

島田 康史(シマダ ヤスシ)

















東京医科歯科大学 う蝕制御学分野

出身学校 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 東京医科歯科大学  歯学部

出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 東京医科歯科大学  歯学研究科  博士課程

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 歯学博士  東京医科歯科大学

経歴(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1995年11月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 う蝕制御学 助教
  • 2017年03月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 う蝕制御学 非常勤講師
  • 2021年09月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 う蝕制御学 教授
  • 2021年09月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学専攻 口腔機能再構築学講座 う蝕制御学分野 教授

経歴(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2017年02月
    岡山大学 大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 歯科保存修復学分野 准教授
  • 2022年04月
    岡山大学 非常勤講師
  • 2023年04月
    東北大学 非常勤講師

所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 口腔病学会

  • International Association for Dental Research

  • 日本接着歯学会

  • 日本歯科理工学会

  • 日本歯科保存学会

  • 日本レーザー歯学会

  • 日本歯内療法学会


委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2003年04月
    日本歯科保存学会 評議委員
  • 2017年04月
    日本歯科保存学会 編集連絡委員
  • 2018年05月
    日本接着歯学会 代議員評議委員
  • 2020年02月
    象牙質歯髄治療学会 理事
  • 2021年09月
    口腔病学会 理事
  • 2021年09月
    岡山歯学会 評議員
  • 2022年
    日本歯科保存学会 理事
  • 2022年04月
    日本再生歯学会 評議委員
  • 2023年02月
    国際歯科研究学会日本部会 理事
  • 2023年04月
    日本歯科保存学会 表彰委員会委員
  • 2023年04月
    日本歯科保存学会 COI委員会委員
  • 2023年04月
    日本歯科保存学会 認定委員会委員
  • 2023年06月
    日本歯科保存学会 歯科保存専門医評価小委員会委員長
  • 2023年07月
    日本歯科医学会 国際セッション委員会
  • 2024年04月
    日本接着歯学会 理事
  • 2024年04月
    日本接着歯学会 研究倫理審査委員会 委員長


研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 保存治療系歯学

資格、免許 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 歯科医師


研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Hidden Cariesの非侵襲的トモグラフィーを用いた3D評価,2012年04月 - 2015年03月

  • 歯硬組織の退行性変化の病態解明ならびに光学的診断の開発と臨床導入,2016年04月 - 2019年03月

  • 光干渉断層計の歯冠修復への応用,2011年04月 - 2014年03月

  • コラーゲンの高分子修飾と石灰化ハイブリッドsuper dentin の誘導形成,2011年04月 - 2013年03月

  • 非侵襲的トモグラフィーを用いた修復物の欠陥と二次う蝕の精密断層画像診断,2009年04月 - 2012年03月

  • う蝕象牙質のプロテオーム解析と再生・再利用に関する研究,2007年04月 - 2008年03月


競争的資金等の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 歯硬組織織の退行性変化の病態解明ならびに光学的診断の開発と臨床導入

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2016年 - 2018年

  • 歯髄における樹状細胞サブセットの解析から展開する歯髄炎発症のメカニズムの探求

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2016年 - 2018年

  • 再石灰化可能なWhite Spot(白斑)の臨床評価

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2016年 - 2018年

  • OCTを用いた口腔内エナメル質初期う蝕に対するフッ化物配合ガムの再石灰化効果評価

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2013年 - 2015年

  • Hidden Caries の非侵襲的トモグラフィーを用いた3D評価

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2012年 - 2014年

  • 光干渉断層計の歯冠修復への応用

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2011年 - 2013年

  • 光干渉断層画像診断法の歯科領域への応用と最適化に関する研究

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2010年 - 2013年

  • 放射線う蝕の治療法の確立に向けたセルフエッチング接着システムの基礎的研究


  • 放射線性う蝕から歯を守る~頭頸部がんサバイバーのQOL向上のための基礎研究~



論文・総説 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Takaaki Sato, Keiichi Hosaka, Junji Tagami, Hirofumi Tashiro, Hitoshi Miki, Kazunori Otani, Miho Nishimura, Masahiro Takahashi, Yasushi Shimada, Masaomi Ikeda. Clinical evaluation of direct composite versus zirconia resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses for a single missing anterior tooth: A short-term multicenter retrospective study. Journal of Dentistry. 2024.10; 151 105401. ( PubMed, DOI )

  2. Tabata, T; Nakagawa, H; Matin, K; Otsuki, M; Aoki, A; Sumi, Y; Shimada, Y. Analysis of cariogenic biofilms by using a swept-source optical coherence tomography in vitro ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY. 2024.09; 165 106009. ( PubMed, DOI )

  3. Lee SY, Shimada Y, Sadr A, Tabata T, Sato T, Byun JE, Han SH. Degree of conversion and interfacial adaptation of touch-cure resin cement polymerized by self-curing or dual-curing with reduced light. Clinical oral investigations. 2024.08; 28 (8): 463. ( PubMed, DOI )

  4. Tadamu Gondo, Noriko Hiraishi, Azusa Takeuchi, David Moyes, Yasushi Shimada. Comparative analysis of microbiome in coronal and root caries. BMC Oral Health. 2024.07; 24 (1): 869. ( PubMed, DOI )

  5. Kanamori Y, Takahashi R, Nikaido T, Nitta H, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Kunzelmann KH. Influence of resin-coating techniques on the marginal adaptation and the bond strengths of CAD/CAM-fabricated hybrid ceramic inlays. Dent Mater J. 2024.06; 43 (3): 407-414. ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Chen X, Inoue G, Fan L, Sekizawa O, Nitta K, Ikeda M, Shimada Y. Enhancement of mineral density and mechanical properties in root caries treated with silver diammine fluoride and glass ionomer cement, with emphasis on silver ion distribution. Journal of dentistry. 2024.05; 105041. ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Kei Ushijima, Noriko Hiraishi, Masaomi Ikeda, Yukiko Tsuji, Yumi Tsuchida, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of water glass treatment for zirconia and silane coupling on bond strength of resin cement. Clin Oral Investig. 2024.05; 28 (6): 305. ( PubMed, DOI )

  8. Reziwanguli Aili, Hidemi Nakata, Munemitsu Miyasaka, Shinji Kuroda, Yukihiko Tamura, Taishi Yokoi, Masakazu Kawashita, Yasushi Shimada, Shohei Kasugai, Eriko Marukawa. Evaluation of a hydroxyapatite-crosslinked fish gelatin membranes. J Dent Sci. 2024.04; 19 (2): 900-908. ( PubMed, DOI )

  9. Ishihara H, Yonekura K, Ikeda M, Inoue G, Nakajima M, Shimada Y, Hosaka K. Comparative bonding performance of coronal dentin disks and CAD/CAM resin composite disks for biological restoration: The impact of resin-coating technique. Dental materials journal. 2024.03; ( PubMed, DOI )

  10. Panchanit Ubolsa-Ard, Kittisak Sanon, Noriko Hiraishi, Mahmoud Sayed, Yuriko Sakamaki, Cynthia Kar Yung Yiu, Yasushi Shimada. Influence of surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) filler eluate on collagen morphology, remineralization, and ultimate tensile strength of demineralized dentin. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2024.02; 150 106295. ( PubMed, DOI )

  11. Noriko Hiraishi, Tadamu Gondo, Yasushi Shimada, Fumiaki Hayashi. Effect of borate, fluoride and strontium ions on biomimetic nucleation of calcium phosphate studied using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction. Dent Mater. 2024.02; 40 (2): 210-218. ( PubMed, DOI )

  12. Yang Y, Inoue G, Hosaka K, Tichy A, Ikeda M, Tagami J, Shimada Y. The Effect of a Deproteinizing Pretreatment on the Bonding Performance and Acid Resistance of a Two-step Self-etch Adhesive on Eroded Dentin. Operative dentistry. 2024.01; 49 (1): 65-75. ( PubMed, DOI )

  13. Kibe, K; Hatayama, T; Shimada, Y. In vitro performance of an autocured universal adhesive system in bonding to dentin BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2023.11; 23 (1): 933. ( PubMed, DOI )

  14. Tabata T, Nakagawa H, Kobayashi K, Takeuchi A, Fujimori R, Dohi K, Nakamura R, Iwabuchi H, Gondo T, Tsuji Y, Chen X, Sato T, Inoue G, Shimada Y. Diagnosis of occlusal caries using optical coherence tomography in a real clinical situation. Asian Pacific Journal of Dentistry. 2023.10; 23 (2): 24-27.

  15. Nami Tsuchiyama, Yukihiko Tamura, Tadamu Gondo, Masaomi Ikeda, Yasushi Shimada. The effect of ions used in bioactive dental materials on proliferation and differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells Asian Pacific Journal of Dentistry. 2023.10; 23 (2): 15-19.

