

平石 典子(ヒライシ ノリコ)







歯科保存修復学, 接着歯学、生体親和性歯科材料、食物化学療法、フラボノイド、唾液分析、歯質再石灰化

出身学校 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 東京医科歯科大学  歯科部  2000年03月  卒業

  • 香港大学  歯学部   Postgraduate Diploma, Family Dentistry  2007年08月

  • 早稲田大学  理工学部  数学科  1989年03月  卒業

出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 東京医科歯科大学  博士課程  2004年03月  修了

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 博士号(歯学)  東京医科歯科大学

  • 学士号(歯学)  

  • 学士号(数学)  早稲田大学

  • 家庭歯科医学専科  香港大学

経歴(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2023年06月
    東京科学大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 研究教授
  • 2023年06月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 う蝕制御学 講師
  • 2019年01月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 う蝕制御学 講師
  • 2016年01月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 う蝕制御学 特別研究員(学振)
  • 2015年03月
    東京医科歯科大学 東京医科歯科大学国際交流センター 特任助教
  • 2009年09月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 う蝕制御学 特任助教
  • 2024年10月
    東京科学大学 教育研究組織 大学院 医歯学専攻・口腔機能再構築学講座 う蝕制御学分野 講師


経歴(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2004年09月
    香港大学 歯学部 リサーチ・アシスタント
  • 2007年09月
    香港大学 歯学部 非常勤講師
  • 2010年09月
    香港大学歯学部 Honorary Associate Professor
  • 2016年01月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 日本学術振興会特別研究員
  • 2024年01月
    ロンドン大学クイーン・メアリー Centre for Oral Bioengineering Honorary Professor

委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2024年04月
    第89回 口腔病学会学術大会 幹事

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 保存治療系歯学

資格、免許 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 歯科医師

  • 歯科医師


競争的資金等の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 固体核磁気共鳴法による、フッ化物含有生体活性ガラスの歯質欠損修復機能の解析

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2020年 - 2024年

  • 還元型グルタチオンの歯髄保護効果:歯科保存修復への応用

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2016年 - 2018年

  • 天然フラボノイドの歯科修復学への応用、う蝕予防と革新的歯質接着材開発を目指して

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2015年 - 2018年

  • STD-NMR法による接着性モノマーとコラーゲンとの相互作用の分子レベル解析

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2013年 - 2016年

  • STD-NMR法による接着性モノマーとコラーゲンとの相互作用の分子レベル解析

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2013年 - 2015年

  • クロルヘキシジン含有・歯科接着剤の抗菌性、接着耐久性の研究

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2010年 - 2012年

  • 固体NMR測定によるフッ化物効果解析、う蝕予防方法確立へのエビデンス提供


  • エビデンスに基づく根面う蝕に対するSDP法の確立


  • 機能性ガラスフィラー添加3Dプリンター用UDMA系光重合樹脂の機械的・物理的特性の向上



論文・総説 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Nader Elseoudy, Kittisak Sanon, Noriko Hiraishi, Yukihiko Tamura, Junji Tagami, Yasushi Shimada. MMP inhibition, marginal integrity and cytotoxicity of zinc-releasing GIC. J Dent. 2024.12; 151 105450. ( PubMed, DOI )

  2. Tadamu Gondo, Noriko Hiraishi, Azusa Takeuchi, David Moyes, Yasushi Shimada. Comparative analysis of microbiome in coronal and root caries. BMC Oral Health. 2024.07; 24 (1): 869. ( PubMed, DOI )

  3. Kei Ushijima, Noriko Hiraishi, Masaomi Ikeda, Yukiko Tsuji, Yumi Tsuchida, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of water glass treatment for zirconia and silane coupling on bond strength of resin cement. Clin Oral Investig. 2024.05; 28 (6): 305. ( PubMed, DOI )

  4. Panchanit Ubolsa-Ard, Kittisak Sanon, Noriko Hiraishi, Mahmoud Sayed, Yuriko Sakamaki, Cynthia Kar Yung Yiu, Yasushi Shimada. Influence of surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) filler eluate on collagen morphology, remineralization, and ultimate tensile strength of demineralized dentin. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2024.02; 150 106295. ( PubMed, DOI )

  5. Noriko Hiraishi, Tadamu Gondo, Yasushi Shimada, Fumiaki Hayashi. Effect of borate, fluoride and strontium ions on biomimetic nucleation of calcium phosphate studied using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction. Dent Mater. 2024.02; 40 (2): 210-218. ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Takaaki Sato, Tomoko Tabata, Koudai Akabane, Mengtian Zhao, Abu Hasan Mohammad Khaled, Noriko Hiraishi, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami, Yasushi Shimada. Noninvasive diagnostic method using optical coherence tomography detected a vulnerable dentin enamel junction created by phosphoric acid etching. Dental Materials Journal. 2023.08; 42 (4): 552-558. ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Mika Shimojima, Noriko Hiraishi, Kodai Akabane, Mohannad Nassar, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of an In-Office Bleaching Agent with Surface Pre-Reacted Glass-Ionomer Filler on the Enamel Surface: A In-Vitro Study. J Funct Biomater. 2023.07; 14 (7): 386. ( PubMed, DOI )

  8. Kodai Akabane, Noriko Hiraishi, Mika Shimojima, Mohannad Nassar, Feng Qi, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada. The bleaching effect of office bleaching agents containing S-PRG filler evaluated by pH value and electron spin resonance. Clin Oral Investig. 2023.07; 27 (7): 4051-4059. ( PubMed, DOI )

  9. SoeKayThwe ThanNaing, Noriko Hiraishi, Xuefei Chen, Richard Foxton, Yasushi Shimada. In vitro remineralization assessment of enamel subsurface lesions using different percentages of surface reaction-type pre-reacted glass-ionomer containing gum-based material. Journal of dentistry. 2023.06; 104602. ( PubMed, DOI )

  10. Satoshi Akiya, Kento Sato, Kouta Kibe, Antonin Tichy, Noriko Hiraishi, Taweesak Prasansuttiporn, Keiichi Hosaka, Richard M Foxton, Yasushi Shimada, Masatoshi Nakajima. Polymerization shrinkage of light-cured conventional and bulk-fill composites -The effect of cavity depth and post-curing. Dent Mater J. 2023.05; 42 (3): 426-432. ( PubMed, DOI )

