Personnel Information



Job title

Visiting Lecturer

Birth date


Laboratory Phone number


Mail Address

Research Areas, Keywords


Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Waseda University, Faculty of Sports Health Science, 2010.03, Graduated

  • Okayama University, Faculty of Dentistry, 2014.03, Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Doctor's Course, 2019.03, Completed

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2014.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Hospital Departments, Trainee Resident
  • 2015.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Public Health, Sports Medicine and Dentistry, Graduate Student
  • 2019.04
    Institute of Science Tokyo, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Hospital Departments, Visiting Lecturer
  • 2019.05
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Sports Science Organization, Clinical Center for Sports Medicine and Sports Dentistry, Sports Dentistry, Visiting Lecturer
  • 2020.05
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Sports Science Organization, Clinical Center for Sports Medicine and Sports Dentistry, Sports Dentistry, Visiting Lecturer
  • 2022.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Division of Clinical Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Sports Dentistry, Visiting Lecturer
  • 2023.05
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Masticatory Function and Health Science, Visiting Lecturer
  • 2024.05
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Masticatory Function and Health Science, Visiting Lecturer
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, Visiting Lecturer

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Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. Towithelertkul C, Haraguchi M, Tanabe G, Fujita H, Ali IE, Han X, Sumita YI. Two-piece detachable interlocking mold for low-dose-rate brachytherapy: A dental technique for radiotherapy prosthesis fabrication. J Prosthet Dent. 2024.08; 132 (2): 467-472. ( PubMed, DOI )

  2. Tanabe G, Hattori M, Obata S, Takahashi Y, Churei H, Nishiyama A, Ueno T, Sumita YI. Case report: Psychoacoustic analysis of a clarinet performance with a custom-made soft lip shield worn to prevent mucosal erosion of lower lip. Front Psychol. 2022.04; 13 852866. ( PubMed, DOI )

  3. Chowdhury RU, Churei H, Tanabe G, Yoshida Y, Hayashi K, Takahashi H, Wada T, Uo M, Mizobuchi T, Chowdhury NU, Ueno T. Useful design of custom-made mouthguard for athletes undergoing orthodontic treatment with brackets and wires. J Dent Sci. 2022.01; 17 (1): 308-315. ( PubMed, DOI )

  4. Churei H, Chowdhury RU, Yoshida Y, Tanabe G, Fukasawa S, Shirako T, Wada T, Uo M, Takahashi H, Ueno T. Use of the fiberglass reinforcement method in thermoplastic mouthguard materials to improve flexural properties for enhancement of functionality. Dent Mater J. 2021.12; 40 (6): 1338-1344. ( PubMed, DOI, ichushi )

  5. Shiota N, Kinoshita A, Sunaga M, Tanabe G, Hayashi K, Churei H, Fukai T, Matsumoto M, Yasui T, Ueno T. Effectiveness of computer-assisted learning in sports dentistry: studies over a multiple-year period and at two universities. Eur J Dent Educ. 2021.11; 25 (4): 796-805. ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Hayashi K, Chowdhury RU, Chowdhury NU, Shrestha A, Pradhan I, Shahrin S, Toyoshima Y, Tanabe G, Yoshida Y, Togawa K, Churei H, Ueno T. Thickness change and deformation of custom-made mouthguards after two years of use by Bangladeshi field hockey players. Dent Traumatol. 2021.08; 37 (4): 617-622. ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Aung TK, Churei H, Tanabe G, Kinjo R, Togawa K, Li C, Tsuchida Y, Tun PS, Hlaing S, Takahashi H, Ueno T. Air permeability, shock absorption ability, and flexural strength of 3D-printed perforated ABS polymer sheets with 3D-knitted fabric cushioning for sports face guard applications. Polymers (Basel). 2021.07; 13 (14): 2280. ( PubMed, DOI )

  8. Tanabe G, Hasunuma T, Inai Y, Takeuchi Y, Kobayashi H, Hayashi K, Shimizu S, Kamiya N, Churei H, Sumita YI, Suzuki K, Moriya N, Ueno T. Potential assessment of dehydration during high-Intensity training using a capacitance sensor for oral mucosal moisture: evaluation of elite athletes in a field-based survey. Chemosensors. 2021.07; 9 (8): 196. ( DOI )