  16. Takaaki Sato, Tomoko Tabata, Koudai Akabane, Mengtian Zhao, Abu Hasan Mohammad Khaled, Noriko Hiraishi, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami, Yasushi Shimada. Noninvasive diagnostic method using optical coherence tomography detected a vulnerable dentin enamel junction created by phosphoric acid etching. Dental Materials Journal. 2023.08; 42 (4): 552-558. ( PubMed, DOI )

  17. Seung-Hoon Han, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Tomoko Tabata, Hisaichi Nakagawa, Takaaki Sato, Ji-Eun Byun, Sung-Ho Park. Effect of Attenuated Light Through Translucent Zirconia on the Interfacial Adaptation and Polymerization of Resin Cements. The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry. 2023.08; 25 (1): 219-230. ( PubMed, DOI )

  18. Mika Shimojima, Noriko Hiraishi, Kodai Akabane, Mohannad Nassar, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of an In-Office Bleaching Agent with Surface Pre-Reacted Glass-Ionomer Filler on the Enamel Surface: A In-Vitro Study. J Funct Biomater. 2023.07; 14 (7): ( PubMed, DOI )

  19. Kodai Akabane, Noriko Hiraishi, Mika Shimojima, Mohannad Nassar, Feng Qi, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada. The bleaching effect of office bleaching agents containing S-PRG filler evaluated by pH value and electron spin resonance. Clin Oral Investig. 2023.07; 27 (7): 4051-4059. ( PubMed, DOI )

  20. SoeKayThwe ThanNaing, Noriko Hiraishi, Xuefei Chen, Richard Foxton, Yasushi Shimada. In vitro remineralization assessment of enamel subsurface lesions using different percentages of surface reaction-type pre-reacted glass-ionomer containing gum-based material. Journal of dentistry. 2023.06; 104602. ( PubMed, DOI )

  21. Ayaka Sato, Takaaki Sato, Masaomi Ikeda, Tomohiro Takagaki, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami, Yasushi Shimada. Influence of different tooth etchants on bur-cut and uncut enamel. Dental Materials Journal. 2023.05; 42 (3): 311-318. ( PubMed, DOI )

  22. Kiyoka Furusawa, Shun Kobayashi, Ako Yamashita, Antonin Tichy, Keiichi Hosaka, Yasushi Shimada, Masatoshi Nakajima. Effect of filler load on structural coloration and color adjustment potential of resin composites. Dent Mater J. 2023.05; 42 (3): 343-350. ( PubMed, DOI )

  23. Satoshi Akiya, Kento Sato, Kouta Kibe, Antonin Tichy, Noriko Hiraishi, Taweesak Prasansuttiporn, Keiichi Hosaka, Richard M Foxton, Yasushi Shimada, Masatoshi Nakajima. Polymerization shrinkage of light-cured conventional and bulk-fill composites -The effect of cavity depth and post-curing. Dent Mater J. 2023.05; 42 (3): 426-432. ( PubMed, DOI )

  24. Go Inoue, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of F:Ca:P ratio on fluoride deposition by fluoride-calcium-phosphate complex Asian Pacific Journal of Dentistry. 2023.04; 23 (1): 5-8. ( DOI )

  25. Diantong Wei, Ayako Nakamoto, Noriko Hiraishi, Akira Nakane, Gabriel Abuna, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of Er: YAG laser irradiation with additional low energy on resin-dentin bonding and morphology of bonded interface. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2023.04; 140 105692. ( PubMed, DOI )

  26. Ako Yamashita, Shun Kobayashi, Kiyoka Furusawa, Antonin Tichy, Rena Oguro, Keiichi Hosaka, Yasushi Shimada, Masatoshi Nakajima. Does the thickness of universal-shade composites affect the ability to reflect the color of background dentin? Dent Mater J. 2023.03; 42 (2): 255-265. ( PubMed, DOI )

  27. Takako Yoshikawa, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada. Polymerization behavior of bulk-fill and hybrid-type resin composites using different light curing mode Asian Pacific Journal of Dentistry. 2023.02; 23 (1): 1-4. ( DOI )

  28. Go Inoue, Xuefei Chen, Yasushi Shimada. Transverse Microradiography Evidence on the Effect of Phosphoryl Oligosaccharides of Calcium (POs-Ca) in Toothpaste on Decalcified Enamel Crystals. 2023.01; 13 (2): 206. ( DOI )

  29. Takaaki Sato, Jirun Sun, Xiaohong Wang, Shozo Takagi, Yoshikazu Teranishi, Go Inoue, Tomohiro Takagaki, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami, Yasushi Shimada. Analysis of reaction products on hydroxyapatite created by tooth etchants with different compositions. Journal of Oral Science. 2023.01; 65 (1): 53-56. ( PubMed, DOI )

  30. Kozo YAMAJI, Akihito YOKOYAMA, Kumiko MATSUZAKI, Tsutomu SUGAYA, Yasushi SHIMADA, Naoko OHARA, Masahiro YOSHIYAMA. Effect of BMP-2 on bone response using gelatin hydrogel in estrogen deficient rats Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering. 2022.12; 20 (2): 41-46.

  31. Taghreed Alrefaie, Ahmed Abdou, Waleed Almasabi, Feng Qi, Ayako Nakamoto, Masatoshi Nakajima, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of Water Storage and Bleaching on Light Transmission Properties and Translucency of Nanofilled Flowable Composite. Materials (Basel). 2022.12; 16 (1): ( PubMed, DOI )

  32. Noriko Hiraishi, Tadamu Gondo, Yasushi Shimada, Robert Hill, Fumiaki Hayashi. Crystallographic and Physicochemical Analysis of Bovine and Human Teeth Using X-ray Diffraction and Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. J Funct Biomater. 2022.11; 13 (4): ( PubMed, DOI )

  33. Yutaro Motoyama, Monica Yamauti, Masatoshi Nakajima, Masaomi Ikeda, Junji Tagami, Yasushi Shimada, Keiichi Hosaka. Hydroxyapatite Affects the Physicochemical Properties of Contemporary One-Step Self-Etch Adhesives. Materials (Basel). 2022.11; 15 (22): ( PubMed, DOI )

  34. Syed Ali Murtuza, Khairul Matin, Noriko Hiraishi, Yasushi Shimada. Optimal Surface Pre-Reacted Glass Filler Ratio in a Dental Varnish Effective for Inhibition of Biofilm-Induced Root Dentin Demineralization. Polymers (Basel). 2022.11; 14 (22): ( PubMed, DOI )

  35. Yuko Ogawa, Mahmoud Sayed, Noriko Hiraishi, Nadin Al-Haj Husain, Junji Tagami, Mutlu Özcan, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of Surface Pre-Reacted Glass Ionomer Containing Dental Sealant on the Inhibition of Enamel Demineralization. J Funct Biomater. 2022.10; 13 (4): ( PubMed, DOI )

  36. Midori Kawamura, Yu Toida, Shuhei Hoshika, Md Refat Readul Islam, Yitong Li, Ye Yao, Yunqing Liu, Rafiqul Islam, Takaaki Sato, Yasushi Shimada, Hidehiko Sano. Influence of Novel Experimental Light-Cured Resin Cement on Microtensile Bond Strength. Polymers (Basel). 2022.09; 14 (19): 4075. ( PubMed, DOI )

  37. Yasushi Shimada, Takaaki Sato, Go Inoue, Hisaichi Nakagawa, Tomoko Tabata, Yuan Zhou, Noriko Hiraishi, Tadamu Gondo, Syunsuke Takano, Kei Ushijima, Hirotoshi Iwabuchi, Yukiko Tsuji, Sadr Alireza, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami . Evaluation of Incipient Enamel Caries at Smooth Tooth Surfaces Using SS-OCT Materials. 2022.08; 15 (17): 5947.

  38. Daniel Hovander, Grant Chyz, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Alireza Sadr. Optical coherence tomography evaluation of deep dentin crack removal techniques JADA Foundational Science. 2022.08; 1 (C): 100012.

  39. Effect of decontamination materials on bond strength of saliva-contaminated CAD/CAM resin block and dentin Dental Materials Journal. 2022.06; 41 (4): 601-607.

  40. Sanon K, Tichy A, Hatayama T, Thanatvarakorn O, Prasansuttiporn T, Wada T, Shimada Y, Hosaka K, Nakajima M. Addition of metal chlorides to a HOCl conditioner can enhance bond strength to smear layer deproteinized dentin. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials. 2022.06; 38 (8): 1235-1247.

  41. Noriko Hiraishi, Mahmoud Sayed, Robert Hill, Ysushi Shimada. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy measurement of fluoride reaction by bovine enamel and dentin treated with silver diammine fluoride. Dent Mater. 2022.03; 38 (5): 769-777. ( PubMed, DOI )

  42. Yu Toida, Shimpei Kawano, Rafiqul Islam, Fu Jiale, Afm A Chowdhury, Shuhei Hoshika, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Satoshi Inoue, Ricardo M Carvalho, Yasuhiro Yoshida, Hidehiko Sano. Pulpal response to mineral trioxide aggregate containing phosphorylated pullulan-based capping material. Dent Mater J. 2022.02; 41 (1): 126-133. ( PubMed, DOI )

  43. Citra Kusumasari, Meiken Hayashi, Yasushi Shimada. Uncut Enamel for Optimizing Bonded Composite Restoration on Multiple Diastema Closure Cases Journal of Dentistry Indonesia. 2022; 29 (2): 140-146.

