

栗田 武(クリタ タケシ)








出身学校 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 早稲田大学  1989年03月  卒業

出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 早稲田大学  物理学および応用物理学専攻  博士課程  1994年03月  修了

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 理学博士  早稲田大学

  • 理学修士  早稲田大学

経歴(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2023年09月
    東京医科歯科大学 統合教育機構 教養教育部門 教授

経歴(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2014年04月
    オハイオ州立大学 がん生物学および遺伝学部 准教授
  • 2007年04月
    ノースウエスタン大学 医学部産婦人科 准教授
  • 2004年10月
    ブリティシュコロンビアがん研究所 研究員
  • 2001年04月
    カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校 解剖学教室 解剖学助手

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 発生生物学

  • 腫瘍生物学

  • 産婦人科学


論文・総説 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Jone Marita Kvam, Maja Lind Nybo, Lola Torz, Riia Karolina Sustarsic, Kristian Høj Reveles Jensen, John Erik Nielsen, Hanne Frederiksen, Sarina Gadgaard, Katja Spiess, Steen Seier Poulsen, Jesper Skovhus Thomsen, Pamela Cowin, Martin Blomberg Jensen, Takeshi Kurita, Mette Marie Rosenkilde. High incidence of imperforate vagina in ADGRA3-deficient mice. BMC Biol. 2024.04; 22 (1): 77. ( PubMed, DOI )

  2. Wormsbaecher C, Cumbia BM, Amurgis EG, Poska JM, Price MR, Mo XM, Knoblaugh SE, Kurita T, Burd CJ. Mammary gland development and EDC-driven cancer susceptibility in mesenchymal ERα knockout mice. Endocrine-related cancer. 2023.10; ( PubMed, DOI )

  3. Luan Yi, Zhang Yaqi, Yu Seok-Yeong, You Mikyoung, Xu Pauline C., Chung Soonkyu, Kurita Takeshi, Zhu Jie, Kim So-Youn. Development of ovarian tumour causes significant loss of muscle and adipose tissue: a novel mouse model for cancer cachexia study JOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE. 2022.04; 13 (2): 1289-1301. ( PubMed, DOI )

  4. Terakawa Jumpei, Serna Vanida A., Nair Devi M., Sato Shigeru, Kawakami Kiyoshi, Radovick Sally, Maire Pascal, Kurita Takeshi. SIX1 cooperates with RUNX1 and SMAD4 in cell fate commitment of Mullerian duct epithelium CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION. 2020.12; 27 (12): 3307-3320. ( PubMed, DOI )

  5. Bottinger Paula, Schreiber Karin, Hyjek Elizabeth, Krausz Thomas, Spiotto Michael T., Steiner Madeline, Idel Christian, Booras Heather, Beck-Engeser Gabriele, Riederer Jessie, Willimsky Gerald, Wolf Steven P., Karrison Theodore, Jensen Elizabeth, Weichselbaum Ralph R., Nakamura Yusuke, Yew Poh Yin, Lambert Paul F., Kurita Takeshi, Kiyotani Kazuma, Leisegang Matthias, Schreiber Hans. Cooperation of genes in HPV16 E6/E7-dependent cervicovaginal carcinogenesis trackable by endoscopy and independent of exogenous estrogens or carcinogens CARCINOGENESIS. 2020.11; 41 (11): 1605-1615. ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Endometrial Development and Its Fine Structure 2020.01; 4 (12): 224-229. ( DOI )

  7. Terakawa Jumpei, Serna Vanida Ann, Taketo Makoto Mark, Daikoku Takiko, Suarez Adrian A., Kurita Takeshi. Ovarian insufficiency and CTNNB1 mutations drive malignant transformation of endometrial hyperplasia with altered PTEN/PI3K activities PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2019.03; 116 (10): 4528-4537. ( PubMed, DOI )

  8. Lin Kaibo, Qiang Wenan, Zhu Mengyi, Ding Yan, Shi Qinghua, Chen Xia, Zsiros Emese, Wang Kun, Yang Xiaodi, Kurita Takeshi, Xu Eugene Yujun. Mammalian Pum1 and Pum2 Control Body Size via Translational Regulation of the Cell Cycle Inhibitor Cdkn1b CELL REPORTS. 2019.02; 26 (9): 2434-+. ( PubMed, DOI )