  11. Diantong Wei, Ayako Nakamoto, Noriko Hiraishi, Akira Nakane, Gabriel Abuna, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of Er: YAG laser irradiation with additional low energy on resin-dentin bonding and morphology of bonded interface. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2023.04; 140 105692. ( PubMed, DOI )

  12. Noriko Hiraishi, Mahmoud Sayed, Motoi Takahashi, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami. Clinical and primary evidence of silver diamine fluoride on root caries management. Jpn Dent Sci Rev. 2022.11; 58 1-8. ( PubMed, DOI )

  13. Noriko Hiraishi, Tadamu Gondo, Yasushi Shimada, Robert Hill, Fumiaki Hayashi. Crystallographic and Physicochemical Analysis of Bovine and Human Teeth Using X-ray Diffraction and Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. J Funct Biomater. 2022.11; 13 (4): 254. ( PubMed, DOI )

  14. Syed Ali Murtuza, Khairul Matin, Noriko Hiraishi, Yasushi Shimada. Optimal Surface Pre-Reacted Glass Filler Ratio in a Dental Varnish Effective for Inhibition of Biofilm-Induced Root Dentin Demineralization. Polymers (Basel). 2022.11; 14 (22): ( PubMed, DOI )

  15. Yuko Ogawa, Mahmoud Sayed, Noriko Hiraishi, Nadin Al-Haj Husain, Junji Tagami, Mutlu Özcan, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of Surface Pre-Reacted Glass Ionomer Containing Dental Sealant on the Inhibition of Enamel Demineralization. J Funct Biomater. 2022.10; 13 (4): 189. ( PubMed, DOI )

  16. Hayata Imamura, Wenliang Zhu, Tetsuya Adachi, Noriko Hiraishi, Elia Marin, Nao Miyamoto, Toshiro Yamamoto, Narisato Kanamura, Giuseppe Pezzotti. Raman Analyses of Laser Irradiation-Induced Microstructural Variations in Synthetic Hydroxyapatite and Human Teeth. J Funct Biomater. 2022.10; 13 (4): 200. ( PubMed, DOI )

  17. Yasushi Shimada, Takaaki Sato, Go Inoue, Hisaichi Nakagawa, Tomoko Tabata, Yuan Zhou, Noriko Hiraishi, Tadamu Gondo, Syunsuke Takano, Kei Ushijima, Hirotoshi Iwabuchi, Yukiko Tsuji, Sadr Alireza, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami . Evaluation of Incipient Enamel Caries at Smooth Tooth Surfaces Using SS-OCT Materials. 2022.08; 15 (17): 5947.

  18. Noriko Hiraishi, Mahmoud Sayed, Robert Hill, Ysushi Shimada. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy measurement of fluoride reaction by bovine enamel and dentin treated with silver diammine fluoride. Dent Mater. 2022.05; 38 (5): 769-777. ( PubMed, DOI )

  19. SoeKayThwe ThanNaing, Ahmed Abdou, Mahmoud Sayed, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami, Noriko Hiraishi. Dentin anti-demineralization potential of surface reaction-type pre-reacted glass-ionomer filler containing self-adhesive resin cement. Clin Oral Investig. 2022.02; 26 (2): 1333-1342. ( PubMed, DOI )

  20. ANDO Ryuta, SATO Takaaki, MATSUI Naoko, IKEDA Masaomi, HIRAISHI Noriko, TAKAGAKI Tomohiro, NIKAIDO Toru, TAGAMI Junji, and SHIMADA Yasushi. Effects of Universal Adhesives on Dentin Adhesive Performance and Acid-base Resistance OPERATIVE DENTISTRY, ENDODONTOLOGY AND PERIODONTOLOGY. 2021.12; 1 (1): 88-96.

  21. Nassar,M, Islam S, Aryal S, Mostafa H, Sauro S, Hiraishi N. Resin-Based Cement Applied to Enamel and Dentin Pre-Treated with Phytic Acid: An In Vitro Study Appl. Sci. 2021.12; 11 (24): 11976. ( DOI )

  22. Noriko Hiraishi, Mahmoud Sayed, Robert Hill, Junji Tagami, Fumiaki Hayashi. Interactions of boron released from surface pre-reacted glass ionomer with enamel/dentin and its effect on pH. Sci Rep. 2021.08; 11 (1): 15734. ( PubMed, DOI )

  23. Motoi Takahashi, Khairul Matin, Naoko Matsui, Miyuki Shimizu, Yuka Tsuda, Shigeki Uchinuma, Noriko Hiraishi, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami. Effects of silver diamine fluoride preparations on biofilm formation of Streptococcus mutans. Dent Mater J. 2021.07; 40 (4): 911-917. ( PubMed, DOI )

  24. Chamari L Wijetunga, Masayuki Otsuki, Noriko Hiraishi, Minh N Luong, Junji Tagami. Effect of pH of bleaching agent on tooth bleaching action in vitro. Dent Mater J. 2021.05; 40 (3): 566-572. ( PubMed, DOI )

  25. Yuan Zhou, Noriko Hiraishi, Yasushi Shimada, Guoqing Wang, Junji Tagami, Xiping Feng. Evaluation of tooth demineralization and interfacial bacterial penetration around resin composites containing surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) filler. Dent Mater. 2021.05; 37 (5): 849-862. ( PubMed, DOI )

  26. Feng Qi, Masayuki Otsuki, Noriko Hiraishi, Takashi Hatayama, Chamari Lasindra Wijethunge, Junji Tagami. Effect of photo-thermal acceleration on in-office bleaching. Odontology. 2021.05; ( PubMed, DOI )

  27. Shiori Yamamoto, Mahmoud Sayed, Motoi Takahashi, Khairul Matin, Noriko Hiraishi, Toru Nikaido, Michael F Burrow, Junji Tagami. Effects of a surface prereacted glass-ionomer filler coating material on biofilm formation and inhibition of dentin demineralization. Clin Oral Investig. 2021.02; 25 (2): 683-690. ( PubMed, DOI )

