Personnel Information



Job title

Assistant Professor

Mail Address

The inquiry by e-mail is 《here

Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 2001.03, Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • The Open University of Japan, Master's Course, Completed

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2001.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Central Clinical Facilities, Dental Laboratory, Dental Technician
  • 2013.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Faculty of Dentistry, School of Oral Health Care Scienes / Oral Herlth Engineering, Oral Materials Science and Technology, Oral Health Information Technology, Assistant Professor
  • 2015.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Science and Technology, Basic Oral Health Engineering, Assistant Professor
  • 2018.04
    Institute of Science Tokyo, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Health Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, Department of Basic Oral Health Engineering, Assistant Professor
  • 2023.09
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Basic Oral Health Engineering , Assistant Professor
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Basic Oral Health Engineering, Assistant Professor

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Prosthodontics


Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. Takumi Kasahara, Meiko Oki, Shingo Kamijo, Hidekazu Takahashi. Accuracy of the Conventional Facial Impression Method and Three-Dimensional Auricular Shape Data Obtained Using Extra- and Intraoral Optical Scanners. Dentistry Journal. 2024.11; 12 (11): 354. ( DOI )

  2. Htat Hein Linn, Takaichi Atsushi, Kajima Yuka, Kittikundecha Nuttaphon, Kamijo Shingo, Hanawa Takao, Wakabayashi Noriyuki. Influence of stress-relieving heat treatments on the efficacy of Co-Cr-Mo-W alloy copings fabricated using selective laser melting Journal of Prosthodontic Research. 2024.04; 68 (2): 310-318. ( ichushi )

  3. Katada H, Inokoshi M, Kamijo S, Liu H, Xu K, Kawashita M, Yokoi T, Shimabukuro M, Minakuchi S. Effects of multiple firings on the translucency, crystalline phase, and mechanical strength of highly translucent zirconia. Dent Mater J. 2023.11;

  4. Meiko Oki, Mirai Nakayama, Yumi Tsuchida, Shingo Kamijo, Kazuhiro Aoki. Objective evaluation of tooth carving using homologous models Journal of Dental Education. 2023.11; ( DOI )

  5. Linn Htat H, Takaichi A, Kajima Y, Kittikundecha N, Kamijo S, Hanawa T, Wakabayashi N. Influence of stress-relieving heat treatments on the efficacy of Co-Cr-Mo-W alloy copings fabricated using selective laser melting. Journal of prosthodontic research. 2023.07; ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Yuna Hirohashi, Shingo Kamijo, Masud Khan, Masaomi Ikeda, Meiko Oki, Khairul Matin, Fatma Rashed, Kazuhiro Aoki. Tetracycline, an appropriate reagent for measuring bone-formation activity in the murine model of the Streptococcus mutans-induced bone loss Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology Microbiome in Health and Disease. 2021.09; 11 714366. ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Nakai H, Inokoshi M, Nozaki K, Komatsu K, Kamijo S, Liu H, Shimizubata M, Minakuchi S, Van Meerbeek B, Vleugels J, Zhang F. Additively Manufactured Zirconia for Dental Applications Materials. 2021.07; 14 (13): 3694. ( DOI )

  8. Fatma Rashed, Shingo Kamijyo, Yuri Shimizu, Yuna Hirohashi, Masud Khan, Yasutaka Sugamori, Ramachandran Murali, Kazuhiro Aoki. The Effects of Receptor Activator of NF-κB Ligand-Binding Peptides on Bone Resorption and Bone Formation Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021.07; 9 648084. ( PubMed, DOI )

  9. Phyu Sin Tun, Hiroshi Churei, Kazuhiro Hikita, Shingo Kamijo, Meiko Oki, Gen Tanabe, Kairi Hayashi, Thet Khaing Aung, Aung Win, Shwe Hlaing, Hidekazu Takahashi,Toshiaki Ueno. Fabrication of Shock Absorbing Photopolymer Composite Material for 3D Printing Sports Mouthguard Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology. 2020.12; 33 (6): 615-622. ( DOI )

  10. Kamijo Shingo, Sugimoto Kumiko, Oki Meiko, Tsuchida Yumi, Suzuki Tetsuya. Trends in domiciliary dental care including the need for oral appliances and dental technicians in Japan JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCE. 2018.12; 60 (4): 626-633. ( DOI )

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Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display

  1. Qu Wenrui, Takaichi Atsushi, Kajima Yuka, Kamijo Shingo, Wakabayashi Noriyuki. Trueness and adaptation of maxillary complete denture frameworks fabricated with contactless support by selective laser melting. 国際・産学連携インヴァースイノベーション 材料創出(DEJI2MA)プロジェクト 公開討論会 2024.03.09 名古屋

  2. Qu Wenrui, Takaichi Atsushi, Kajima Yuka, Kamijo Shingo, Wakabayashi Noriyuki. Effect of build orientation on trueness and adaptation of maxillary complete denture frameworks fabricated by selective laser melting. 令和 5 年度 日本歯科理工学会近畿・中四国地方会セミナー 2023.10.29 大阪