  9. Kim So-Youn, Nair Devi M., Romero Megan, Serna Vanida A., Koleske Anthony J., Woodruff Teresa K., Kurita Takeshi. Transient inhibition of p53 homologs protects ovarian function from two distinct apoptotic pathways triggered by anticancer therapies CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION. 2019.02; 26 (3): 502-515. ( PubMed, DOI )

  10. Serna Vanida A., Wu Xin, Qiang Wenan, Thomas Justin, Blumenfeld Michael L., Kurita Takeshi. Cellular kinetics of MED12-mutant uterine leiomyoma growth and regression in vivo ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER. 2018.07; 25 (7): 747-759. ( PubMed, DOI )

  11. Kim SY, Kurita T. New Insights into the Role of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Activity in the Physiology of Immature Oocytes: Lessons from Recent Mouse Model Studies. European Medical Journal. Reproductive health. 2018.06; 3 (2): 119-125. ( PubMed )

  12. Cunha Gerald R., Kurita Takeshi, Cao Mei, Shen Joel, Cooke Paul S., Robboy Stanley J., Baskin Laurence S.. Tissue interactions and estrogenic response during human female fetal reproductive tract development DIFFERENTIATION. 2018; 101 39-45. ( PubMed, DOI )

  13. Serna VA, Kurita T. Patient-derived xenograft model for uterine leiomyoma by sub-renal capsule grafting. Journal of biological methods. 2018; 5 (2): ( PubMed, DOI )

  14. Cunha Gerald R., Robboy Stanley J., Kurita Takeshi, Isaacson Dylan, Shen Joel, Cao Mei, Baskin Laurence S.. Development of the human female reproductive tract DIFFERENTIATION. 2018; 103 46-65. ( PubMed, DOI )

  15. Wu Xin, Serna Vanida A., Thomas Justin, Qiang Wenan, Blumenfeld Michael L., Kurita Takeshi. Subtype-Specific Tumor-Associated Fibroblasts Contribute to the Pathogenesis of Uterine Leiomyoma CANCER RESEARCH. 2017.12; 77 (24): 6891-6901. ( PubMed, DOI )

  16. Walker Christopher J., O'Hern Matthew J., Serna Vanida A., Kurita Takeshi, Miranda Mario A., Sapp Caroline E., Mutch David G., Cohn David E., Goodfellow Paul J.. Novel SOX17 frameshift mutations in endometrial cancer are functionally distinct from recurrent missense mutations ONCOTARGET. 2017.09; 8 (40): 68758-68768. ( PubMed, DOI )

  17. Cunha Gerald R., Kurita Takeshi, Cao Mei, Shen Joel, Robboy Stanley J., Baskin Laurence. Response of xenografts of developing human female reproductive tracts to the synthetic estrogen, diethylstilbestrol DIFFERENTIATION. 2017; 98 35-54. ( PubMed, DOI )

  18. Robboy Stanley J., Kurita Takeshi, Baskin Laurence, Cunha Gerald R.. New insights into human female reproductive tract development DIFFERENTIATION. 2017; 97 9-22. ( PubMed, DOI )

  19. Cunha Gerald R., Kurita Takeshi, Caoa Mei, Shen Joel, Robboy Stanley, Baskin Laurence. Molecular mechanisms of development of the human fetal female reproductive tract DIFFERENTIATION. 2017; 97 54-72. ( PubMed, DOI )

  20. Terakawa Jumpei, Rocchi Altea, Serna Vanida A., Bottinger Erwin P., Graff Jonathan M., Kurita Takeshi. FGFR2IIIb-MAPK Activity Is Required for Epithelial Cell Fate Decision in the Lower Mullerian Duct MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2016.07; 30 (7): 783-795. ( PubMed, DOI )

  21. Koohestani Faezeh, Qiang Wenan, MacNeill Amy L., Druschitz Stacy A., Serna Vanida A., Adur Malavika, Kurita Takeshi, Nowak Romana A.. Halofuginone suppresses growth of human uterine leiomyoma cells in a mouse xenograft model HUMAN REPRODUCTION. 2016.07; 31 (7): 1540-1551. ( PubMed, DOI )