  28. Gabriel Abuna, Paulo Campos, Noriko Hirashi, Marcelo Giannini, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami, Mario Alexandre Coelho Sinhoreti, Saulo Geraldeli. The ability of a nanobioglass-doped self-etching adhesive to re-mineralize and bond to artificially demineralized dentin. Dent Mater. 2021.01; 37 (1): 120-130. ( PubMed, DOI )

  29. Mayuri Nishimaki, Mohannad Nassar, Yukihiko Tamura, Noriko Hiraishi, Ahmad Dargham, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami. The effect of surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer filler eluate on dental pulp cells and mineral deposition on dentin: In vitro study. Eur J Oral Sci. 2021.01; 129 (3): e12777. ( PubMed, DOI )

  30. Nassar M, Nassar R, Maki H, Al-Yagoob A, Hachim AY, Senok A, Williams D, Hiraishi N. Phytic Acid: Properties and Potential Applications in Dentistry Frontiers in Materials. 2021; (8): 638909. ( DOI )

  31. Seunggun Kim, Mohannad Nassar, Yukihiko Tamura, Noriko Hiraishi, Ahmed Jamleh, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami. The effect of reduced glutathione on the toxicity of silver diamine fluoride in rat pulpal cells. J Appl Oral Sci. 2021; 29 e20200859. ( PubMed, DOI )

  32. Mohannad Nassar, Ahmad Dargham, Noriko Hiraishi, Yukihiko Tamura, Junji Tagami. In Vitro Mitigation of Arsenic-Induced Toxicity by Reduced Glutathione in Rat Pulp Cells. Eur Endod J. 2020.12; 5 (3): 277-281. ( PubMed, DOI )

  33. Elia Marin, Noriko Hiraishi, Taigi Honma, Francesco Boschetto, Matteo Zanocco, Wenliang Zhu, Tetsuya Adachi, Narisato Kanamura, Toshiro Yamamoto, Giuseppe Pezzotti. Raman spectroscopy for early detection and monitoring of dentin demineralization. Dent Mater. 2020.11; 36 (12): 1635-1644. ( PubMed, DOI )

  34. Mohannad Nassar, Noriko Hiraishi, Md Sofiqul Islam, Maria Jrh Romero, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Effect of phytic acid as an endodontic chelator on resin adhesion to sodium hypochlorite-treated dentin. Restor Dent Endod. 2020.11; 45 (4): e44. ( PubMed, DOI )

  35. Mohannad Nassar, Ahmad Dargham, Ahmed Jamleh, Yukihiko Tamura, Noriko Hiraishi, Junji Tagami. The Hormetic Effect of Arsenic Trioxide on Rat Pulpal Cells: An In Vitro Preliminary Study. Eur J Dent. 2020.10; ( PubMed, DOI )

  36. Rima Zakzuk Alshahni, Mohamed Mahdi Alshahni, Noriko Hiraishi, Koichi Makimura, Junji Tagami. Effect of Silver Diamine Fluoride on Reducing Candida albicans Adhesion on Dentine. Mycopathologia. 2020.08; 185 (4): 691-698. ( PubMed, DOI )

  37. Mahmoud Sayed, Noriko Hiraishi, Khairul Matin, Ahmed Abdou, Michael F Burrow, Junji Tagami. Effect of silver-containing agents on the ultra-structural morphology of dentinal collagen. Dent Mater. 2020.07; 36 (7): 936-944. ( PubMed, DOI )

  38. Sandeep Kumar Araveti, Noriko Hiraishi, Nao Kominami, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasunori Sumi, Cynthia K Y Yiu, Junji Tagami. Swept-source optical coherence tomographic observation on prevalence and variations of cemento-enamel junction morphology. Lasers Med Sci. 2020.02; 35 (1): 213-219. ( PubMed, DOI )

  39. Kyaw KY, Otsuki M, Hiraishi N, Segarra MS, Tagami J. Effect of application of desensitizers before bleaching on change of tooth shade. Dental Materials Journal. 2019.08; 38 (5): 790-797. ( PubMed, DOI )

  40. Mahmoud Sayed, Naoko Matsui, Noriko Hiraishi, Go Inoue, Toru Nikaido, Michael F Burrow, Junji Tagami. Evaluation of discoloration of sound/demineralized root dentin with silver diamine fluoride: In-vitro study. Dent Mater J. 2019.02; 38 (1): 143-149. ( PubMed, DOI )

  41. Hosea Lalrin Muana, Noriko Hiraishi, Masatoshi Nakajima, Kalyan Kong, Junji Tagami. Effect of the Dentin Chelating Agents Phytic Acid and EDTA on Degree of Conversion, Microhardness, and Bond Strength of Chemical-curing Self-adhesive Cements. J Adhes Dent. 2019; 21 (4): 299-306. ( PubMed, DOI )

  42. Ayako Nakamoto, Masaomi Ikeda, Noriko Hiraishi, Toru Nikaido, Motohiro Uo, Junji Tagami. Effect of fluoride mouthrinse on adhesion to bovine root dentin. Dent Mater J. 2018.11; 37 (6): 919-927. ( PubMed, DOI )

  43. K Y Kyaw, M Otsuki, M S Segarra, N Hiraishi, J Tagami. Effect of Calcium-phosphate Desensitizers on Staining Susceptibility of Acid-eroded Enamel. Oper Dent. 2018.08; ( PubMed, DOI )

  44. Irene Shuping Zhao, Sherry Shiqian Gao, Noriko Hiraishi, Michael Francis Burrow, Duangporn Duangthip, May Lei Mei, Edward Chin-Man Lo, Chun-Hung Chu. Mechanisms of silver diamine fluoride on arresting caries: a literature review. Int Dent J. 2018.04; 68 (2): 67-76. ( PubMed, DOI )

  45. Noriko Hiraishi, Sachio Kobayashi, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Junji Tagami. Ca doped remineralization study on dentin by isotope microscopy. Dent Mater. 2018.04; 34 (4): e57-e62. ( PubMed, DOI )