  44. ANDO Ryuta, SATO Takaaki, MATSUI Naoko, IKEDA Masaomi, HIRAISHI Noriko, TAKAGAKI Tomohiro, NIKAIDO Toru, TAGAMI Junji, and SHIMADA Yasushi. Effects of Universal Adhesives on Dentin Adhesive Performance and Acid-base Resistance Operative Dentistry, Endodontology and Periodontology. 2021.12; 1 (1): 88-96.

  45. Citra Kusumasari, Takashi Hatayama, Yasushi Shimada. Replacement of two failed indirect restorations with direct bonded restorations using minimally invasive strategy. Journal of Dentistry Indonesia. 2021.12; 28 (3): 198-204.

  46. Akane Chin, Masaomi Ikeda, Tomohiro Takagaki, Toru Nikaido, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Effects of Immediate and Delayed Cementations for CAD/CAM Resin Block after Alumina Air Abrasion on Adhesion to Newly Developed Resin Cement. Materials (Basel). 2021.11; 14 (22): 7058. ( PubMed, DOI )

  47. Kimberly Espinoza, Juri Hayashi, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Alireza Sadr. Optical Coherence Tomography for Patients with Developmental Disabilities: A Preliminary Study. Sensors (Basel). 2021.11; 21 (23): 7940. ( PubMed, DOI )

  48. Yu-Jung Lai, Rena Takahashi, Po-Yen Lin, Ling Kuo, Yuan Zhou, Khairul Matin, Yu-Chih Chiang, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Anti-Demineralization Effects of Dental Adhesive-Composites on Enamel–Root Dentin Junction Polymers. 2021.09; 13 (19): 3327.

  49. Yuan Zhou, Khairul Matin, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Guoqing Wang, Junji Tagami, Xiping Feng. Characteristics of biofilm-induced degradation at resin-dentin interfaces using multiple combinations of adhesives and resins. Dent Mater. 2021.08; 37 (8): 1260-1272. ( PubMed, DOI )

  50. Yuan Zhou, Noriko Hiraishi, Yasushi Shimada, Guoqing Wang, Junji Tagami, Xiping Feng. Evaluation of tooth demineralization and interfacial bacterial penetration around resin composites containing surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer (S-PRG) filler. Dent Mater. 2021.05; 37 (5): 849-862. ( PubMed, DOI )

  51. Kumiko Matsuzaki, Yasushi Shimada, Yasuo Shinno, Serina Ono, Kozo Yamaji, Naoko Ohara, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami, Masahiro Yoshiyama. Assessment of Demineralization Inhibition Effects of Dentin Desensitizers Using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography. Materials (Basel). 2021.04; 14 (8): 1876. ( PubMed, DOI )

  52. Yuan Zhou, Khairul Matin, Yasushi Shimada, Guoqing Wang, Alireza Sadr, Junji Tagami. Detection and analysis of early degradation at resin-dentin interface by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). J Dent. 2021.03; 106 103583. ( PubMed, DOI )

  53. Yasushi Shimada, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Evaluation of dental caries, tooth crack, and age-related changes in tooth structure using optical coherence tomography. Jpn Dent Sci Rev. 2020.11; 56 (1): 109-118. ( PubMed, DOI )

  54. S-H Han, Y Shimada, A Sadr, J Tagami, S-E Yang. Interfacial Evaluation of CAD/CAM Resin Inlays on the Cavity Floor Using Swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography. Oper Dent. 2020.11; 45 (6): 664-676. ( PubMed, DOI )

  55. Misa Kashiwa, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Diagnosis of Occlusal Tooth Wear Using 3D Imaging of Optical Coherence Tomography Ex Vivo. Sensors (Basel). 2020.10; 20 (21): ( PubMed, DOI )

  56. Alshahni, RZ; Sato, K; Hosaka, K; Hatayama, T; Chiba, A; Foxton, RM; Tagami, J; Sumi, Y; Shimada, Y; Nakajima, M. Effect of smear layer deproteinization with enzyme solutions on bonding efficacy of one-step self-etch adhesives INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES. 2020.10; 102 ( DOI )

  57. Yasushi Shimada, Michael F Burrow, Kazuyuki Araki, Yuan Zhou, Keiichi Hosaka, Alireza Sadr, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Takashi Miyazaki, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. 3D imaging of proximal caries in posterior teeth using optical coherence tomography. Sci Rep. 2020.09; 10 (1): 15754. ( PubMed, DOI )

  58. Seung-Hoon Han, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Junji Tagami, Kee-Yeon Kum, Sung-Ho Park. Effect of Pretreatment and Activation Mode on the Interfacial Adaptation of Nanoceramic Resin Inlay and Self-adhesive Resin Cement. Dent Mater. 2020.09; 36 (9): 1170-1182. ( PubMed, DOI )

  59. Minh N Luong, Yasushi Shimada, Kazuyuki Araki, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Junji Tagami, Alireza Sadr. Diagnosis of Occlusal Caries with Dynamic Slicing of 3D Optical Coherence Tomography Images. Sensors (Basel). 2020.03; 20 (6): ( PubMed, DOI )

  60. Bakhsh, TA; Sadr, A; Shimada, Y; Turkistani, A; Abuljadayel, R; Tagami, J. Does lining class-II cavities with flowable composite improve the interfacial adaptation? JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2020.02; 34 (4): 400-416. ( DOI )

  61. Akihito YOKOYAMA, Kozo YAMAJI, Naoko OHARA, Kumiko MATSUZAKI, Yasushi SHIMADA, Masahiro YOSHIYAMA. Effects of Direct Pulp Capping on Hard Tissue Formation by Using Alginate Gel Containing Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering. 2019.12; 17 (2): 53-58.

  62. Nao Kominami, Yasushi Shimada, Keiichi Hosaka, Minh Nguyet Luong, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. The effect of flowable composite lining and dentin location on microtensile bond strength and internal fracture formation. Dent Mater J. 2019.10; 38 (5): 798-805. ( PubMed, DOI )

  63. Rima Zakzuk Alshahni, Yasushi Shimada, Yuan Zhou, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Cavity adaptation of composite restorations prepared at crown and root: Optical assessment using SS-OCT. Dent Mater J. 2019.10; 38 (5): 779-789. ( PubMed, DOI )

  64. Kurumi Ide, Masatoshi Nakajima, Juri Hayashi, Keiichi Hosaka, Masaomi Ikeda, Yasushi Shimada, Richard M Foxton, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Effect of light-curing time on light-cure/post-cure volumetric polymerization shrinkage and regional ultimate tensile strength at different depths of bulk-fill resin composites. Dent Mater J. 2019.07; 38 (4): 621-629. ( PubMed, DOI )

  65. Minh Nguyet Luong, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada, Thwe Zin Ei, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Effect of lights with various wavelengths on bleaching by 30% hydrogen peroxide. Lasers Med Sci. 2019.07; 34 (5): 901-906. ( PubMed, DOI )

  66. Shigeki Uchinuma, Yasushi Shimada, Khairul Matin, Keiichi Hosaka, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Effects of UVB and UVC irradiation on cariogenic bacteria in vitro. Lasers Med Sci. 2019.07; 34 (5): 981-989. ( PubMed, DOI )

  67. Juri Hayashi, Jorge Espigares, Tomohiro Takagaki, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Tomoko Numata, Daniel Chan, Alireza Sadr. Real-time in-depth imaging of gap formation in bulk-fill resin composites. Dent Mater. 2019.04; 35 (4): 585-596. ( PubMed, DOI )

  68. Thwe Zin Ei, Yasushi Shimada, Ahmed Abdou, Alireza Sadr, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Three-dimensional assessment of proximal contact enamel using optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater. 2019.04; 35 (4): e74-e82. ( PubMed, DOI )

  69. Pavethynath Velusamy, Yasushi Shimada, Zuisei Kanno, Takashi Ono, Junji Tagami. Optical evaluation of enamel white spot lesions around orthodontic brackets using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT): An in vitro study. Dent Mater J. 2019.02; 38 (1): 22-27. ( PubMed, DOI )

  70. Yuichi Kitasako, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Masaomi Ikeda, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Remineralization capacity of carious and non-carious white spot lesions: clinical evaluation using ICDAS and SS-OCT. Clin Oral Investig. 2019.02; 23 (2): 863-872. ( PubMed, DOI )

  71. Seung-Hoon Han, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Sung-Ho Park. Internal adaptation of composite restorations with or without an intermediate layer: Effect of polymerization shrinkage parameters of the layer material. J Dent. 2019.01; 80 41-48. ( PubMed, DOI )

  72. Kozo YAMAJI, Akihito YOKOYAMA, Yasushi SHIMADA, Tsutomu SUGAYA, Naoko OHARA, Kumiko MATSUZAKI, Eriko NISHIYAMA, Masahiro YOSHIYAMA. Effects of Transforming Growth Factor-β1 and Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 on Bone Formation using a Bioabsorbable Scaffold at Palatal Sites in Rats Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering. 2018.12; 16 (2): 74-79.