  3. Xu K, Inokoshi M, Yoshihara K, Kakehata M, Yashiro H, Takahashi R, Yamatomo M, Kamijo S, Ikeda M, Minakuchi S. Bonding efficacy to femtosecond laser irradiated lithium disilicate glass-ceramic.. IADR-ANZ Conference 2023 2023.09.29 Sydney

  4. Hein Linn Htat, Kajima Yuka, Takaichi Atsushi, Hla Htoot Wai Cho, Kamijo Shingo, Hanawa Takao, Wakabayashi Noriyuki. Effect of post-heat treatments on metal-ceramic bond properties of Co-Cr-Mo-W alloy fabricated by selective laser melting. The 77th General Session of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices 2021.04.10

  5. Nakai H, Inokoshi M, Nozaki K, Kamijo S, Shimizubata M, Liu H, Minakuchi S. Crystallography and flexural strength of additive manufactured zirconia. The 7th Biennial Joint Congress of JPS-CPS-KAP 2021.02.19 web

  6. Phyu Sin Tun , Churei Hiroshi, Hikita Kazuhiro, Kamijo Shingo, Oki Meiko, Tanabe Gen, Hayashi Kairi, Thet Khaing Aung , Takahashi Hidekazu, Ueno Toshiaki. Fabrication of shock absorbing photopolymer composite material for 3D Printing sports mouthguard. 第31回日本スポーツ歯科医学会総会・学術大会 2020.12.04

  7. Tun Phyu Sin , 中禮 宏, 疋田 一洋, 上條 真吾, 大木 明子, 田邊 元, 林 海里, Aung Thet Khaing , Win Aung , Hlaing Shwe , 高橋 英和, 上野 俊明. Production of Shock Absorbing Photopolymer Composite Material for 3D Printing Sports Mouthguard. 日本スポーツ歯科医学会学術大会プログラム抄録集 2020.11

  8. Tun PS, Churei H, Tanabe G, Aung TK, Kamijo S, Oki M, Takahashi H, Hikita K, Ueno T. Shock-absorbing capability of laminated type of 3D printing materials compared to conventional mouthguard materials. 40th Myanmar Dental Conference 2020.02.07

  9. Tun Phyu Sin , Tanabe Gen, Kamijo Shingo, Aung Thet Khaing , Oki Meiko, Churei Hiroshi, Hikita Kazuhiro, Ueno Toshiaki. 光学3Dスキャナーを用いて個別調整したマウスガード適合性に関するデジタル評価法(Digital evaluation of the fit of custom-made mouthguard using optical 3D scanner). スポーツ歯学 2020.02.01

  10. 塩沢真穂,鈴木哲也,土田優美,大木明子,上條真吾,高橋英和. 3Dスキャナーを用いて評価した複製義歯の形態と咬合接触面積の再現精度. 第10回日本デジタル歯科学会総会 2019.10.05 奈良春日野国際フォーラム 甍

  11. Phyu Sin TUN, Hiroshi CHUREI, Gen TANABE, Thet Khaing AUNG, Shingo KAMIJO, Meiko OKI, Hidekazu TAKAHASHI, Kazuhiro HIKITA, Toshiaki UENO. Shock-absorbing capability of rubber-like and rigid 3D printing materials compared to commercial mouthguard materials . 5th International Academy for Digital Dental Medicine 2019.10.04 Nara Kasugano International Forum IRAKA

  12. Nguyen Vu Van Anh、鈴木哲也、土田優美、大木明子、上條真吾、金澤学、水口俊介. 下顎全部床義歯の三次元形状の解析. 日本補綴歯科学会東京支部総会・第22回学術大会 2018.11.24

  13. Shingo Kamijo, Kumiko Sugimoto, Meiko Oki, Suzuki Tetsuya. Investigation of the needs for prostheses and dental technicians in home-visit dental care in Japan. 6th International Congress of Dental Technology 2017.05.27 New Taipei City, Taiwan

  14. Yui Kasai, Kumiko Sugimoto, Shingo Kamijo, Meiko Oki. Investigation on the role of dental technicians among the dentists practicing home-visit dental care. The 81th Annual Meeting of the Stomatological Society 2016.11.26 Tokyo

  15. Tamaki Hada, Hidekazu Takahashi, Shingo Kamijo, Masaomi Ikeda, Toshio Kitamura, Shizuo Higuchi, Tetsuya Suzuki. EFFECT OF CAD/CAM FABRICATED FRAMEWORK ON COMPLETE DENTURE DEFORMATION. ACADEMY OF DENTAL MATERIALS (ADM) Annual Meeting 2016.10.12 Chicago, IL, USA

  16. Yu-mi TSUCHIDA,Yuji KABASAWA,Namiaki TAKAHARA,Shingo, KAMIJO,Tetsuya SUZUKI. Accuracy of a 3D Model for Surgical Support in Orthognathics. Advanced Digital Technology (ADT) North America & Japan Regional Leadership Groups Conference 2016.06.17 San Diego California USA

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Others 【 display / non-display

  • 1st Meeting of International Oral Health Engineering Consortium,2018.09