  22. Kim So-Youn, Ebbert Katherine, Cordeiro Marilia H., Romero Megan M., Whelan Kelly A., Suarez Adrian A., Woodruff Teresa K., Kurita Takeshi. Constitutive Activation of PI3K in Oocyte Induces Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumors CANCER RESEARCH. 2016.07; 76 (13): 3851-3861. ( PubMed, DOI )

  23. Kim So-Youn, Ebbert Katherine, Cordeiro Marilia H., Romero Megan, Zhu Jie, Serna Vanida Ann, Whelan Kelly A., Woodruff Teresa K., Kurita Takeshi. Cell Autonomous Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Activation in Oocytes Disrupts Normal Ovarian Function Through Promoting Survival and Overgrowth of Ovarian Follicles ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2015.04; 156 (4): 1464-1476. ( PubMed, DOI )

  24. Bertsch Elizabeth, Qiang Wenan, Zhang Qing, Espona-Fiedler Margarita, Druschitz Stacy, Liu Yu, Mittal Khush, Kong Beihua, Kurita Takeshi, Wei Jian-Jun. MED12 and HMGA2 mutations: two independent genetic events in uterine leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma MODERN PATHOLOGY. 2014.08; 27 (8): 1144-1153. ( PubMed, DOI )

  25. Xu Xiaofei, Ayub Bushra, Liu Zhaojian, Serna Vanida Ann, Qiang Wenan, Liu Yugang, Hernando Eva, Zabludoff Sonya, Kurita Takeshi, Kong Beihua, Wei Jian-Jun. Anti-miR182 Reduces Ovarian Cancer Burden, Invasion, and Metastasis: An In Vivo Study in Orthotopic Xenografts of Nude Mice MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS. 2014.07; 13 (7): 1729-1739. ( PubMed, DOI )

  26. Kim So-Youn, Ebbert Katy, Cordeiro Marilia, Zhu Jie, Serna Vanida, Whelan Kelly A., Romero Megan, Kurita Takeshi, Woodruff Teresa K.. Cell Autonomous Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Activation in Oocytes Promotes Survival but Not Premature Loss of Primordial Follicles ENDOCRINE REVIEWS. 2014.06; 35 (3):

  27. Wang Guiwen, Ishikawa Hiroshi, Sone Kunizui, Kobayashi Tatsuya, Kim J. Julie, Kurita Takeshi, Shozu Makio. Nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient murine xenograft model for human uterine leiomyoma FERTILITY AND STERILITY. 2014.05; 101 (5): 1485-U75. ( PubMed, DOI )

  28. Qiang Wenan, Liu Zhaojian, Serna Vanida Ann, Druschitz Stacy Ann, Liu Yu, Espona-Fiedler Margarita, Wei Jian-Jun, Kurita Takeshi. Down-Regulation of miR-29b Is Essential for Pathogenesis of Uterine Leiomyoma ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2014.03; 155 (3): 663-669. ( PubMed, DOI )

  29. Bertsch E. C., Qiang W., Kurita T., Wei J.. MED12 and HMGA2: Two Independent Genetic Alterations in Uterine Leiomyoma MODERN PATHOLOGY. 2014.02; 27 276A.

  30. Bertsch E. C., Qiang W., Kurita T., Wei J.. MED12 and HMGA2: Two Independent Genetic Alterations in Uterine Leiomyoma LABORATORY INVESTIGATION. 2014.02; 94 276A.

  31. Sefton Elizabeth C., Qiang Wenan, Serna Vanida, Kurita Takeshi, Wei Jian-Jun, Chakravarti Debabrata, Kim J. Julie. MK-2206, an AKT Inhibitor, Promotes Caspase-Independent Cell Death and Inhibits Leiomyoma Growth ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2013.11; 154 (11): 4046-4057. ( PubMed, DOI )

  32. Ono Masanori, Yin Ping, Navarro Antonia, Moravek Molly B., Coon John S., Druschitz Stacy A., Serna Vanida Ann, Qiang Wenan, Brooks David C., Malpani Saurabh S., Ma Jiajia, Ercan Cihangir Mutlu, Mittal Navdha, Monsivais Diana, Dyson Matthew T., Yemelyanov Alex, Maruyama Tetsuo, Chakravarti Debabrata, Kim J. Julie, Kurita Takeshi, Gottardi Cara J., Bulun Serdar E.. Paracrine activation of WNT/beta-catenin pathway in uterine leiomyoma stem cells promotes tumor growth PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2013.10; 110 (42): 17053-17058. ( PubMed, DOI )