  73. Alaa Turkistani, Sofiqul Islam, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Alireza Sadr. Dental cements: Bioactivity, bond strength and demineralization progression around restorations. Am J Dent. 2018.11; 31 (Sp Is B): 24B-31B. ( PubMed )

  74. Yuan Zhou, Yasushi Shimada, Khairul Matin, Alireza Sadr, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Assessment of root caries under wet and dry conditions using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Dent Mater J. 2018.11; 37 (6): 880-888. ( PubMed, DOI )

  75. Minh Nguyet Luong, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Cross-sectional imaging of tooth bonding interface after thermal stresses and mechanical fracture. Dent Mater J. 2018.09; 37 (5): 754-760. ( PubMed, DOI )

  76. Bruna Marin Fronza, Patricia Makishi, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami, Marcelo Giannini. Evaluation of bulk-fill systems: microtensile bond strength and non-destructive imaging of marginal adaptation. Braz Oral Res. 2018.08; 32 e80. ( PubMed, DOI )

  77. Chihiro Matsuura, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Three-dimensional diagnosis of dentin caries beneath composite restorations using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater J. 2018.07; 37 (4): 642-649. ( PubMed, DOI )

  78. Jorge Espigares, Juri Hayashi, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Alireza Sadr. Enamel margins resealing by low-viscosity resin infiltration. Dent Mater J. 2018.03; 37 (2): 350-357. ( PubMed, DOI )

  79. Yasuo SHINNO, Kumiko MATSUZAKI, Yasushi SHIMADA, Masahiro YOSHIYAMA. Effects of Remineralization-accelerating Agent in Odontoblast-like Cell (MDPC-23) Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering. 2018.03; 15 (3): 165-170.

  80. Thwe Zin Ei, Yasushi Shimada, Syozi Nakashima, Maria Jacinta Rosario H Romero, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Comparison of resin-based and glass ionomer sealants with regard to fluoride-release and anti-demineralization efficacy on adjacent unsealed enamel. Dent Mater J. 2018.01; 37 (1): 104-112. ( PubMed, DOI )

  81. Zhengdi He, Lingling Chen, Xuejuan Hu, Yasushi Shimada, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami, Shuangchen Ruan. Mechanical properties and molecular structure analysis of subsurface dentin after Er:YAG laser irradiation. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2017.10; 74 274-282. ( PubMed, DOI )

  82. J Hayashi, Y Shimada, J Tagami, Y Sumi, A Sadr. Real-Time Imaging of Gap Progress during and after Composite Polymerization. J Dent Res. 2017.08; 96 (9): 992-998. ( PubMed, DOI )

  83. Tomoko Tabata, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Assessment of enamel cracks at adhesive cavosurface margin using three-dimensional swept-source optical coherence tomography. J Dent. 2017.06; 61 28-32. ( PubMed, DOI )

  84. Zhengdi He, Lingling Chen, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Shuangchen Ruan. Evaluation of sub-surface penetration and bonding durability of self-etching primer systems to Er:YAG laser treated cervical dentin. Dent Mater J. 2017.03; 36 (2): 174-181. ( PubMed, DOI )

  85. Yuan Zhou, Khairul Matin, Yasushi Shimada, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Evaluation of resin infiltration on demineralized root surface: An in vitro study. Dent Mater J. 2017.03; 36 (2): 195-204. ( PubMed, DOI )

  86. M S Segarra, Y Shimada, A Sadr, Y Sumi, J Tagami. Three-Dimensional Analysis of Enamel Crack Behavior Using Optical Coherence Tomography. J Dent Res. 2017.03; 96 (3): 308-314. ( PubMed, DOI )

  87. Miho Sugiura, Yuichi Kitasako, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. White spot lesion remineralization by sugar-free chewing gum containing bio-available calcium and fluoride: A double-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of Dentistry. 2016.11; 54 86-91. ( PubMed, DOI )

  88. Kei Horie, Yasushi Shimada, Khairul Matin, Masaomi Ikeda, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Monitoring of cariogenic demineralization at the enamel-composite interface using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater. 2016.09; 32 (9): 1103-1112. ( PubMed, DOI )

  89. Yuan Zhou, Yasushi Shimada, Khairul Matin, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Assessment of bacterial demineralization around composite restorations using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Dent Mater. 2016.09; 32 (9): 1177-1188. ( PubMed, DOI )

  90. Minh Nguyet Dao Luong, Yasushi Shimada, Alaa Turkistani, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi, Alireza Sadr. Fractography of interface after microtensile bond strength test using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater. 2016.07; 32 (7): 862-869. ( PubMed, DOI )

  91. Tomoka Ueno, Yasushi Shimada, Khairul Matin, Yuan Zhou, Ikumi Wada, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Optical analysis of enamel and dentin caries in relation to mineral density using swept-source optical coherence tomography. J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2016.07; 3 (3): 035507. ( PubMed, DOI )

  92. Ehab Z Alsayed, Ilnaz Hariri, Syozi Nakashima, Yasushi Shimada, Turki A Bakhsh, Junji Tagami, Alireza Sadr. Effects of coating materials on nanoindentation hardness of enamel and adjacent areas. Dent Mater. 2016.06; 32 (6): 807-816. ( PubMed, DOI )

  93. Hiroki Tezuka, Yasushi Shimada, Khairul Matin, Masaomi Ikeda, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Assessment of cervical demineralization induced by Streptococcus mutans using swept-source optical coherence tomography. J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2016.01; 3 (1): 014504. ( PubMed, DOI )

  94. Sachiko Ito, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Yukie Nakajima, Michiyo Miyashin, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Assessment of occlusal fissure depth and sealant penetration using optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater J. 2016; 35 (3): 432-439. ( PubMed, DOI )

  95. Patricia Makishi, Rafael R Pacheco, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami, Marcelo Giannini. Assessment of Self-Adhesive Resin Composites: Nondestructive Imaging of Resin-Dentin Interfacial Adaptation and Shear Bond Strength. Microsc Microanal. 2015.12; 21 (6): 1523-1529. ( PubMed, DOI )

  96. Ikumi Wada, Yasushi Shimada, Masaomi Ikeda, Alireza Sadr, Syozi Nakashima, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Clinical assessment of non carious cervical lesion using swept-source optical coherence tomography. J Biophotonics. 2015.10; 8 (10): 846-854. ( PubMed, DOI )

  97. Patricia Makishi, Suppason Thitthaweerat, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Adriano Luis Martins, Junji Tagami, Marcelo Giannini. Assessment of current adhesives in class I cavity: Nondestructive imaging using optical coherence tomography and microtensile bond strength. Dent Mater. 2015.09; 31 (9): e190-e200. ( PubMed, DOI )

  98. Nariaki Yoshimine, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Alireza Sadr. Interfacial Adaptation of Composite Restorations Before and After Light Curing: Effects of Adhesive and Filling Technique. J Adhes Dent. 2015.08; 17 (4): 329-336. ( PubMed, DOI )

  99. A Turkistani, S Nakashima, Y Shimada, J Tagami, A Sadr. Microgaps and Demineralization Progress around Composite Restorations. J. Dent. Res.. 2015.08; 94 (8): 1070-1077. ( PubMed, DOI )

  100. Patrycja Majkut, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Validation of Optical Coherence Tomography against Micro-computed Tomography for Evaluation of Remaining Coronal Dentin Thickness. J Endod. 2015.08; 41 (8): 1349-1352. ( PubMed, DOI )

  101. Turki A Bakhsh, Alireza Sadr, Mona M Mandurah, Yasushi Shimada, Osama Zakaria, Junji Tagami. In situ characterization of resin-dentin interfaces using conventional vs. cryofocused ion-beam milling. Dent Mater. 2015.07; 31 (7): 833-844. ( PubMed, DOI )

  102. Alsayed EZ, Hariri I, Sadr A, Nakashima S, Bakhsh TA, Shimada Y, Sumi Y, Tagami J. Optical coherence tomography for evaluation of enamel and protective coating Dental Materials Journal. 2015.02; 34 (1): 98-107. ( PubMed, DOI )

  103. Jorge Espigares, Alireza Sadr, Hidenori Hamba, Yasushi Shimada, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Assessment of natural enamel lesions with optical coherence tomography in comparison with microfocus x-ray computed tomography. J Med Imaging (Bellingham). 2015.01; 2 (1): 014001. ( PubMed, DOI )

  104. Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Application of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for Diagnosis of Caries, Cracks, and Defects of Restorations. Curr Oral Health Rep. 2015; 2 (2): 73-80. ( PubMed, DOI )

  105. Takahide Ibusuki, Yuichi Kitasako, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Observation of white spot lesions using swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT): in vitro and in vivo study. Dent Mater J. 2015; 34 (4): 545-552. ( PubMed, DOI )

  106. Sattabanasuk, V; Burrow, MF; Shimada, Y; Tagami, J. Bonding of resin luting cements to dentine after casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) treatment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES. 2014.10; 54 93-99. ( DOI )

