Personnel Information



Job title

Graduate Student

Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Faculty of Dentistry, 2019.03, Graduated

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2019.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Central Clinical Facilities, Center for Advanced Dental Clinical Education, Trainee Resident
  • 2020.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Health Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, -, Student
  • 2021.02
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Health Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Orofacial Pain Management, Student
  • 2021.04
    Institute of Science Tokyo, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Orofacial Pain Management, Dental Resident
  • 2024.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Orofacial Pain Management, Graduate Student
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Orofacial Pain Management, Graduate Student

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Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. Takaya Ito, Ryo Wakita, Yukiko Ichihashi, Chihiro Kutsumizu, Chihiro Suzuki, Naomi Shimada, Shigeru Maeda. Three Cases of Patient Laryngeal Edema Postradiation Therapy ANESTHESIA PROGRESS. 2024.03; ( DOI )

  2. 顎関節人工関節全置換術の全身麻酔経験 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌. 2022.04; 50 (2): 82-84. ( DOI )

  3. Yu Sato, Tomoka Matsumura, Yushi Abe, Chihiro Kutsumizu, Shigeru Maeda. Coronary Spasm During Postoperative Sedation with Dexmedetomidine Anesthesia Progress . 2021.12; 69 (3): 20-24. ( DOI )