  33. Laronda Monica M., Unno Kenji, Ishi Kazutomo, Serna Vanida A., Butler Lindsey M., Mills Alea A., Orvis Grant D., Behringer Richard R., Deng Chuxia, Sinha Satrajit, Kurita Takeshi. Diethylstilbestrol induces vaginal adenosis by disrupting SMAD/RUNX1-mediated cell fate decision in the Mallerian duct epithelium DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 2013.09; 381 (1): 5-16. ( PubMed, DOI )

  34. Kim S-Y, Cordeiro M. H., Serna V. A., Ebbert K., Butler L. M., Sinha S., Mills A. A., Woodruff T. K., Kurita T.. Rescue of platinum-damaged oocytes from programmed cell death through inactivation of the p53 family signaling network CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION. 2013.08; 20 (8): 987-997. ( PubMed, DOI )

  35. Ono Masanori, Yin Ping, Navarro Antonia, Coon John S., Brooks David C., Malpani Saurabh, Ma Jiajia, Mittal Navdha, Qiang Wenan, Serna Vanida A., Druschitz Stacy A., Kurita Takeshi, Gottardi Cara J., Bulun Serdar E.. Wnt/beta-Catenin: Paracrine Signaling between Stem Cells and Main Population in Uterine Fibroid Cell Growth REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES. 2013.03; 20 (S3): 109A.

  36. Bertsch E., Xu X., Ayub B., Qiang W., Mittal K., Kurita T., Wei J-J. Mutation Analysis of MED12 in Benign and Malignant Uterine Smooth Muscle Tumors LABORATORY INVESTIGATION. 2013.02; 93 266A-267A.

  37. Kim J. Julie, Kurita Takeshi, Bulun Serdar E.. Progesterone Action in Endometrial Cancer, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids, and Breast Cancer ENDOCRINE REVIEWS. 2013.02; 34 (1): 130-162. ( PubMed, DOI )

  38. Laronda Monica M., Unno Kenji, Butler Lindsey M., Kurita Takeshi. The development of cervical and vaginal adenosis as a result of diethylstilbestrol exposure in utero DIFFERENTIATION. 2012.10; 84 (3): 252-260. ( PubMed, DOI )

  39. Ono Masanori, Qiang Wenan, Serna Vanida Ann, Yin Ping, Coon John S., Navarro Antonia, Monsivais Diana, Kakinuma Toshiyuki, Dyson Matthew, Druschitz Stacy, Unno Kenji, Kurita Takeshi, Bulun Serdar E.. Role of Stem Cells in Human Uterine Leiomyoma Growth PLOS ONE. 2012.05; 7 (5): e36935. ( PubMed, DOI )

  40. Ono Masanori, Qiang Wenan, Serna Vanida Ann, Coon John V., Navarro Antonia, Yin Ping, Kakinuma Toshiyuki, Druschitz Stacy, Unno Kenji, Kurita Takeshi, Bulun Serdar. Role of Stem Cells in Human Uterine Leiomyoma Growth. REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES. 2012.03; 19 (S3): 100A-101A.

  41. Romano Rose-Anne, Smalley Kirsten, Magraw Caitlin, Serna Vanida Ann, Kurita Takeshi, Raghavan Srikala, Sinha Satrajit. Delta Np63 knockout mice reveal its indispensable role as a master regulator of epithelial development and differentiation DEVELOPMENT. 2012.02; 139 (4): 772-782. ( DOI )

  42. Kurita Takeshi. Normal and abnormal epithelial differentiation in the female reproductive tract DIFFERENTIATION. 2011.10; 82 (3): 117-126. ( PubMed, DOI )

  43. Murashima Aki, Miyagawa Shinichi, Ogino Yukiko, Nishida-Fukuda Hisayo, Araki Kimi, Matsumoto Takahiro, Kaneko Takehito, Yoshinaga Kazuya, Yamamura Ken-ichi, Kurita Takeshi, Kato Shigeaki, Moon Anne, Yamada Gen. Essential roles of androgen signaling in Wolffian duct stabilization and epididymal cell differentiation DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 2011.08; 356 (1): 166. ( DOI )