  107. Alaa Turkistani, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Toru Nikaido, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Sealing performance of resin cements before and after thermal cycling: evaluation by optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater. 2014.09; 30 (9): 993-1004. ( PubMed, DOI )

  108. Yasushi Shimada, Hisaichi Nakagawa, Alireza Sadr, Ikumi Wada, Masatoshi Nakajima, Toru Nikaido, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Noninvasive cross-sectional imaging of proximal caries using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) in vivo. J Biophotonics. 2014.07; 7 (7): 506-513. ( PubMed, DOI )

  109. Mona M Mandurah, Alireza Sadr, Turki A Bakhsh, Yasushi Shimada, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Characterization of transparent dentin in attrited teeth using optical coherence tomography. Lasers Med Sci. 2014.02; 30 (4): 1189-1196. ( PubMed, DOI )

  110. Yukie Nakajima, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Ikumi Wada, Michiyo Miyashin, Yuzo Takagi, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth using swept source optical coherence tomography. J Biomed Opt. 2014.01; 19 (1): 16020. ( PubMed, DOI )

  111. Baba Bista, Alireza Sadr, Amir Nazari, Yasushi Shimada, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Nondestructive assessment of current one-step self-etch dental adhesives using optical coherence tomography. J Biomed Opt. 2013.07; 18 (7): 76020. ( PubMed, DOI )

  112. H Tassery, B Levallois, E Terrer, D J Manton, M Otsuki, S Koubi, N Gugnani, I Panayotov, B Jacquot, F Cuisinier, P Rechmann. Use of new minimum intervention dentistry technologies in caries management. Aust Dent J. 2013.06; 58 Suppl 1 40-59. ( PubMed, DOI )

  113. Amir Nazari, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. 3D assessment of void and gap formation in flowable resin composites using optical coherence tomography. J Adhes Dent. 2013.06; 15 (3): 237-243. ( PubMed, DOI )

  114. Mona M Mandurah, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Yuichi Kitasako, Syozi Nakashima, Turki A Bakhsh, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Monitoring remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by optical coherence tomography. J Biomed Opt. 2013.04; 18 (4): 046006. ( PubMed, DOI )

  115. Amir Nazari, Alireza Sadr, Mohammad Ali Saghiri, Marc Campillo-Funollet, Hidenori Hamba, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Non-destructive characterization of voids in six flowable composites using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater. 2013.03; 29 (3): 278-286. ( PubMed, DOI )

  116. Amir Nazari, Alireza Sadr, Marc Campillo-Funollet, Syozi Nakashima, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Effect of hydration on assessment of early enamel lesion using swept-source optical coherence tomography. J Biophotonics. 2013.02; 6 (2): 171-177. ( PubMed, DOI )

  117. Hisaichi Nakagawa, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Validation of swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) for the diagnosis of smooth surface caries in vitro. J Dent. 2013.01; 41 (1): 80-89. ( PubMed, DOI )

  118. Turki A Bakhsh, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Mona M Mandurah, Ilnaz Hariri, Ehab Z Alsayed, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Concurrent evaluation of composite internal adaptation and bond strength in a class-I cavity. J Dent. 2013.01; 41 (1): 60-70. ( PubMed, DOI )

  119. I Hariri, A Sadr, S Nakashima, Y Shimada, J Tagami, Y Sumi. Estimation of the enamel and dentin mineral content from the refractive index. Caries Res.. 2013; 47 (1): 18-26. ( PubMed, DOI )

  120. Y Nakajima, Y Shimada, M Miyashin, Y Takagi, J Tagami, Y Sumi. Noninvasive cross-sectional imaging of incomplete crown fractures (cracks) using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Int Endod J. 2012.10; 45 (10): 933-941. ( PubMed, DOI )

  121. Kanako Imai, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Noninvasive cross-sectional visualization of enamel cracks by optical coherence tomography in vitro. J Endod. 2012.09; 38 (9): 1269-1274. ( PubMed, DOI )

  122. Ilnaz Hariri, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Shizuko Ichinose, Junji Tagami. The effects of aging on shear bond strength and nanoleakage expression of an etch-and-rinse adhesive on human enamel and dentin. J Adhes Dent. 2012.06; 14 (3): 235-243. ( PubMed, DOI )

  123. Ilnaz Hariri, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Effects of structural orientation of enamel and dentine on light attenuation and local refractive index: an optical coherence tomography study. J Dent. 2012.05; 40 (5): 387-396. ( PubMed, DOI )

  124. Amir Nazari, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Junji Tagami. Pre-etching vs. grinding in promotion of adhesion to intact enamel using self-etch adhesives. Dent Mater J. 2012; 31 (3): 394-400. ( PubMed, DOI )

  125. Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Amir Nazari, Hisaichi Nakagawa, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. 3D evaluation of composite resin restoration at practical training using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). Dent Mater J. 2012; 31 (3): 409-417. ( PubMed, DOI )

  126. Turki A Bakhsh, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Non-invasive quantification of resin-dentin interfacial gaps using optical coherence tomography: validation against confocal microscopy. Dent Mater. 2011.09; 27 (9): 915-925. ( PubMed, DOI )

  127. Yuko Natsume, Syozi Nakashima, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Estimation of lesion progress in artificial root caries by swept source optical coherence tomography in comparison to transverse microradiography. J Biomed Opt. 2011.07; 16 (7): 071408. ( PubMed, DOI )

  128. Patricia Makishi, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. Non-destructive 3D imaging of composite restorations using optical coherence tomography: marginal adaptation of self-etch adhesives. J Dent. 2011.04; 39 (4): 316-325. ( PubMed, DOI )

  129. Pisol Senawongse, Pong Pongprueksa, Choltacha Harnirattisai, Yasunori Sumi, Masayuki Otsuki, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Non-destructive assessment of cavity wall adaptation of class V composite restoration using swept-source optical coherence tomography. Dent Mater J. 2011; 30 (4): 517-522. ( PubMed, DOI )

  130. Patricia Makishi, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Shenghua Wei, Shizuko Ichinose, Junji Tagami. Nanoleakage expression and microshear bond strength in the resin cement/dentin interface. J Adhes Dent. 2010.10; 12 (5): 393-401. ( PubMed, DOI )

  131. Ma'an M Nayif, Yasushi Shimada, Shizuko Ichinose, Junji Tagami. Nanoleakage of current self-etch adhesives bonded to artificial carious dentin. Am J Dent. 2010.10; 23 (5): 279-284. ( PubMed )

  132. Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Michael F Burrow, Junji Tagami, Nobuyoshi Ozawa, Yasunori Sumi. Validation of swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) for the diagnosis of occlusal caries. J Dent. 2010.08; 38 (8): 655-665. ( PubMed, DOI )

  133. Yashushi Shimada, Laurence C Chow, Shozo Takagi, Junji Tagami. Properties of Injectable Apatite-Forming Premixed Cements. J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol. 2010.07; 115 (4): 233-241. ( PubMed, DOI )

  134. Junji Tagami, Toru Nikaido, Masatoshi Nakajima, Yasushi Shimada. Relationship between bond strength tests and other in vitro phenomena. Dent Mater. 2010.02; 26 (2): e94-e99. ( PubMed, DOI )

  135. Wei, S; Shimada, Y; Sadr, A; Tagami, J. Effect of Double-application of Three Single-step Self-etch Adhesives on Dentin Bonding and Mechanical Properties of Resin-dentin Area (vol 34, pg 716, 2009) OPERATIVE DENTISTRY. 2010.01; 35 (1): 135.

  136. Y Shimada, S Ichinose, A Sadr, M F Burrow, J Tagami. Localization of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs-2, 8, 9 and 20) in normal and carious dentine. Aust Dent J. 2009.12; 54 (4): 347-354. ( PubMed, DOI )

  137. Shenghua Wei, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Junji Tagami. Effect of double-application of three single-step self-etch adhesives on dentin bonding and mechanical properties of resin-dentin area. Oper Dent. 2009.11; 34 (6): 716-724. ( PubMed, DOI )

  138. Hiroshi Okada, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Micro-shear bond strength of current one-step adhesives to cementum and dentin. Am J Dent. 2009.10; 22 (5): 259-263. ( PubMed )

  139. Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Hongbing Lu, Junji Tagami. The viscoelastic behavior of dental adhesives: a nanoindentation study. Dent Mater. 2009.01; 25 (1): 13-19. ( PubMed, DOI )

  140. Zhengdi He, Yasushi Shimada, Alireza Sadr, Masaomi Ikeda, Junji Tagami. The effects of cavity size and filling method on the bonding to Class I cavities. J Adhes Dent. 2008.12; 10 (6): 447-453. ( PubMed )

  141. Shenghua Wei, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Effect of caries-affected dentin hardness on the shear bond strength of current adhesives. J Adhes Dent. 2008.12; 10 (6): 431-440. ( PubMed )

  142. Yang Yuan, Yasushi Shimada, Shizuko Ichinose, Junji Tagami. Hybridization quality in cervical cementum and superficial dentin using current adhesives. Dent Mater. 2008.05; 24 (5): 584-593. ( PubMed, DOI )