  46. Mahmoud Sayed, Naoko Matsui, Noriko Hiraishi, Toru Nikaido, Michael F Burrow, Junji Tagami. Effect of Glutathione Bio-Molecule on Tooth Discoloration Associated with Silver Diammine Fluoride. Int J Mol Sci. 2018.04; 19 (5): ( PubMed, DOI )

  47. Noriko Hiraishi, Takahiro Maruno, Naoya Tochio, Ryohei Sono, Masayuki Otsuki, Tsutomu Takatsuka, Junji Tagami, Yuji Kobayashi. Hesperidin interaction to collagen detected by physico-chemical techniques. Dent Mater. 2017.01; 33 (1): 33-42. ( PubMed, DOI )

  48. Kalyan Kong, Noriko Hiraishi, Mohannad Nassar, Masayuki Otsuki, Cynthia K Y Yiu, Junji Tagami. Effect of phytic acid etchant on resin-dentin bonding: Monomer penetration and stability of dentin collagen. J Prosthodont Res. 2016.10; ( PubMed, DOI )

  49. Kalyan Kong, Md Sofiqul Islam, Mohannad Nassar, Noriko Hiraishi, Masayuki Otsuki, Cynthia K Y Yiu, Junji Tagami. Effect of phytic acid etchant on the structural stability of demineralized dentine and dentine bonding. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2015.08; 48 145-152. ( PubMed, DOI )

  50. Noriko Hiraishi, Naoya Tochio, Takanori Kigawa, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Molecular level evaluation on HEMA interaction with a collagen model. Dent Mater. 2014.12; ( PubMed, DOI )

  51. Md Sofiqul Islam, Noriko Hiraishi, Mohannad Nassar, Cynthia Yiu, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Effect of hesperidin incorporation into a self-etching primer on durability of dentin bond. Dent Mater. 2014.11; 30 (11): 1205-1212. ( PubMed, DOI )

  52. Mohannad Nassar, Noriko Hiraishi, Yukihiko Tamura, Masayuki Otsuki, Kazuhiro Aoki, Junji Tagami. Phytic Acid: An Alternative Root Canal Chelating Agent. J Endod. 2014.11; ( PubMed, DOI )

  53. M Nassar, N Hiraishi, M S Islam, Y Tamura, M Otsuki, S Kasugai, K Ohya, J Tagami, F R Tay. The effect of glutathione on 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate cytotoxicity and on resin-dentine bond strength. Int Endod J. 2014.07; 47 (7): 652-658. ( PubMed, DOI )

  54. Noriko Hiraishi, Naoya Tochio, Takanori Kigawa, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Role of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate in the interaction of dental monomers with collagen studied by saturation transfer difference NMR. J Dent. 2014.04; 42 (4): 484-489. ( PubMed, DOI )

  55. Mohannad Nassar, Noriko Hiraishi, Hitoyata Shimokawa, Yukihiko Tamura, Masayuki Otsuki, Shohei Kasugai, Keiichi Ohya, Junji Tagami. The inhibition effect of non-protein thiols on dentinal matrix metalloproteinase activity and HEMA cytotoxicity. J Dent. 2014.03; 42 (3): 312-318. ( PubMed, DOI )

  56. Nassar M, Hiraishi N, Islam MS, , Ohya K, Tagami J. (2014)... Age-related changes in salivary biomarkers J Dent Sci . 2014; 9 (1): 85-90.

  57. Noriko Hiraishi, Ryohei Sono, Islam Sofiqul, Cynthia Yiu, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Masayuki Otsuki, Tsutomu Takatsuka, Junji Tagami. In vitro evaluation of plant-derived agents to preserve dentin collagen. Dent Mater. 2013.10; 29 (10): 1048-1054. ( PubMed, DOI )

  58. Mohannad Nassar, Noriko Hiraishi, Md Sofiqul Islam, Mamoru Aizawa, Yukihiko Tamura, Masayuki Otsuki, Shohei Kasugai, Keiichi Ohya, Junji Tagami. Effect of phytic acid used as etchant on bond strength, smear layer, and pulpal cells. Eur. J. Oral Sci.. 2013.10; 121 (5): 482-487. ( PubMed, DOI )

  59. Don Jeevanie Epasinghe, Cynthia Kar Yung Yiu, Michael Francis Burrow, Noriko Hiraishi, Franklin Russell Tay. The inhibitory effect of proanthocyanidin on soluble and collagen-bound proteases. J Dent. 2013.09; 41 (9): 832-839. ( PubMed, DOI )

  60. Noriko Hiraishi, Daisaku Kaneko, Shu Taira, Siqian Wang, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Mussel-mimetic, bioadhesive polymers from plant-derived materials. J Investig Clin Dent. 2013.07; ( PubMed, DOI )

  61. N Hiraishi, N Tochio, T Kigawa, M Otsuki, J Tagami. Monomer-collagen interactions studied by saturation transfer difference NMR. J. Dent. Res.. 2013.03; 92 (3): 284-288. ( PubMed, DOI )

  62. Sofiqul Islam, Noriko Hiraishi, Mohannad Nassar, Cynthia Yiu, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Effect of natural cross-linkers incorporation in a self-etching primer on dentine bond strength. J Dent. 2012.12; 40 (12): 1052-1059. ( PubMed, DOI )

  63. Cynthia K Yiu, Noriko Hiraishi, Franklin R Tay, Nigel M King. Effect of chlorhexidine incorporation into dental adhesive resin on durability of resin-dentin bond. J Adhes Dent. 2012.08; 14 (4): 355-362. ( PubMed, DOI )

  64. Sofiqul Md Islam, Noriko Hiraishi, Mohannad Nassar, Ryohei Sono, Masayuki Otsuki, Tsutomu Takatsura, Cynthia Yiu, Junji Tagami. In vitro effect of hesperidin on root dentin collagen and de/re-mineralization. Dent Mater J. 2012; 31 (3): 362-367. ( PubMed )

  65. N Hiraishi, R Sono, M S Islam, M Otsuki, J Tagami, T Takatsuka. Effect of hesperidin in vitro on root dentine collagen and demineralization. J Dent. 2011.05; 39 (5): 391-396. ( PubMed, DOI )