  44. Koohestani Faezeh, Qiang Wenan, Kurita Takeshi, Nowak Romana. Involvement of the MAPK and SRC Signaling Pathways in the Inhibitory Effects of the Antifibrotic Drug Halofuginone on Leiomyoma Smooth Muscle Cells BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. 2011.07; 85

  45. Nakamura Hisae, Wang Yuwei, Kurita Takeshi, Adomat Hans, Cunha Gerald R., Wang Yuzhuo. Genistein Increases Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling and Promotes Tumor Progression in Advanced Human Prostate Cancer PLOS ONE. 2011.05; 6 (5): ( DOI )

  46. Murashima Aki, Miyagawa Shinichi, Ogino Yukiko, Nishida-Fukuda Hisayo, Araki Kimi, Matsumoto Takahiro, Kaneko Takehito, Yoshinaga Kazuya, Yamamura Ken-ichi, Kurita Takeshi, Kato Shigeaki, Moon Anne M., Yamada Gen. Essential Roles of Androgen Signaling in Wolffian Duct Stabilization and Epididymal Cell Differentiation ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2011.04; 152 (4): 1640-1651. ( DOI )

  47. Memarzadeh Sanaz, Zong Yang, Janzen Deanna M., Goldstein Andrew S., Cheng Donghui, Kurita Takeshi, Schafenacker Amanda M., Huang Jiaoti, Witte Owen N.. Cell-autonomous activation of the PI3-kinase pathway initiates endometrial cancer from adult uterine epithelium PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2010.10; 107 (40): 17298-17303. ( DOI )

  48. Ishikawa Hiroshi, Ishi Kazutomo, Serna Vanida Ann, Kakazu Rafael, Bulun Serdar E., Kurita Takeshi. Progesterone Is Essential for Maintenance and Growth of Uterine Leiomyoma ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2010.06; 151 (6): 2433-2442. ( PubMed, DOI )

  49. Memarzadeh S., Zong Y., Janzen D., Goldstein A., Cheng D., Kurita T., Huang J., Witte O.. In vivo regeneration of endometrial cells: A powerful model for studying cancer and identifying stem cells GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY. 2010.03; 116 (3): S10.

  50. Ishikawa Hiroshi, Ishi Kazutomo, Shozu Makio, Bulun Serdar E., Kurita Takeshi. Progesterone is a key player for the growth maintenance of uterine leiomyoma ENDOCRINE JOURNAL. 2010.03; 57 S593-S594.

  51. Bulun SE, Cheng YH, Pavone ME, Yin P, Imir G, Utsunomiya H, Thung S, Xue Q, Marsh EE, Tokunaga H, Ishikawa H, Kurita T, Su EJ. 17Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-2 deficiency and progesterone resistance in endometriosis. Seminars in reproductive medicine. 2010.01; 28 (1): 44-50. ( PubMed, DOI )

  52. Kurita Takeshi. Developmental origin of vaginal epithelium DIFFERENTIATION. 2010; 80 (2-3): 99-105. ( PubMed, DOI )

  53. Memarzadeh Sanaz, Zong Yang, Janzen Deanna, Goldstein Andrew S., Kurita Takeshi, Witte Owen N.. Establishment of an In Vivo Mouse Model for Endometrial Regeneration from Dissociated Populations of Endometrial Stroma and Epithelium JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH. 2009.10; 18 (10): 1490.

  54. Suzuki Kentaro, Haraguchi Ryuma, Ogata Tsutomu, Barbieri Ottavia, Alegria Olinda, Vieux-Rochas Maxence, Nakagata Naomi, Ito Masataka, Mills Alea A., Kurita Takeshi, Levi Giovanni, Yamada Gen. Abnormal urethra formation in mouse models of Split-hand/split-foot malformation type 1 and type 4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 2008.01; 16 (1): 36-44. ( DOI )

  55. Noorali Samina, Kurita Takeshi, Woolcock Bruce, de Algara Teresa Ruiz, Lo Maisie, Paralkar Vishwas, Hoodless Pamela, Vielkind Juergen. Dynamics of expression of growth differentiation factor 15 in normal and PIN development in the mouse DIFFERENTIATION. 2007.04; 75 (4): 325-336. ( PubMed, DOI )

  56. Doxsee Daniel W., Gout Peter W., Kurita Takeshi, Lo Maisie, Buckley Arthur R., Wang Yuwei, Xue Hui, Karp Cristina M., Cutz Jean-Claude, Cunha Gerald R., Wang Yu-Zhuo. Sulfasalazine-induced cystine starvation: Potential use for prostate cancer therapy PROSTATE. 2007.02; 67 (2): 162-171. ( PubMed, DOI )