  143. Zahra Jaberi Ansari, Alireza Sadr, Maryam Moezizadeh, Roya Aminian, Amir Ghasemi, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Shahab Jaberi Ansari, Sedigheh Moayedi. Effects of one-year storage in water on bond strength of self-etching adhesives to enamel and dentin. Dent Mater J. 2008.03; 27 (2): 266-272. ( PubMed, DOI )

  144. Y Yuan, Y Shimada, S Ichinose, A Sadr, J Tagami. Effects of dentin characteristics on interfacial nanoleakage. J Dent Res. 2007.10; 86 (10): 1001-1006. ( PubMed, DOI )

  145. Hao Wang, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Effect of fluoride in phosphate buffer solution on bonding to artificially carious enamel. Dent Mater J. 2007.09; 26 (5): 722-727. ( PubMed, DOI )

  146. Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Effects of solvent drying time on micro-shear bond strength and mechanical properties of two self-etching adhesive systems. Dent Mater. 2007.09; 23 (9): 1114-1119. ( PubMed, DOI )

  147. Y Yuan, Y Shimada, S Ichinose, J Tagami. Effect of dentin depth on hybridization quality using different bonding tactics in vivo. J Dent. 2007.08; 35 (8): 664-672. ( PubMed, DOI )

  148. Chieko Imamiya, Yasushi Shimada, Michael F Burrow, Junji Tagami. Shear bond characteristics of a tooth-colored temporary coating material to enamel. Am J Dent. 2007.06; 20 (3): 177-181. ( PubMed )

  149. Ayano Ishikawa, Yasushi Shimada, Richard M Foxton, Junji Tagami. Micro-tensile and micro-shear bond strengths of current self-etch adhesives to enamel and dentin. Am J Dent. 2007.06; 20 (3): 161-166. ( PubMed )

  150. Toru Nikaido, Tsunehiko Takada, Yuichi Kitasako, Miwako Ogata, Yasushi Shimada, Takako Yoshikawa, Masatoshi Nakajima, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami, Michael F Burrow. Retrospective study of the 10-year clinical performance of direct resin composite restorations placed with the acid-etch technique. Quintessence Int. 2007.05; 38 (5): e240-e246. ( PubMed )

  151. Zhengdi He, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. The effects of cavity size and incremental technique on micro-tensile bond strength of resin composite in Class I cavities. Dent Mater. 2007.05; 23 (5): 533-538. ( PubMed, DOI )

  152. Yang Yuan, Yasushi Shimada, Shizuko Ichinose, Junji Tagami. Qualitative analysis of adhesive interface nanoleakage using FE-SEM/EDS. Dent Mater. 2007.05; 23 (5): 561-569. ( PubMed, DOI )

  153. Nanako Iwamoto, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Penetration of silver nitrate into bleached enamel, dentin, and cementum. Quintessence Int. 2007.03; 38 (3): e183-e188. ( PubMed )

  154. Alireza Sadr, Amir Ghasemi, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Effects of storage time and temperature on the properties of two self-etching systems. J Dent. 2007.03; 35 (3): 218-225. ( PubMed, DOI )

  155. Yasushi Shimada, Md Akhtar Uzzaman, Junji Tagami, Toru Tanaka, Takashi Nakata, Yasuko Nakaoki, Hidehiko Sano. Effect of curing method of a dual-cure resin cement on monkey pulpal reaction after bonding of tooth-colored inlay. Dent Mater J. 2007.01; 26 (1): 122-128. ( PubMed, DOI )

  156. Vanthana Sattabanasuk, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Effects of saliva contamination on dentin bond strength using all-in-one adhesives. J Adhes Dent. 2006.10; 8 (5): 311-318. ( PubMed )

  157. Yuichi Seki, Yasushi Shimada, Richard M Foxton, Junji Tagami. Pulpal response to a newly developed MMA based resin cement for bonding tooth-colored indirect restorations. Am J Dent. 2006.10; 19 (5): 297-302. ( PubMed )

  158. Toru Nikaido, Tsunehiko Takada, Yuichi Kitasako, Miwako Ogata, Yasushi Shimada, Takako Yoshikawa, Masatoshi Nakajima, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami, Michael F Burrow. Retrospective study of five-year clinical performance of direct composite restorations using a self-etching primer adhesive system. Dent Mater J. 2006.09; 25 (3): 611-615. ( PubMed, DOI )

  159. V Sattabanasuk, M F Burrow, Y Shimada, J Tagami. Resin adhesion to caries-affected dentine after different removal methods. Aust Dent J. 2006.06; 51 (2): 162-169. ( PubMed, DOI )

  160. Yasushi Shimada, Vanthana Sattabanasuk, Alireza Sadr, Yang Yuan, Zhengdi He, Junji Tagami. Shear bond strength of tooth-colored indirect restorations bonded to mid-coronal and cervical dentin. Dent Mater J. 2006.03; 25 (1): 7-12. ( PubMed, DOI )

  161. Daisuke Kikushima, Yasushi Shimada, Richard M Foxton, Junji Tagami. Micro-shear bond strength of adhesive systems to cementum. Am J Dent. 2005.10; 18 (5): 364-368. ( PubMed )

  162. Yasushi Shimada, Nobuyoshi Tomimatsu, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, M Akhtar Uzzaman, Michael F Burrow, Junji Tagami. Shear bond strength of tooth-colored indirect restorations bonded to coronal and cervical enamel. Oper Dent. 2005.07; 30 (4): 468-473. ( PubMed )

  163. M Akhtar Uzzaman, Yasushi Shimada, Yuichi Seki, Junji Tagami. Pulpal response to a hybrid composite resin inlay bonded with a newly developed resin-modified glass ionomer luting cement. Dent Mater J. 2005.06; 24 (2): 178-186. ( PubMed, DOI )

  164. Yasushi Shimada, Yuichi Seki, Mohammed Akhtar Uzzaman, Vanthana Sattabanasuk, Yasutaka Sasafuchi, Richard M Foxton, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Monkey pulpal response to an MMA-based resin cement as adhesive luting for indirect restorations. J Adhes Dent. 2005; 7 (3): 247-251. ( PubMed )

  165. Vanthana Sattabanasuk, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Bonding of resin to artificially carious dentin. J Adhes Dent. 2005; 7 (3): 183-192. ( PubMed )

  166. Yasushi Shimada, Yuichi Seki, Mohammed Akhtar Uzzaman, Richard M Foxton, Junji Tagami. Effect of a fluoride-releasing one-step adhesive system on monkey pulp tissue. J Adhes Dent. 2005; 7 (3): 241-245. ( PubMed )

  167. Vanthana Sattabanasuk, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. The bond of resin to different dentin surface characteristics. Oper Dent. 2004.05; 29 (3): 333-341. ( PubMed )

  168. Yasushi Shimada, Masatugu Kawashima, Takashi Higashi, Richard M Foxton, Junji Tagami. Histologic evaluation of adhesive restorations on dentin caries in rat molar teeth. Quintessence Int. 2004.03; 35 (3): 200-205. ( PubMed )

  169. H Wang, Y Shimada, J Tagami. Shear bond stability of current adhesive systems to enamel. Oper Dent. 2004.03; 29 (2): 168-175. ( PubMed )

  170. P Senawongse, C Harnirattisai, Y Shimada, J Tagami. Effective bond strength of current adhesive systems on deciduous and permanent dentin. Oper Dent. 2004.03; 29 (2): 196-202. ( PubMed )

  171. Yasushi Shimada, Yuichi Seki, Yasutaka Sasafuchi, Makoto Arakawa, Michael F Burrow, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Biocompatibility of a flowable composite bonded with a self-etching adhesive compared with a glass lonomer cement and a high copper amalgam. Oper Dent. 2004.01; 29 (1): 23-28. ( PubMed )

  172. Marcelo Giannini, Mario F De Goes, Toru Nikaido, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Influence of activation mode of dual-cured resin composite cores and low-viscosity composite liners on bond strength to dentin treated with self-etching adhesives. J Adhes Dent. 2004; 6 (4): 301-306. ( PubMed )

  173. Pisol Senawongse, Vanthana Sattabanasuk, Yasushi Shimada, Masayuki Otsuki, Junji Tagami. Bond strengths of current adhesive systems on intact and ground enamel. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2004; 16 (2): 107-15; discussion 116. ( PubMed, DOI )

  174. Shigemitsu Toba, Weeraporn Veerapravati, Yasushi Shimada, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami. Micro-shear bond strengths of adhesive resins to coronal dentin versus the floor of the pulp chamber. Am J Dent. 2003.09; 16 Spec No 51A-56A. ( PubMed )

  175. Yasushi Shimada, Nanako Iwamoto, Masatsume Kawashima, Michael F Burrow, Junji Tagami. Shear bond strength of current adhesive systems to enamel, dentin and dentin-enamel junction region. Oper Dent. 2003.09; 28 (5): 585-590. ( PubMed )

  176. Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Effects of regional enamel and prism orientation on resin bonding. Oper Dent. 2003.01; 28 (1): 20-27. ( PubMed )