  9. Tanabe G, Churei H, Takeuchi Y, Hayashi K, Kanasaki A, Yoshida Y, Toma J, Araie Y, Ueno T. Antibacterial effect of a disinfectant spray for sports mouthguards on Streptococcus sobrinus. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2021.07; 18 59. ( PubMed )

  10. Hayashi K, Churei H, Tanabe G, Togawa K, Chowdhury RU, Ueno T. Improving the Wearing Rate of Mouthguards in the Youth Rugby Category Affects the Total Future Mouthguard Wearing Rate. Dentistry journal. 2020.07; 8 (3): ( PubMed, DOI )

  11. Tun Phyu Sin , Tanabe Gen, Kamijo Shingo, Aung Thet Khaing , Oki Meiko, Churei Hiroshi, Hikita Kazuhiro, Ueno Toshiaki. 光学3Dスキャナーを用いて個別調整したマウスガード適合性に関するデジタル評価法(Digital evaluation of the fit of custom-made mouthguard using optical 3D scanner) スポーツ歯学. 2020.02; 23 (2): 94-95. ( ichushi )

  12. Aung Thet Khaing , Churei Hiroshi, Kinjo Rio, Tun Phyu Sin , Tanabe Gen, Ueno Toshiaki. フェイスガードの異なるクッション材料の換気率と衝撃吸収能の比較(Ventilation rate and shock absorbing ability of different types of cushion materials in face guard) スポーツ歯学. 2020.02; 23 (2): 88-89. ( ichushi )

  13. Tanabe Gen, Churei Hiroshi, Wada Takahiro, Takahashi Hidekazu, Uo Motohiro, Ueno Toshiaki. The influence of temperature on sheet lamination process when fabricating mouthguard on dental thermoforming machine JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCE. 2020.01; 62 (1): 23-27. ( PubMed, DOI )

  14. Tanabe Gen, Churei Hiroshi, Wada Takahiro, Takahashi Hidekazu, Uo Motohiro, Ueno Toshiaki. 歯科用熱成形機でマウスガードを製造する際の温度がシート積層工程に及ぼす影響(The influence of temperature on sheet lamination process when fabricating mouthguard on dental thermoforming machine) Journal of Oral Science. 2020.01; 62 (1): 23-27. ( ichushi )

  15. トゥン・ピューシン , Tanabe Gen, Kamijo Shingo, Aung Thet Khaing , Oki Meiko, Hiroshil Churei, Hikita Kazuhiro, Ueno Toshiaki. 光学式3Dスキャナーを用いたカスタムメイドマウスガードの適合性に関するデジタル評価(Digital evaluation of the fit of custom-made mouthguard using optical 3D scanner) 日本スポーツ歯科医学会学術大会プログラム抄録集. 2019.06; 30回 133. ( ichushi )

  16. Aung Thet Khaing , 中禮 宏, 金城 里於, Tun Pyhu Sin , 田邊 元, 上野 俊明. 通気度と衝撃吸収能を基にしたフェイスガードに用いるクッション材料の基礎的物性評価(Ventilation rate and shock absorbing ability of different types of cushion materials in face guard) 日本スポーツ歯科医学会学術大会プログラム抄録集. 2019.06; 30回 122. ( ichushi )

  17. Tun Phyu Sin, Aung Thet Kaing, Tanabe Gen, Kinjo Rio, Takahashi Yuumi, Shibata Chiho, Itoh Nanami, Hayashi Kairi, Yoshida Yuriko, Yano Akira, Churei Hiroshi, Ueno Toshiaki. ミャンマーのLethwei fighterのためのマウスガード装着プログラムとミャンマーの歯科医に対するマウスガード作製に関する技術的支援(Mouthguard program for Myanmar Lethwei fighters and technical assistance of mouthguard fabrication to Myanmar dentists) スポーツ歯学. 2019.02; 22 (2): 96. ( ichushi )

  18. Phyu Sin Tun , Thet Kaing Aung , 田邊 元, 吉田 結梨子, 金城 里於, 高橋 優美, 柴田 千帆, 伊藤 七海, 林 海里, 矢野 顕, 中禮 宏, 上野 俊明. ミャンマーラウェイ選手に対するマウスガード提供プログラム及びミャンマー人歯科医師へのマウスガード技術提供に関する活動報告(Mouthguard program for Myanmar Lethwei fighters and technical assistance of mouthguard fabrication to Myanmar dentists) 日本スポーツ歯科医学会学術大会プログラム抄録集. 2018.06; 29回 129. ( ichushi )