  57. Watahiki Akira, Wang Yuwei, Xue Hui, Kurita Takeshi, Sutcliffe Margaret, Owen D. Avid, Gout Peter, Wang Yuzhuo. Establishment and characterization of a novel pancreatic cancer tissue xenograft model. CANCER RESEARCH. 2006.04; 66 (8):

  58. Kurita T, Cunha GR, Robboy SJ, Mills AA, Medina RT. Differential expression of p63 isoforms in female reproductive organs MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT. 2005.09; 122 (9): 1043-1055. ( PubMed, DOI )

  59. Kurita T, Medina R, Schabel AB, Young P, Gama P, Parekh TV, Brody J, Cunha GR, Osteen KG, Bruner-Tran KL, Gold LI. The activation function-1 domain of estrogen receptor alpha in uterine stromal cells is required for mouse but not human uterine epithelial response to estrogen DIFFERENTIATION. 2005.07; 73 (6): 313-322.

  60. Cunha G. R., Kurita T.. Role of basal cells in the prostate INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2005.06; 28 20.

  61. Ricke WA, Wang Y, Kurita T, Hayward SW, Cunha GR. Hormonal and stromal regulation of normal and neoplastic prostatic growth. Progress in molecular and subcellular biology. 2005; 40 183-216. ( PubMed, DOI )

  62. Cunha GR, Cooke PS, Kurita T. Role of stromal-epithelial interactions in hormonal responses ARCHIVES OF HISTOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY. 2004.12; 67 (5): 417-434.

  63. Cunha GR, Ricke W, Thomson A, Marker PC, Risbridger G, Hayward SW, Wang YZ, Donjacour AA, Kurita T. Hormonal, cellular, and molecular regulation of normal and neoplastic prostatic development JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2004.11; 92 (4): 221-236. ( PubMed, DOI )

  64. Kurita T, Medina RT, Mills AA, Cunha GR. Role of p63 and basal cells in the prostate DEVELOPMENT. 2004.10; 131 (20): 4955-4964. ( PubMed, DOI )

  65. Kurita T, Mills AA, Cunha GR. Roles of p63 in the diethylstilbestrol-induced cervicovaginal adenosis DEVELOPMENT. 2004.04; 131 (7): 1639-1649. ( PubMed, DOI )

  66. Sato T, Wang GM, Hardy MP, Kurita T, Cunha GR, Cooke PS. Role of systemic and local IGF-I in the effects of estrogen on growth and epithelial proliferation of mouse uterus ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2002.07; 143 (7): 2673-2679.

  67. Kurita T, Cooke PS, Cunha GR. Epithelial-stromal tissue interaction in paramesonephric (Mullerian) epithelial differentiation DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 2001.12; 240 (1): 194-211. ( PubMed, DOI )

  68. Kurita T, Cunha GR. Roles of p63 in differentiation of Müllerian duct epithelial cells. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2001.12; 948 9-12. ( PubMed, DOI )

  69. Risbridger G, Wang H, Young P, Kurita T, Wang YZ, Lubahn D, Gustafsson JA, Cunha G. Evidence that epithelial and mesenchymal estrogen receptor-alpha mediate effects of estrogen on prostatic epithelium (vol 229, pg 432, 2001) DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 2001.03; 231 (1): 289. ( DOI )

  70. Kurita T, Wang YZ, Donjacour AA, Zhao C, Lydon JP, O'Malley BW, Isaacs JT, Dahiya R, Cunha GR. Paracrine regulation of apoptosis by steroid hormones in the male and female reproductive system CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION. 2001.02; 8 (2): 192-200.

  71. Risbridger G, Wang H, Young P, Kurita T, Wong YZ, Lubahn D, Gustafsson JA, Cunha G. Evidence that epithelial and mesenchymal estrogen receptor-alpha mediates effects of estrogen on prostatic epithelium DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY. 2001.01; 229 (2): 432-442. ( DOI )

  72. Kurita T, Lee KJ, Saunders PTK, Cooke PS, Taylor JA, Lubahn DB, Zhao C, Makela S, Gustafsson JA, Dahiya R, Cunha GR. Regulation of progesterone receptors and decidualization in uterine stroma of the estrogen receptor-alpha knockout mouse BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. 2001.01; 64 (1): 272-283.