  177. Yasushi Shimada, Daisuke Kikushima, Junji Tagami. Micro-shear bond strength of resin-bonding systems to cervical enamel. Am J Dent. 2002.12; 15 (6): 373-377. ( PubMed )

  178. Walter G McDonough, Joseph M Antonucci, Jianmei He, Yasushi Shimada, Martin Y M Chiang, Gary E Schumacher, Carl R Schultheisz. A microshear test to measure bond strengths of dentin-polymer interfaces. Biomaterials. 2002.09; 23 (17): 3603-3608. ( PubMed, DOI )

  179. Yasushi Shimada, Saori Yamaguchi, Junji Tagami. Micro-shear bond strength of dual-cured resin cement to glass ceramics. Dent Mater. 2002.07; 18 (5): 380-388. ( PubMed, DOI )

  180. Yasushi Shimada, Pisol Senawongse, Choltacha Harnirattisai, Michael F Burrow, Yasuko Nakaoki, Junji Tagami. Bond strength of two adhesive systems to primary and permanent enamel. Oper Dent. 2002.07; 27 (4): 403-409. ( PubMed )

  181. S Dhanasomboon, T Nikaido, Y Shimada, J Tagami. Bonding amalgam to enamel: shear bond strength and SEM morphology. J Prosthet Dent. 2001.09; 86 (3): 297-303. ( PubMed, DOI )

  182. Y Shimada, Y Kondo, S Inokoshi, J Tagami, J M Antonucci. Demineralizing effect of dental cements on human dentin. Quintessence Int. 1999.04; 30 (4): 267-273. ( PubMed )

  183. S Inokoshi, M Fujitani, M Otsuki, H Sonoda, Y Kitasako, Y Shimada, J Tagami. Monkey pulpal responses to conventional and adhesive luting cements. Oper Dent. 1998.01; 23 (1): 21-29. ( PubMed )

  184. Y Shimada, C Harnirattisai, S Inokoshi, M F Burrow, T Takatsu. In vivo adhesive interface between resin and dentin. Oper Dent. 1995.09; 20 (5): 204-210. ( PubMed )

  185. S Inokoshi, Y Shimada, M Fujitani, M Otsuki, T Shono, N Onoe, M Morigami, T Takatsu. Monkey pulpal response to adhesively luted indirect resin composite inlays. Oper Dent. 1995.05; 20 (3): 111-118. ( PubMed )

  186. C Harnirattisai, S Inokoshi, Y Shimada, H Hosoda. Adhesive interface between resin and etched dentin of cervical erosion/abrasion lesions. Oper Dent. 1993.07; 18 (4): 138-143. ( PubMed )

  187. S Inokoshi, H Hosoda, C Harnirattisai, Y Shimada. Interfacial structure between dentin and seven dentin bonding systems revealed using argon ion beam etching. Oper Dent. 1993.01; 18 (1): 8-16. ( PubMed )

  188. C Harnirattisai, S Inokoshi, Y Shimada, H Hosoda. Interfacial morphology of an adhesive composite resin and etched caries-affected dentin. Oper Dent. 1992.11; 17 (6): 222-228. ( PubMed )

  189. H Hosoda, S Inokoshi, Y Shimada, C Harnirattisai, M Otsuki. Pulpal response to a new light-cured composite placed in etched glass-ionomer lined cavities. Oper Dent. 1991.07; 16 (4): 122-129. ( PubMed )

  190. 田 端 倫 子 ,中 川 寿 一, Khairul MATIN, 大 槻 昌 幸, 青 木 章, 島 田 康 史. バイオフィルムに関する光干渉断層計(Optical Coherence Tomography : OCT)の研究:総説 日本レーザー歯学会誌. 2023.09; 33

  191. 髙橋 基, 高橋礼奈, 島田康史. 上顎前歯部の審美・機能障害に対してデジタルワークフローを活用した直接法コンポジットレジン修復を行った1症例 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2023.08; 66 (4): 224-232. ( DOI )

  192. 井上 剛 、水谷 幸嗣 、三上 理沙子、島田 康史、 青木 章. 歯肉のメラニン沈着の審美治療として Er:YAG レーザーをマイクロサージェリーで応用した長期経過 日本歯科保存学会誌. 2023.05; 66 (2): 147-153. ( DOI )

  193. 中川寿一,島田康史. 歯科医学領域における歯科用光干渉断層計(SS-OCT)の現状と展望 日本レーザー歯学会誌. 2022.12; 32 (2): 23-31. ( DOI )

  194. 島田康史、田上順次、角保徳. 光干渉断層計(OCT)による齲蝕診断の可能性 東京都歯科医師会雑誌. 2022.04; 70 (4): 3-11.

  195. 島田康史. 光干渉断層計を用いた齲蝕の診断 口腔病学会雑誌. 2022.03; 89 (1): 7-12.

  196. 中根 晶,韋 殿桐,中元絢子,守矢佳世子,平石典子,大槻昌幸,加藤純二,島田康史. Er:YAGレーザーのメラニン色素沈着除去術への応用 日本レーザー歯学会誌. 2022.01; 31 (3): 74-77.

  197. 佐藤 隆明, 田端 倫子, 畑山 貴志, 赤羽根広大, 佐藤 綾花, 馬場 雄大, 高橋 礼奈, 井上 剛, 平石 典子, 角 保徳, 島田 康史, 田上 順次. エナメル象牙境におけるエッチングの影響 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2021.08; 64 (4): 271-278. ( DOI )

  198. 神農 泰生, 島田 康史, 松﨑 久美子, 横山 章人, SADR Alireza, 角 保徳, 田上 順次,吉山 昌宏. 漂白歯面変化のSS-OCT評価 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2021.08; 64 (4): 265-270. ( DOI )

  199. 島田康史. 光干渉断層計 (OCT) の保存領域における応用 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2021.02; 64 (1): 36-38.

  200. 高橋 圭, 吉山 知宏, 横山 章人, 島田 康史, 吉山 昌宏. 新規汚染除去材による処理が唾液汚染されたCAD/CAM冠用ハイブリッドレジンブロックの象牙質接着強さに及ぼす影響 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2020.12; 63 (6): 519-526.

  201. 田上 順次, 島田 康史, SADR Alireza, 吉山 昌宏, 角 保徳. OCTによる研究がもたらした歯の内部構造に関する新知見 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2020.08; 63 (4): 267-271.

  202. 島田康史. 光干渉断層計 (OCT) を用いた齲蝕の診断 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2020.05; 63 (2): 131-134.

  203. 小野 瀬里奈, 大原 直子, 松崎 久美子, 澁谷 和彦, 横山 章人, 高橋 圭, 神農 泰生, 山路 公造, 島田 康史, 吉山 昌宏. Visual Analog Scale (VAS) を用いたコンポジットレジンの色調適合評価 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2020.03; 63 (1): 30-37.

  204. 島田 康史, 荒木 和之, 角 保徳, 田上 順次, 吉山 昌宏. 波長掃引型光干渉断層計 (SS-OCT) を用いた象牙質齲蝕診断の有用性 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2020.01; 62 (6): 296-303.

  205. 島田康史,吉山昌宏,田上順次,角保徳. 光干渉断層計(OCT)による歯の疾患と加齢的変化の診断 日本歯科医師会雑誌. 2019.05; 72 (2): 19-28.

  206. 島田康史,田上順次,角 保徳. 光干渉断層計(OCT)を用いたう蝕と亀裂の診断の可能性と限界 日本レーザー歯学会誌. 2014.12; 25 (3): 159-164.

  207. Sattabanasuk Vanthana, Burrow Michael F., Shimada Yasushi, Tagami Junji. Resin Bonding to Dentine After Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CPP-ACP) Treatments JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2009; 23 (7-8): 1149-1161. ( DOI )

  208. Sattabanasuk V., Burrow M. F., Shimada Y., Tagami J.. Resin adhesion to caries-affected dentine after different removal methods AUSTRALIAN DENTAL JOURNAL. 2006.06; 51 (2): 162-169.


