato Ken, Hamamoto Yasuo, Tsubosa Yasuhiro, Ogawa Hirofumi, Ito Yoshinori, Kitagawa Yuko. 局所切除不能胸部食道癌に対する医師間でのT分類臨床診断の一致(Concordance of clinical diagnosis of T classification among physicians for locally advanced unresectable thoracic esophageal cancer) International Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2018.02; 23 (1): 73-80. ( ichushi )

  38. Analysis of sensitivity and cell death pathways mediated by anti-cancer drugs using three-dimensional culture system 2018; 14 (1): 1-12. ( DOI )

  39. Komatsu H, Yagasaki K, Hamamoto Y, Takebayashi T. Falls and Physical Inactivity in Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer and Hand–Foot Syndrome. Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs.. 2018;

  40. Yasuo Hamamoto, Naoki Sakakibara, Fumio Nagashima, Yuko Kitagawa, Takahiro Higashi. Treatment selection for esophageal cancer: evaluation from a nationwide database Esophagus. 2018; 15 (2): 109-114. ( PubMed, DOI )

  41. Takeuchi M, Suda K, Hamamoto Y, Kato M, Mayanagi S, Yoshida K, Fukuda K, Nakamura R, Wada N, Kawakubo H, Takeuchi H, Yahagi N, Kitagawa Y. Technical feasibility and oncological safety of diagnostic endoscopic resection for superficial esophageal cancer. Gastrointest Endosc.. 2018; 88 (3): 456-465. ( PubMed, DOI )

  42. Yagasaki K, Komatsu H, Soejima K, Naoki K, Kawada I, Yasuda H, Hamamoto Y. Targeted Therapy-induced Facial Skin Toxicities: Impact on Quality of Life in Cancer Patients. Asia Pac J Oncol Nurs.. 2018; 5 (2): 172-177. ( PubMed, DOI )

  43. Matsuda T, Takeuchi H, Sakurai T, Mayanagi S, Booka E, Fujita T, Higuchi H, Taguchi J, Hamamoto Y, Takaishi H, Kawakubo H, Okamoto M, Sunamura M, Kawakami Y, Kitagawa Y. Pilot study of WT1 peptide-pulsed dendritic cell vaccination with docetaxel in esophageal cancer. Oncol Lett.. 2018; 16 (1): 1348-1356. ( PubMed, DOI )

  44. Jun Hashimoto, Ken Kato, Yoshinori Ito, Takashi Kojima, Tetsuo Akimoto, Hiroyuki Daiko, Yasuo Hamamoto, Hisayuki Matsushita, Susumu Katano, Hiroki Hara, Yoichi Tanaka, Yoshihiro Saito, Kengo Nagashima, Hiroyasu Igaki. Phase II feasibility study of preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy with cisplatin plus 5-fluorouracil and elective lymph node irradiation for clinical stage II/III esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Clin Oncol.. 2018;

  45. Yasuo Hamamoto. Need for prospective collection of experience and repeated samples in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2018;

  46. Yasuo Hamamoto. Management of challenging immune-related gastrointestinal adverse events associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Future Oncol.. 2018;

  47. Kato H, Ono H, Hamamoto Y, Ishikawa H. Interaction between Medical Treatment and Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatment for the Malignancies of the Digestive Tract. Digestion. 2018;

  48. Nivolumab in patients with advanced gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer refractory to, or intolerant of, at least two previous chemotherapy regimens (ONO-4538-12, ATTRACTION-2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial 2017.12; 390 (10111): 2461-2471. ( PubMed, DOI )

  49. Curative resectability of gastrointestinal cancer identified from iron deficiency anemia 2017.10; 14 (4): 4301-4304. ( DOI )

  50. Safety and efficacy of gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel therapy in elderly patients with advanced pancreatic cancer 2017.10; 28

  51. Hamamoto Yasuo, Nojima Masanori, Aoki Yu, Suzuki Takeshi, Kawasaki Kenta, Hirata Kenro, Sukawa Yasutaka, Kasuga Akira, Kawakubo Hirofumi, Takeuchi Hiroya, Murakami Koji, Takaishi Hiromasa, Kanai Takanori, Kitagawa Yuko. 局所進行食道扁平上皮癌に対する臨床診断の評価者間不均一性(Inter-evaluator heterogeneity of clinical diagnosis for locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma) Esophagus. 2017.10; 14 (4): 324-332. ( ichushi )

  52. Benefit of rebiopsy for deciding treatment strategy in rectal cancer: A case report 2017.09; 14 (3): 3697-3700. ( DOI )

  53. Updated results from GEST study: a randomized, three-arm phase III study for advanced pancreatic cancer 2017.06; 143 (6): 1053-1059. ( DOI )

  54. A systemic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the efficacy and postprogression survival of second-line chemotherapy for gemcitabine-refractory pancreatic cancer. 2017.05; 35 ( DOI )

  55. ABSOLUTE: A phase 3 trial of nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel (nab-PTX) versus solvent-based paclitaxel (sb-PTX) in patients with pre-treated advanced gastric cancer (AGC)-Efficacy and QOL results. 2017.05; 35 ( DOI )

  56. Nivolumab treatment for oesophageal squamous-cell carcinoma: an open-label, multicentre, phase 2 trial 2017.05; 18 (5): 631-639. ( DOI )

  57. Yasuo Hamamoto. Inter-evaluator Heterogeneity of Clinical Diagnosis for Locally Advanced Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Esophagus. 2017.03; 14 (4): 1-9. ( PubMed, DOI )