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Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display

  1. Tanabe G, Hattori M, Mizuguchi D, Masaki K, Wang Y, Hasegawa S, Tohara H, Sumita YI. Effect of voice training on maxillofacial function; a preliminary survey. Musicians' and Performing Artists' Health and Performance Conference 2022 (MHPC22) 2022.09.23 Oslo (Norway)+Web

  2. Hattori M, Tanabe G, Patzelt SBM, Schulze D, Sumita YI. Visualization of oral function during playing a wind instrument by a lateral dental impression: a proof-of-concept investigation. Musicians' and Performing Artists' Health and Performance Conference 2022 (MHPC22) 2022.09.22 Oslo (Norway)+Web

  3. Churei H, Hayashi K, Tanabe G, Takahashi Y, Togawa K, Shimizu S, Li C, Liu C, Aung T, Zhu Q, Li Z, Lian Y, Ueno T . Relationship between appropriate heating temperature and drooping distance of poly-olefin sheet materials for mouthguard. INTERNATIONAL DENTAL MATERIALS CONGRESS 2022 2022.09.04 HYBRID ACADEMIC CONFERENCE, Taiwan

  4. Hattori M, Tanabe G, Sumita YI, Obata S, Churei H, Ueno T. Does playing music influence the rehabilitation of a maxillofacial defect patient?. 40th Annual PAMA International Symposium 2022.06.25 Chicago (USA)+Web

  5. Chenyuan Li, Hiroshi Churei, Chang Liu, Qiushuang Zhu, Zequn Li, Gen Tanabe, Toshiaki Ueno.. Questionnaire survey on safety awareness for boxers in China. 2022 IADR (100th)/IADR APR(5th) 2022.06.20 web/ Chaina

  6. Tanabe G, Hattori M, Obata S, Takahashi Y, Sumita YI, Ueno T . Psychoacoustic analysis of a clarinet performance with soft type custom made lip shield to prevent mucosal erosion of lower lip: A case study. The 39th Annual PAMA International Symposium 2021.06.24 (Virtual Meeting)

  7. Hattori M, Tanabe G, Nishiyama A, Churei H, Tanase R, Sumita YI. Use of 4D facial scanner in musicians’ dentistry: Facial surface analysis while playing the recorder. The 39th Annual PAMA International Symposium 2021.06.24 (Virtual Meeting)

  8. Aung W, Shwe H, Tun PS, Auwg TK, Tanabe G, Kinjo R, Takahashi Y, Hayashi K, Yoshiada Y, Yano A, Churei H, Ueno T. . Effectiveness of mouthguard for Myanmar Lethwei player and coarch. 9th Mandalay Dental Conference 2018.07.14

  9. Tun Phyu Sin,Thet Khaing Aung,田邊元,吉田結梨子,金城里於,高橋優美,柴田千帆,伊藤七海,林海里,矢野顕,中禮宏,上野俊明. ミャンマーラウェイ選手に対するマウスガード提供プログラム及びミャンマー人歯科医師へのマウスガード技術提供に関する活動報告. 第29回 日本スポーツ歯科医学会 総会・学術大会 2018.06.24 トークネットホール仙台

  10. Kinjyo R, Churei H, Tanabe G, Takahashi Y, Phyu Sin Tun, Ito N, Saho Y, Anai S Tateishi T, Ueno T. Survey on oral trauma and mouthguard usage in college Judo players. International Judo Symposium 2017.12.01

  11. Tanabe G, Hata T, Tun PS, Churei H, Wada T, Uo M, Takahashi H, Ueno T. Effect of Molding Temperature on Peeling Energy of Laminated Mouthguards.. The 2017 ADM Annual Meeting 2017.10.07 Nuremberg

  12. Tanabe G, Churei H, Wada T, Uo M,Takahashi H and Ueno T. Effect of the use of commercial cleaning liquid in thermoforming process of mouthguard materials. International Dental Materials Congress 2016 2016.11.04 Indonesia Bali

  13. 田邊元,中禮宏,深沢慎太郎,和田敬広,宇尾基弘,上野俊明 他. 「マウスガード用接着用清掃剤の皮脂除去効果と積層接着力の評価」2016.6 第27回スポーツ歯科医学会. 第27回 日本スポーツ歯科医学会 総会・学術大会 2016.06.12 愛知県歯科医師会館 名古屋市

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