Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, medical and dental sciences, Doctor's Course, 2022.03, Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Doctor of philosophy in mdical science, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
2014.04-2016.02Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Systemic Organ Regulation, Anesthesiology, Graduate Student
2014.04-2017.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Systemic Organ Regulation, Anesthesiology, Graduate Student
2017.04-2018.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Systemic Organ Regulation, Anesthesiology, Graduate Student
2018.04Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Medical Hospital, Hospital Departments, Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery,Psychiatry and Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology, Project Assistant Professor
2018.05Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Systemic Organ Regulation, Anesthesiology, Graduate Student
2018.06-2022.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Systemic Organ Regulation, Anesthesiology, Graduate Student
2022.04-2024.09Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Systemic Organ Regulation, Anesthesiology, Assistant Professor
2024.10-NowInstitute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Systemic Organ Regulation, Department of Anesthesiology, Assistant Professor
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
The Japanese Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology
Japanese Society of Anesthesiolosists
Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists
Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display 】
Yamamoto Yudai, Sato Yunosuke, Takahashi Miri, Yamamoto Hiroto, Echizen Mayumi, Uchida Tokujiro. TEG6s Platelet Mapping assay for the estimation of plasma fibrinogen concentration during cardiovascular surgery: a single-center prospective observational study JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA. 2021.10; ( DOI )
Yamamoto Yudai, Uchida Tokujiro. Dielectric blood coagulometry as a means of evaluating the change in thrombin generation induced by direct oral anticoagulants THROMBOSIS RESEARCH. 2021.01; 197 141-143. ( DOI )
Kido K, Ito H, Yamamoto Y, Makita K, Uchida T. Cytotoxicity of propofol in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes J Anesth. 2018; 32 (1): 120-131.
Qi Y, Uchida T, Yamamoto M, Yamamoto Y, Kido K, Ito H, Ohno N, Asahara M, Yamada Y, Yamaguchi O, Mitaka C, Tomita M, Makita K. Perioperative Elevation in Cell-Free DNA Levels in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Possible Contribution of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps to Perioperative Renal Dysfunction Anesthesiol Res Pract. 2016;
Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display 】
渡邉 ルリ子, 鈴木 真弓, 山本 雄大, 勝山 浩延, 山本 始, 内田 篤治郎. 補助循環用ポンプカテーテル抜去時に新規の重症大動脈弁閉鎖不全症を経食道心エコーで指摘した症例. 日本心臓血管麻酔学会第28回学術大会 2023.09.16 奈良
A. Takemoto, N. Kondo, H. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto, S. Toyama, K. Higashino, T. Uchida. Dielectric blood coagulometry for evaluation of coagulation activity of blood samples spiked with direct oral anticoagulant.. ISTH 2022 (International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis) 2022.07 London, UK
Tokujiro Uchida, Yudai Yamamoto. Estimation of plasma fibrinogen level and platelet count using dielectric blood coagulometer in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery: single center prospective observational study. EuroAnaesthesia 2020 2020.11.28 Virtual
Tokujiro Uchida, Yudai Yamamoto, Yunosuke Sato, Miri Takahashi. Evaluation of dielectric blood coagulometer as a point of care test for measurement of anticoagulation potential caused by direct oral anticoagulants. EuroAnaesthesia 2020 2020.11.28 Virtual
Aya Takemoto, Yudai Yamamoto, Satoshi Toyama, Tokujiro Uchida. Anesthetic Management For Aortic Arch Aneurysm Repair In A Pediatric Patient With Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Anesthesiology 2019 2019.10.21 Orland, FL
Shiho Ogasawara, Aya Takemoto, Yudai Yamamoto, Minami Kotaro, Tokujiro Uchida. Emergent Difficult Airway Of A 7 Year Old Boy With Large And Obstructive Oropharyngeal Tumor. Anesthesiology 2019 2019.10.20 Orland, FL
Yudai Yamamoto, Tokujiro Uchida. Elevation in the Level of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 in the Post Cardiopulmonary Bypass Period in Cardiovascular Surgery. Anesthesiology 2019 2019.10.19 Orland
Yudai Yamamoto, Aya Takemoto, Tokujiro Uchida. Clinical assessment of novel dielectric blood coagulometer (SPOTCHEM HS) in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass; preliminary prospective observational study. EuroAnaesthesia 2019 2019.06.03 Vienna, Austria
Yudai Yamamoto, Tokujiro Uchida. Dielectric Coagulameter: A New Method to Estimate Thrombin Generation in Cardiac Surgery. Anesthesiology 2018 2018.10.14 San Francisco, USA
Yudai Yamamoto, Tokujiro Uchida. Reduction in Thrombin Generation by Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor After Cardiopulmonary Bypass.. Anesthesiology 2018 2018.10.14 San Francisco
千葉峻士, 山本雄大, 渡部功三, 新井奈々, 深津健, 小野寺英貴. Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery(MICS)後に右肺の再膨張性肺水腫を生じた一例. 日本心臓血管麻酔学会第22回学術大会 2017.09.16 栃木
Yudai Yamamoto, Tokujiro Uchida, Hiroyuki Ito, Koji Kido, Mamoru Yamamoto, Yoshitsugu Yamada, Nagara Ohno, Miho Asahara, Osamu Yamaguchi, Koshi Makita. Perioperative Elevation in Cell Free DNA Levels in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Possible Contribution of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps to Perioperative Renal Dysfunction: A Multicenter Observational Study. Anesthesiology 2015 2015.10.24 San Diego