  58. Positive relationship between subsequent chemotherapy and overall survival in pancreatic cancer: meta-analysis of postprogression survival for first-line chemotherapy 2017.03; 79 (3): 595-602. ( DOI )

  59. Yokota T, Yasuda T, Kato H, Nozaki I, Sato H, Miyata Y, Kuroki Y, Kato K, Hamamoto Y, Tsubosa Y, Ogawa H, Ito Y, Kitagawa Y. Concordance of clinical diagnosis of T classification among physicians for locally advanced unresectable thoracic esophageal cancer. Int J Clin Oncol.. 2017;

  60. Akira Sawaki, Yasuhide, YamadaKensei YamaguchiTomohiro NishinaToshihiko DoiTaroh, SatohKeisho ChinNarikazu BokuYasushi OmuroYoshito KomatsuYasuo HamamotoWasaburo KoizumiShigehira SajiManish A. ShahEric Van Cutsem, Yoon-Koo Kang, Junko Iwasaki, Hiroshi Kuriki, Wataru Ohtsuka, Atsushi Ohtsu. Regional differences in advanced gastric cancer: exploratory analyses of the AVAGAST placebo arm Gastric Cancer. 2017;

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Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display

  1. 松本 繁巳, 門脇 重憲, 町田 望, 仁科 智裕, 砂川 優, 前北 隆雄, 西岡 真理子, 後藤 知之, 浜本 康夫, 安井 久晃, 川邉 里紗, 岡田 昌史, 武藤 学, 室 圭. Cyber Oncologyを活用した進行胃癌治療のreal-world data構築のための実行可能性研究. 日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 2023.10.01

  2. 對馬 隆浩, 松田 諭, 川久保 博文, 山本 駿, 竹内 裕也, 細川 歩, 門脇 重憲, 渡辺 晃識, 吉井 貴子, 尾形 高士, 陳 勁松, 小谷 大輔, 平田 賢郎, 浜本 康夫, 北川 雄光. 切除可能食道扁平上皮癌に対する術前FLOT療法の第II相試験 初期安全性評価の報告. 日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 2023.10.01

  3. 津軽 開, 筋野 智久, 三田 真史, 笹部 潤平, 宮本 健太郎, 原田 洋輔, 鈴木 祥平, 千田 彰彦, 平田 賢郎, 須河 恭敬, 川久保 博文, 加藤 元彦, 浜本 康夫, 金井 隆典. 共生細菌とがん免疫応答 胃癌患者における腸内細菌由来代謝物Dアミノ酸の意義(Commensal bacteria and tumor immunity Significance of novel microbial metabolites, d-amino acids, in gastric cancer patients). 日本癌学会総会記事 2023.09.01

  4. 千田 彰彦, 浜本 康夫, 岸本 翔太郎, 清水 智子, 堀江 沙良, 斎藤 優樹, 下嵜 啓太郎, 津軽 開, 戸ヶ崎 和博, 平田 賢郎, 林 秀幸, 金井 隆典. オンライン診療を用いた緩和ケアの有用性に関する検討. 日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 2022.10.01

  5. Abe Kodai, Abe Yuta, Tanaka Masayuki, Hamamoto Yasuo, Kitago Minoru, Yagi Hiroshi, Hasegawa Yasushi, Hori Shutaro, Nakano Yutaka, Kitagawa Yuko. GISTの肝転移に対する肝切除の役割(The role of hepatic resection for liver metastasis from GIST). 日本肝胆膵外科学会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 2021.06.01

  6. Irino Tomoyuki, Sano Junichi, Matsuda Satoru, Fukuda Kazumasa, Nakamura Rieko, Wada Norihito, Kawakubo Hirofumi, Hirata Kenro, Hamamoto Yasuo, Hirata Yuki, Egawa Tomohisa, Kitagawa Yuko. Conversion Therapy 成績と今後の治療戦略 初期切除不能胃癌に対するconversion surgery 手術の影響(Conversion Therapy-Current outcome and perspecitve Strategies Conversion surgery for initially-unresectable gastric cancer: the impact of surgery). 日本胃癌学会総会記事 2021.03.01

  7. 松田 諭, 川久保 博文, 岡村 明彦, 高橋 慶太, 問端 輔, 竹村 亮, 眞柳 修平, 平田 賢郎, 入野 誠之, 浜本 康夫, 竹内 裕也, 渡邊 雅之, 北川 雄光. 切除可能食道癌に対する術前化学療法の奏効と再発形式の検討 手術回避戦略の可能性. 日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 2020.10.01

  8. Kayashima Atsuto, Sujino Tomohisa, Shimozaki Keitaro, Mutaguchi Makoto, Hirata Kenro, Sukawa Yasutaka, Takabayashi Kaoru, Hayashi Yuichiro, Hamamoto Yasuo, Hosoe Naoki, Naganuma Makoto, Ogata Haruhiko, Kanai Takanori. ニボルマブ開始後に増悪し特異な内視鏡的所見を呈した潰瘍性結腸炎の1症例(A case of ulcerative colitis exacerbated after starting nivolumab and followed a unique endoscopic feature). Gastroenterological Endoscopy 2020.08.01

  9. 高橋 雅信, 加藤 健, 岡田 守人, 陳 勁松, 門脇 重憲, 浜本 康夫, 土岐 祐一郎, 久保田 祐太郎, 川上 尚人, 尾形 高士, 原 浩樹, 武藤 学, 中島 雄一郎, 北川 雄光. 新規臨床試験最新情報 食道がんに対するニボルマブの開発状況について. 日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 2019.10.01

  10. 浜本 康夫. Systemic Chemotherapy for metastatic pancreatic cancer. European Cancer Congress, Amsterdam 2017 2017.01.01

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