  73. Kurita T, Cunha GR. Roles of p63 in differentiation of Mullerian duct epithelial cells ENVIRONMENTAL HORMONES: THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF ENDOCRINE DISRUPTION. 2001; 948 9-12.

  74. Kurita T, Lee K, Cooke PS, Lydon JP, Cunha GR. Paracrine regulation of epithelial progesterone receptor and lactoferrin by progesterone in the mouse uterus BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. 2000.04; 62 (4): 831-838.

  75. Kurita T, Lee K, Cooke PS, Taylor JA, Lubahn DB, Cunha GR. Paracrine regulation of epithelial progesterone receptor by estradiol in the mouse female reproductive tract BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. 2000.04; 62 (4): 821-830.

  76. Buchanan DL, Setiawan T, Lubahn DB, Taylor JA, Kurita T, Cunha GR, Cooke PS. Tissue compartment-specific estrogen receptor-alpha participation in the mouse uterine epithelial secretory response ENDOCRINOLOGY. 1999.01; 140 (1): 484-491.

  77. Kurita T, Lee KJ, Zhao C, Cooke PS, Taylor JA, Lubahn DB, Cunha GR. Estrogen induces progesterone receptors in uterine stroma of estrogen receptor alpha knockout mouse. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 1998.11; 9 238A.

  78. Kurita T, Young P, Brody JR, Lydon JP, O'Malley BW, Cunha GR. Stromal progesterone receptors mediate the inhibitory effects of progesterone on estrogen-induced uterine epithelial cell deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis ENDOCRINOLOGY. 1998.11; 139 (11): 4708-4713.

  79. Buckanan DL, Kurita T, Taylor JA, Lubahn DB, Cunha GR, Cooke PS. Role of stromal and epithelial estrogen receptors in vaginal epithelial proliferation, stratification, and cornification ENDOCRINOLOGY. 1998.10; 139 (10): 4345-4352.



  82. Kurita T, Lee KJ, Cooke PS, Taylor JA, Lubahn DB, Cunha G. Paracrine regulation of epithelial progesterone receptor by estradiol in the mouse reproductive tract (vol 62, pg 821, 2000) BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. 2000.07; 63 (1): 354.


書籍等出版物 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Takeshi Kurita, Jumpei Terakawa. Endometrial Gene Expression: An Emerging Paradigm for Reproductive Disorders. Springer Nature, 2019.11 Endometrial Development and Its Fine Structure (ISBN : 978-3-030-28583-8)

  2. Takeshi Kurita. Encyclopedia of Reproduction 2nd Edition. Elsevier, 2018 Cervix: Cell Biology (ISBN : 978-0-12-815145-7)

  3. 3. Robboy S, Cunha GR, Kurita T, and Strickland KC. Histology for Pathologists. Wolters Kluwer, 2018 Vagina (ISBN : 978-1-49-639894-9)

  4. Takeshi Kurita, Hisae Nakamura. The Endometrium, Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Perspectives, Second Edition. Harwood Academic Publishers, 2008 Embryology of the uterus (ISBN : 978-0-4291-6371-5)

  5. Cooke PS, Buchanan DL, Kurita T, Lubahn DL, and Cunha G. The Endometrium. Harwood Academic Publishers, 2001 Role of stromal-epithelial interactions in hormonal responses of the uterus

  6. Cunha GR, Kurita T, Miller C, Sassoon D, Cooke PS, and Lubahn DB . The Endometrium. Harwood Academic Publishers, 2001 The Embryology of the uterus

  7. Cunha GR, Kurita T, Cooke PS, and Lubahn DB. Cloned animal and Placentation. 養賢堂, 1999 Paracrine circuitry in hormonal regulation of female genital tract epithelia

  8. Cunha GR, Hayward SW, Hom YK, Donjacour AA, Kurita T, Cooke PS, and Lubahn DB. Hormones and growth factors in development and neoplasia. 1998 Growth factors as mediators of stromal-epithelial interactions in steroid hormone target organs

  9. Contemporary Endocrinology, 9. Endocrinology of Pregnancy. Humana Press , 1998 Stromal-epithelial cell communication in the female reproductive tract