  66. Farrahnaz Peerzada, Cynthia Kar Yung Yiu, Noriko Hiraishi, Franklin Russell Tay, Nigel Martyn King. Effect of surface preparation on bond strength of resin luting cements to dentin. Oper Dent. 2010.11; 35 (6): 624-633. ( PubMed, DOI )

  67. N Hiraishi, C K Y Yiu, N M King, F R Tay. Chlorhexidine release and antibacterial properties of chlorhexidine-incorporated polymethyl methacrylate-based resin cement. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B Appl. Biomater.. 2010.07; 94 (1): 134-140. ( PubMed, DOI )

  68. N Hiraishi, C K Y Yiu, N M King, F R Tay. Effect of chlorhexidine incorporation into a self-etching primer on dentine bond strength of a luting cement. J Dent. 2010.06; 38 (6): 496-502. ( PubMed, DOI )

  69. Noriko Hiraishi, Cynthia K Y Yiu, Nigel M King, Junji Tagami, Franklin R Tay. Antimicrobial efficacy of 3.8% silver diamine fluoride and its effect on root dentin. J Endod. 2010.06; 36 (6): 1026-1029. ( PubMed, DOI )

  70. C W M Chung, C K Y Yiu, N M King, N Hiraishi, F R Tay. Effect of saliva contamination on bond strength of resin luting cements to dentin. J Dent. 2009.12; 37 (12): 923-931. ( PubMed, DOI )

  71. Noriko Hiraishi, Cynthia K Y Yiu, Nigel M King, Franklin R Tay. Antibacterial effect of experimental chlorhexidine-releasing polymethyl methacrylate-based root canal sealers. J Endod. 2009.09; 35 (9): 1255-1258. ( PubMed, DOI )

  72. Sui Mai, Young Kyung Kim, Noriko Hiraishi, Junqi Ling, David H Pashley, Franklin R Tay. Evaluation of the true self-etching potential of a fourth generation self-adhesive methacrylate resin-based sealer. J Endod. 2009.06; 35 (6): 870-874. ( PubMed, DOI )

  73. N Hiraishi, C K Y Yiu, N M King, F R Tay. Effect of 2% chlorhexidine on dentin microtensile bond strengths and nanoleakage of luting cements. J Dent. 2009.06; 37 (6): 440-448. ( PubMed, DOI )

  74. P Dhanpal, C K Y Yiu, N M King, F R Tay, N Hiraishi. Effect of temperature on water sorption and solubility of dental adhesive resins. J Dent. 2009.02; 37 (2): 122-132. ( PubMed, DOI )

  75. N Hiraishi, C K Y Yiu, N M King, F R Tay. Effect of pulpal pressure on the microtensile bond strength of luting resin cements to human dentin. Dent Mater. 2009.01; 25 (1): 58-66. ( PubMed, DOI )

  76. N Hiraishi, C K Y Yiu, N M King, F R Tay, D H Pashley. Chlorhexidine release and water sorption characteristics of chlorhexidine-incorporated hydrophobic/hydrophilic resins. Dent Mater. 2008.10; 24 (10): 1391-1399. ( PubMed, DOI )

  77. Cynthia K Y Yiu, Noriko Hiraishi, Nigel M King, Franklin R Tay. Effect of dentinal surface preparation on bond strength of self-etching adhesives. J Adhes Dent. 2008.06; 10 (3): 173-182. ( PubMed )

  78. Noriko Hiraishi, Cynthia Kar Yung Yiu, Nigel Martyn King. Effect of acid etching time on bond strength of an etch-and-rinse adhesive to primary tooth dentine affected by amelogenesis imperfecta. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2008.05; 18 (3): 224-230. ( PubMed, DOI )

  79. Noriko Hiraishi, Fernanda T Sadek, Nigel M King, Marco Ferrari, David H Pashley, Franklin R Tay. Susceptibility of a polycaprolactone-based root canal filling material to degradation using an agar-well diffusion assay. Am J Dent. 2008.04; 21 (2): 119-123. ( PubMed )

  80. Noriko Hiraishi, Joyce Y Y Yau, Robert J Loushine, Steven R Armstrong, R Norman Weller, Nigel M King, David H Pashley, Franklin R Tay. Susceptibility of a polycaprolactone-based root canal-filling material to degradation. III. Turbidimetric evaluation of enzymatic hydrolysis. J Endod. 2007.08; 33 (8): 952-956. ( PubMed, DOI )

  81. Franklin R Tay, Noriko Hiraishi, George S Schuster, David H Pashley, Robert J Loushine, Hani F Ounsi, Simone Grandini, Joyce Y Y Yau, Annalisa Mazzoni, Adam Donnelly, Nigel M King. Reduction in antimicrobial substantivity of MTAD after initial sodium hypochlorite irrigation. J Endod. 2006.10; 32 (10): 970-975. ( PubMed, DOI )

  82. Noriko Hiraishi, Robert J Loushine, Michele Vano, Nicoletta Chieffi, R Norman Weller, Marco Ferrari, David H Pashley, Franklin R Tay. Is an oxygen inhibited layer required for bonding of resin-coated gutta-percha to a methacrylate-based root canal sealer? J Endod. 2006.05; 32 (5): 429-433. ( PubMed, DOI )

  83. N Nishiyama, F R Tay, K Fujita, D H Pashley, K Ikemura, N Hiraishi, N M King. Hydrolysis of functional monomers in a single-bottle self-etching primer--correlation of 13C NMR and TEM findings. J. Dent. Res.. 2006.05; 85 (5): 422-426. ( PubMed )

  84. Franklin R Tay, Noriko Hiraishi, David H Pashley, Robert J Loushine, R Norman Weller, W Trent Gillespie, Michael D Doyle. Bondability of Resilon to a methacrylate-based root canal sealer. J Endod. 2006.02; 32 (2): 133-137. ( PubMed, DOI )

  85. Cynthia K Y Yiu, Noriko Hiraishi, Stefano Chersoni, Lorenzo Breschi, Marco Ferrari, Carlo Prati, Nigel N M King, David H Pashley, Franklin R Tay. Single-bottle adhesives behave as permeable membranes after polymerisation. II. Differential permeability reduction with an oxalate desensitiser. J Dent. 2006.02; 34 (2): 106-116. ( PubMed, DOI )

  86. Cynthia K Y Yiu, Edna L Pashley, Noriko Hiraishi, Nigel M King, Cecilia Goracci, Marco Ferrari, Ricardo M Carvalho, David H Pashley, Franklin R Tay. Solvent and water retention in dental adhesive blends after evaporation. Biomaterials. 2005.12; 26 (34): 6863-6872. ( PubMed, DOI )

  87. F R Tay, D H Pashley, N Hiraishi, S Imazato, F A Rueggeberg, U Salz, J Zimmermann, N M King. Tubular occlusion prevents water-treeing and through-and-through fluid movement in a single-bottle, one-step self-etch adhesive model. J. Dent. Res.. 2005.10; 84 (10): 891-896. ( PubMed )

  88. Nigel M King, Noriko Hiraishi, Cynthia K Y Yiu, Edna L Pashley, Robert J Loushine, Fred A Rueggeberg, David H Pashley, Franklin R Tay. Effect of resin hydrophilicity on water-vapour permeability of dental adhesive films. Eur. J. Oral Sci.. 2005.10; 113 (5): 436-442. ( PubMed, DOI )

  89. N Hiraishi, F Papacchini, R J Loushine, R N Weller, M Ferrari, D H Pashley, F R Tay. Shear bond strength of Resilon to a methacrylate-based root canal sealer. Int Endod J. 2005.10; 38 (10): 753-763. ( PubMed, DOI )

  90. Franklin R Tay, David H Pashley, B I Suh, N Hiraishi, C K Y Yiu. Water treeing in simplified dentin adhesives--déjà vu? Oper Dent. 2005.09; 30 (5): 561-579. ( PubMed )

  91. N Hiraishi, N Nishiyama, K Ikemura, J Y Y Yau, N M King, J Tagami, D H Pashley, F R Tay. Water concentration in self-etching primers affects their aggressiveness and bonding efficacy to dentin. J. Dent. Res.. 2005.07; 84 (7): 653-658. ( PubMed )

  92. Toru Nikaido, Kayoko Moriya, Noriko Hiraishi, Masaomi Ikeda, Yuichi Kitasako, Richard M Foxton, Junji Tagami. Surface analysis of dentinal caries in primary teeth using a pH-imaging microscope. Dent Mater J. 2004.12; 23 (4): 628-632. ( PubMed )

  93. N Hiraishi, Y Kitasako, T Nikaido, R M Foxton, J Tagami, S Nomura. Detection of acid diffusion through bovine dentine after adhesive application. Int Endod J. 2004.07; 37 (7): 455-462. ( PubMed, DOI )

  94. Richard M Foxton, Masatoshi Nakajima, Noriko Hiraishi, Yuichi Kitasako, Junji Tagami, Satoshi Nomura, Hiroyuki Miura. Relationship between ceramic primer and ceramic surface pH on the bonding of dual-cure resin cement to ceramic. Dent Mater. 2003.12; 19 (8): 779-789. ( PubMed )

  95. N Hiraishi, Y Kitasako, T Nikaido, R M Foxton, J Tagami, S Nomura. Acidity of conventional luting cements and their diffusion through bovine dentine. Int Endod J. 2003.09; 36 (9): 622-628. ( PubMed )

  96. Noriko Hiraishi, Yuichi Kitasako, Toru Nikaido, Satoshi Nomura, Michael F Burrow, Junji Tagami. Effect of artificial saliva contamination on pH value change and dentin bond strength. Dent Mater. 2003.07; 19 (5): 429-434. ( PubMed )

  97. Yuichi Kitasako, N Hiraishi, M Nakajima, T Nikaido, J Tagami, S Nomura. In vitro surface analysis of active and arrested dentinal caries using a pH-imaging microscope. Oper Dent. 27 (4): 354-359. ( PubMed )

  98. Noriko Hiraishi, Yuichi Kitasako, Toru Nikaido, Richard M Foxton, Junji Tagami, Satoshi Nomura. Evaluation of active and arrested carious dentin using a pH-imaging microscope and an X-ray analytical microscope. Oper Dent. 28 (5): 598-604. ( PubMed )

  99. Hanadi Elkhatib, Masatoshi Nakajima, Noriko Hiraishi, Yuichi Kitasako, Junji Tagami, Satoshi Nomura. Surface pH and bond strength of a self-etching primer/adhesive system to intracoronal dentin after application of hydrogen peroxide bleach with sodium perborate. Oper Dent. 28 (5): 591-597. ( PubMed )

  100. 中根 晶,韋 殿桐,中元絢子,守矢佳世子,平石典子,大槻昌幸,加藤純二,島田康史. Er:YAGレーザーのメラニン色素沈着除去術への応用 日本レーザー歯学会誌. 2022.01; 31 (3): 74-77.

  101. 佐藤 隆明, 田端 倫子, 畑山 貴志, 赤羽根広大, 佐藤 綾花, 馬場 雄大, 高橋 礼奈, 井上 剛, 平石 典子, 角 保徳, 島田 康史, 田上 順次. エナメル象牙境におけるエッチングの影響 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2021.08; 64 (4): 271-278. ( DOI )

  102. 牛田 圭亮, 平石 典子, 田上 順次. 歯科医療現場における新型コロナウイルス感染症対策のはじまり : 中国, 武漢からの報告 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2021.02; 64 (1): 6-16.


講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Kyaw Htet, 平石典子, Panchanit Ubolsa-ard, 島田康史. 亜鉛徐放性グラスアイオノマーセメントの象牙質脱灰抑制効果. 日本歯科保存学会2024年度秋季学術大会(第161回) 2024.11 姫路、日本

  2. 田端倫子, 平石典子, 高橋礼奈, 湊洋祐, 島田康史. 歯頚部の知覚過敏症状に対してケアダインレストアを用いて消失させた1症例 SS-OCT観察. 日本レーザー歯学会 2024.10.20

  3. Gondo T, Hiraishi N, Takeuchi A, David M, Shimada Y,. Comparative Analysis of the Coronal and Root CariesMicrobiome. 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session 2024.03.15 New Orleans, Louisiana

  4. Noriko Hiraishi. Scientific Evidence on Restorative Ability of S-PRG Filler for Enamel and Dentin . Industry-sponsored Symposium (Invited speaker) The 102nd 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session & Exhibition the IADR/APR General Session & Exhibition 2024.03

  5. Tadamu Gondo, Noriko Hiraishi, Azusa Takeuchi, David Moyes, Yasushi Shimada . Comparative Analysis of the Coronal and Root Caries Microbiome.. The 102nd 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session & Exhibition the IADR/APR General Session & Exhibition 2024.03

  6. Nader Ahmed Elseoudy, Kittisak Sanon2, Noriko Hiraishi, Yukihiko Tamura, Yasushi Shimada. Chemical, Biological, and Mechanical Properties of a Novel Glass Ionomer. The 102nd 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session & Exhibition the IADR/APR General Session & Exhibition 2024.03

  7. Noriko Hiraishi, Fumiaki Hayashi Tadamu Gondo, Toru Nikaido, Yasushi Shimada . 19F-NMR Study of Fluoride Reaction of Various Formulations on Enamel.. The 102nd 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session & Exhibition the IADR/APR General Session & Exhibition 2024.03

  8. Diantong WEI, Jianfeng CHEN, Noriko HIRAISHI, Masayuki OTSUKI, Masaomi IKEDA, Yasushi SHIMADA. Effect of Er:YAG laser debonding of zirconia restorations on bond strength, temperature increase and surface properties of zirconia and dentin. The 88th meeting of the Stomatological Society 2023.12.01 Tokyo

  9. Noriko Hiraishi. Bioactive Effect of S-PRG released ions on mineral precipitation and reaction with enamel and dentin. Academy Dental Materials Meeting 2023.10 USA

  10. Soe Kay Thwe Than Naing, 平石典子, 陳雪霏, 島田康史. S-PRGフィラー配合ガムベース材によるエナメル質表層化脱灰の再石灰化in vitro評価. 日本歯科保存学会2023年度春季学術大会(第158回) 2023.06.23 島根,日本


  12. Noriko Hiraishi. Bioactive Effect of S-PRG released ions on mineral precipitation and reaction with enamel and dentin. INTERNATIONAL DENTAL MATERIALS CONGRESS 2022 2022.11.04

  13. Panchanit Ubolsa-ard, Mahmoud Sayed, Noriko Hiraishi, Yasushi Shimada. Collagen Morphology and Remineralization Using S-PRG On Demineralized Dentin . The 100th, the IADR/APR General Session & Exhibition, June 20-25, 2022 2022.06 virtual meeting

  14. 1. Noriko Hiraishi, Aifang Han, Fumiaki Hayashi, Junji Tagamia, Yasusi Shimada. Zirconia Adhesion of Phosphoric Acid Ester Monomers Studied by NMR. The 100th, the IADR/APR General Session & Exhibition 2022.06 a virtual meeting

  15. Diantong Wei, Ayako Nakamoto, Akira Nakane, Masayuki Otsuki, Noriko Hiraishi, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Effect of Er:YAG laser irradiation with additional low energy on resin-dentin bonding and morphology of bonded interface. The 33rd Annual meeting of Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry 2021.11

  16. Noriko Hiraishi, Fumikai Hayashi, Junji Tagami. 19F and 31P solid state NMR study on fluoridate apatite in human dental calculus. The 98th, the IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition 2021.07

  17. Noriko Hiraishi, Fumiaki Hayashi, Junji Tagami. Solid-state NMR Study on S-PRG Releasing Ions Reacted with Dentin. 98th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/AADR 2020.03 Washington, DC, USA

  18. Noriko Hiraishi, Fumiaki Hayashi, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami. Ions release from S-PRG filler for biomimetic nucleation of calcium phosphate studied by solid-state NMR. 97th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/AADR 2019.06 Vancouver, Canada

  19. Noriko Hiraishi, Fumiaki Hayashi, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Effect of Fluoride on Dentin Remineralization Using 1H–31P Heteronuclear-correlation NMR. 96th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/AADR 2018.07.26 LDN, UK

  20. Noriko Hiraishi, Fumiaki Hayashi, Tomohiro Takagaki, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Interaction of MDP-based adhesive with dentin studied by solid-state NMR. 2016.06 Seoul, Korea

  21. N. Hiraishi, M. Otsuki, J. Tagami,I Morio. 44Ca doped pH-cycling study on Dentin Remineralization by Isotope Microscopy. IADR-SEA 2015.08.13 Bali, Indonesia

  22. Noriko Hiraishi, Masayuki Otsuki, Daisaku Kaneko, Junji Tagami. In vitro Cytotoxicity of Mussel-Mimetic Bio-adhesive Polymers in Comparison with Conventional Dental Materials. . The 4th Tri-University Consortium on Oral Science and Education 2015.05.21 Bangkok

  23. Hiraishi N, Otsuki M, Tagami J. Influence of HEMA on Monomer-collagen Interaction Studied by NMR. . IADR general session 2015.03.21 Boston

  24. Kong K, Islam MS, Nassar M, Hiraishi N, Otsuki M, Yiu CK, Tagami J. Effect of Phytic Acid on the Stability of Demineralized Dentin . 2015.01 Bangkok

  25. Nassar M, Hiraishi N, Tamura Y, Otsuki M, Ohya K, Tagami J. Phytic Acid: An Alternative Root Canal Chelating Agent. 92nd IADR general session 2014.06

  26. 竹内 梓, 権藤 理夢, Elseoudy Nader, Wang Xinyu, 田村 幸彦, 林 文晶, 平石 典子, 島田 康史. ストロンチウム置換型生体活性ガラスのヒト歯髄幹細胞への影響と、固体NMRによる界面反応性評価. 日本歯科保存学会2024年度秋季学術大会(第161回) 2024.11.21 姫路

  27. 平石典子. 根面う蝕細菌叢のゲノム解析・生理代謝機能解析. 公益財団法人8020推進財団 公募研究発表会 2024.07.31

  28. 平石典子,牛島 啓,池田正臣,島田康史. Zirconia adhesion of phosphoric acid ester monomers: A solid-state NMR investigation . 第88回口腔病学会学術大会 2023.12.02

  29. 宮本奈生、今村隼大、足立哲也、平石典子、山本俊郎、Giuseppe Pezzotti、金村成智. Er:YAG レーザー照射によるハイドロキシアパタイトの分子構造変化に対するラマン分光解析化in vitro評価. 日本歯科保存学会2023年度春季学術大会(第158回) 2023.06.23 島根,日本

  30. 権藤理夢, 平石典子, 島田康史 . 牛歯とヒト抜去歯のX線回折におけるリートベルト解析による結晶学的比較. 第87回口腔病学会学術大会   2022.12

  31. 権藤理夢、平石典子、黒厚子璃佳、岩本勉、島田康史. 歯冠・根面う蝕からの細菌叢DNAの抽出と細菌構成の比較. 第157回 日本歯科保存学会秋季学術大会 2022.11

  32. 牛島啓, 平石典子, 池田正臣, 島田康史. 水ガラス浸透ジルコニアとレジンセメントとの引張り接着強さ. 第157回 日本歯科保存学会秋季学術大会 2022.11

  33. 下島美夏, 平石典子, 赤羽根広大, Feng QI, 大槻昌幸, 島田康史. S-PRGフィラー配合によるオフィス漂白剤のエナメル質に及ぼす影響. 第156回日本歯科保存学会春季学術大会 2022.06 Web開催

  34. 赤羽根広大, 平石典子, 下島美夏, Feng QI, 大槻昌幸, 島田康史. SーPRGフィラー配合によるオフィスブリーチ剤の漂白効果. 第156回日本歯科保存学会春季学術大会 2022.06 Web開催

  35. 小川友子、平石典子、田上順次. セルフエッチングプライマー採用S-PRGフィラー含有シーラントによる、エナメル質脱灰/再石灰化への影響. 第154回日本歯科保存学会春季学術大会 2021.06

  36. 西牧 麻由里, 中元 絢子, 平石 典子, 田村 幸彦, 二階堂 徹, 田上 順次. S-PRGフィラー抽出液のラット歯髄細胞株・象牙質窩洞への影響. 第150回日本歯科保存学会春季学術大会 2019.06

  37. 金承建, 平石 典子, 田村 幸彦, 田上 順次. フッ化ジアンミン銀溶液のラット歯髄細胞への毒性・及び、グルタチオンによる解毒作用について. 第150回日本歯科保存学会春季学術大会 2019.06

  38. 山本 志織, 高橋 基,平石 典子,マティン カイルール,二階堂 徹,田上 順次. S-PRGフィラー含有材料塗布後の根面象牙質におけるバイオフィルム形成の評価. 第150回日本歯科保存学会春季学術大会 2019.06

  39. 平石典子、 中元絢子、 高垣智博、 二階堂徹、  田上順次. 固体31P-NMRによるMDP-象牙質接着界面の酸抵抗層分析. 第37回日本接着歯学会学術大会 2018.11.11 新潟

  40. 平石典子、林文晶、二階堂徹、田上 順次 . 固体NMRによるS-PRGリリースイオンのリン酸カルシウムアパタイトへの影響分析. 第149回日本歯科保存学会秋季学術大会 2018.11.02

  41. マハムド サイド,松井七生子,平石典子,井上剛,二階堂徹,田上順次. フッ化ジアミン銀による脱灰象牙質の変色の評価. 第147回日本歯科保存学会秋季学術大会 2017.10.27 盛岡

  42. 平石典子,大槻昌幸,田上順次,森尾郁子. 44Ca安定同位体添加再石灰液による象牙質再石灰化層の同位体顕微鏡分析. 日本歯科保存学会、平成27年度秋季大会(第143回) 2015.11.12 東京

  43. 平石典子. ヘスペリジンによる歯質コラーゲンの保護歯科保存修復への応用. 糖転移ヘスペリジン・ビタミンP研究会 第6回研究発表会 2014.12.05

  44. 平石典子,金子大作,田村幸彦,平修,大槻昌幸,田上順次. ポリフェノール類由来カテコール性接着剤樹脂の溶出性,細胞毒性評価. 第63回 日本歯科理工学会 春期学術講演会 2014.04


特許 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 歯科用窩洞修復前処理剤

    特許番号: 第5787540号

受賞学術賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • IADR Hatton賞 日本代表 ,IADR,2014年06月

  • カリオロジー 学生発表賞,2024年03月

  • 優秀ポスター賞,日本歯科保存学会,2020年

  • 優秀ポスター賞,日本歯科保存学会,2018年

  • Research Category Awards (Cariology and Mineralised Tissues),2015年08月

  • The 2nd place winner for presentation.,国際接着歯学会,2015年01月


その他業績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)),2020年


  • 令和4年度8020研究事業 ,2022年


  • 学研究費補助金 基盤C,2020年


  • 科学研究費補助金、特別研究員奨励費,2017年04月


  • 科学研究費補助金基盤研究C,2017年04月


  • 科学研究費補助金 基盤C,2015年04月


  • 平成23年度8020研究推進,2012年


  • 科学研究費補助金 基盤C,2010年




担当授業科目(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 病態と治療Ⅲ(老年科疾患),共立女子大学看護学部

職務上の実績に関する事項 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Honorary Associate Professor,2009年 - 現在

社会貢献活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • オ゙ープンキャンパス(歯学科海外研修紹介),2024年08月

  • IADR 大学Booth,2024年03月

  • Polymers ,MDPI Postfach, CH-4020 Basel, Switzerland,Polymers ,http://www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers,2023年01月 - 現在

  • Functional Materials for Dental Restorations,Hokkaido University,Hokkaido Summer Institute 2022,Hokkaido University,2022年08月

  • 東進タイムズ講義ライブ号(平石典子),2021年05月