書籍等出版物 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. 歯科衛生士講座 保存修復学歯内療法学. 永末書店, 2023.04 歯質とコンポジットレジンの接着 コンポジットレジン修復の術式と診療補助

  2. 保存修復学専門用語集 第3版. 医歯薬出版, 2023.03

  3. 新しい歯の教科書. 池田書店, 2022.10

  4. (分担執筆)田上順次、奈良陽一郎、山本一世、斎藤隆史 他. 保存修復学21 第6版. 2022.02

  5. 田上順次、奈良陽一郎、山本一世、斎藤隆史 他. 保存修復学21 第5版. 2017.03

  6. 日本接着歯学会. 接着歯学 第2版. 2015.12


講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Xuefei Chen, Go Inoue, Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Yasushi Shimada. Advancing Caries Therapy: Insights from X-ray Microbeam Diffraction on SDF and GIC Combination for Tooth Structure Restoration. 12th Would Biomaterials Congress 2024.05.29 Daegu, Korea

  2. Khin Myanmar, Go Inoue, Xuefei Chen, Yasushi Shimada. Effect of remineralization of zinc containing glass ionomer cement on enamel in vitro. 第160回 日本歯科保存学会学術大会 2024.05.17 仙台

  3. Siqi Zeng, Rena Takahashi, Masaomi Ikeda, Yasushi Shimada. The influence of zirconia thickness on bonding performance of dual-cured and light-cured resin cements. The 160th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry 2024.05.17 Miyagi, Japan

  4. 曾 宸, 田端 倫子, 高橋 礼奈, 品川 淳一, 池田 正臣, 高野 隼輔, 角 保徳, 田上 順次, 島田 康史. CAD/CAM冠の非侵襲的辺縁適合性評価. 特定非営利活動法人日本歯科保存学会学術大会プログラムおよび講演抄録集 2024.05.16 宮城県仙台市

  5. T. Yoshikawa, A. Sadr, Y. Shimada . Polymerization Behavior of Composites at Top/Bottom of Cavity using Different-LED-Light. 102nd, IADR 2024.03.16 New Orleans, LA

  6. Hiraishi Noriko, Hayashi Fumiaki, Gondo Tadamu, Nikaido, Shimada Yasushi . 19F-NMR Study of Fluoride Reaction of Various Formulations on Enamel. 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session 2024.03.16 New Orleans, US

  7. Otsuki Masayuki, Du Zijuan, Shimada Yasushi. Effect of Light Exposure on in-Office Bleaching. 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session 2024.03.16 New Orleans, US

  8. Iwabuchi Hirotohsi, Inoue Go, Ikeda Masaomi, Shimada Yasushi. Acid Resistance and Bond Strength of Calcium-Containing Adhesive on Enamel. 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session 2024.03.16 New Orleans, US

  9. Xuefei Chen, Go Inoue, Yasushi Shimada. Mechanical Properties of Natural Carious Lesion Under the SDF+GIC Treatment. 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session 2024.03.15 New Orleans, US

  10. Elseoudy Nader, Sanon Kittisak, Hiraishi Noriko, Tamura Yukihiko, Shimada Yasushi. Chemical, Biological, and Mechanical Properties of a Novel Glass Ionomer. 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session 2024.03.15 New Orleans, US

  11. Gondo Tadamu, Hiraishi Noriko, Takeuchi Azusa, Moyes David, Shimada Yasushi. Comparative Analysis of the Coronal and Root Caries Microbiome. 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session 2024.03.15 New Orleans, US

  12. A. Khaled, T. Sato, T. Tabata, M. Zhao, K. Kibe, T. Hatayama, M. Ikeda, Y. Shimada. Comparing gap detection using OCT and leakage test. 102nd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, NEW ORLEANS, LA, USA 2024.03.13

  13. Yasushi Shimada. Development of a new technology for management of dental caries and adhesive restoration. Essential updates on operative dentistry and endodontics 2024.01.29 Chulalongkon University

  14. Xuefei Chen, Go Inoue, Yasushi Shimada. Remineralization effect of silver diammine fluoride and glass ionomer cement for artificial caries and natural caries under the combination usage in vitro. The 71st Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research 2023.11.25 仙台, 日本

  15. Go Inoue, Masaomi Ikeda, Yasushi Shimada. Composite resin restoration with injection technique on severe eroded teeth. The 71st Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research 2023.11.25 Sendai

  16. Rena Takahashi, Saki Uchiyama, Yuna Kanamori, Junichi Shinagawa, Toru Nikaido, Yasushi Shimada. Dentin bonding performance of resin cement using resin coating technique and different cleaning protocols. The 25th KACD-JSCD Joint Scientific Meeting 2023.11.04 Seoul, Korea

  17. Tomoko Tabata, Hisaichi Nakagawa, Takaaki Sato, Go Inoue, Masaomi Ikeda,Yasushi Shimada. Clinical evaluation of optical coherence tomography in the diagnosis of occlusal enamel caries using ICDAS codes.. the 2nd General Meeting of Asian-Oceanian Federation of Conservative Dentistry 2023 (ConsAsia 2023) 2023.09.02 台北

  18. Go Inoue, Hisaichi Nakagawa, Takaaki Sato, Tomoko Tabata, Masaomi Ikeda,Yasushi Shimada . Clinical assessment of diagnosis of enamel caries ICDAS codes using optical coherence tomography. the 2nd General Meeting of Asian-Oceanian Federation of Conservative Dentistry 2023 2023.09.02 Taipei

  19. Yasushi Shimada . Management of dental caries using OCT. the 2nd General Meeting of Asian-Oceanian Federation of Conservative Dentistry 2023 2023.09.01 Taipei

  20. Soe Kay Thwe Than Naing, Noriko Hiraishi, Xuefei Chen, Yasushi Shimada. In vitro remineralization assessment of enamel subsurface lesions using gum-base material containing surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer filler. The 158th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Conservative Dentistry 2023.06.23 Shimane, Japan


  22. Hitoshi Miki, Hirofumi Tashiro, Junji Tagami, Tomohiro Takagaki, Keiichi Hosaka, Takaaki Sato, Takashi Hatayama, Yasushi Shimada. Clinical effectiveness of the mono-block direct composite crown restoration. The 7th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry 2023.06.01 Konya, Turkey

  23. Acid resistance and bond strength of calcium-containing adhesive on enamel. 2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session & Exhibition 2023.03.16 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

  24. 趙 孟天, 佐藤隆明, カレド アブ ハサン モハッマド, 島田康史. 接着性レジンセメント / エナメル質界面の形態評価に及ぼすリン酸処理およびプライマー処理の影響. 日本歯科保存学会 2022年度秋季学術大会(第157回) 2022.11.11 岡山

  25. 岩渕 裕俊、井上 剛、池田 正臣、島田 康史. 試作カルシウム含有接着システムのエナメル質耐酸性と接着強さの評価. 日本歯科保存学会2022年度秋季学術大会(第157回) 2022.11.10 岡山、日本

  26. Yu TOIDA, Midori KAWAMURA, Shuhei HOSHIKA, Yunqing LIU, Takaaki SATO, Yasushi SHIMADA, Hidehiko SANO. Evaluation of mechanical property of a newly developed light-cured resin cement. International Dental Materials Congress 2022 2022.11.04

  27. Yasushi Shimada, Hirotoshi Iwabuchi, Kei Ushijima, Tadamu Gondo, Syunsuke Takano, Yukiko Tsuji, Takaaki Sato, Hisaichi Nakagawa, Tomoko Tabata, Takashi Hatayama, Yasunori Sumi . 3D evaluation of smooth surface enamel caries using OCT. 100th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR 2022.06.25

  28. Takaaki Sato, Tomoko Tabata, Kodai Akabane, Mengtian Zhao, Abu Hasan, Mohammad Khaled, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami, Yasushi Shimada. Influence of Phosphoric Acid Etching on the Dentin-Enamel Junction. 100th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR 2022.06.24

  29. Xuefei Chen, Go Inoue, Hidenori Hamba, Masaomi Ikeda, Yasushi Shimada . Remineralization Enhancement of Dentin Lesion Using the Combination of SDF+GIC.. The International Association for Dental Research 100th General Session & Exhibition 2022.06.23 ChengDu, China (Web)

  30. Tashiro H, Miki H, Tagami J, Takagaki T, Hosaka K, Sato T, Hatayama T, Shimada Y. Clinical performance of mono-block direct composite crown restorations. IAD2022@Sapporo 2022.06.03

  31. Go Inoue, Yasunori Sumi, Yasushi Shimada. Observation of the gap formation of a newly developed self-adhesive resin composite by OCT. The International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry 2022.06.03 Sapporo, Hokkaido Japan

  32. Yi Yang, Go Inoue, Keiichi Hosaka, Masaomi Ikeda, Junji Tagami, Yasushi Shimada. The effect of deproteinizing pretreatment on bonding performance and acid resistance to eroded dentin. IAD 2022@Sapporo The International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry 2022.06.03 Hokkaido University Conference Hall

  33. Miki H, Tashiro H, Tagami J, Takagaki T, Hosaka K, Sato T, Hatayama T, Shimada Y. Survival of the anterior mono-block direct composite crown. IAD2022@Sapporo 2022.06.03

  34. Sato T, Tashiro H, Miki H, Otani K, Nishimura M, Takahashi M, Hosaka K, Tagami J, Shimada Y. Clinical Effectiveness of direct composite vs. zirconia resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses. IAD2022@Sapporo 2022.06.03

  35. Takako Yoshikawa, Alireza Sadr, Yasushi Shimada. Polymerization Behavior of Composites at Top/Bottom of Cavity using Different Light Cure. IAD 2022.06.03 Web

  36. Yasushi Shimada, Hisaichi Nakagawa, Tomoko Tabata, Takaaki Sato, Sadr Alireza, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Diagnosis of occlusal and proximal caries using SS-OCT. The International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry 2022.06.03 Sapporo

  37. Yasushi Shimada. Dental OCT system for diagnosis of caries and tooth crack. The International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry 2022.06.03 Sapporo

  38. Rena Takahashi, Saki Uchiyama, Yuna Kanamori, Shin Rozan, Yutaro Oda, Takaaki Sato, Junichi Shinagawa, Masanao Inokoshi, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami, Yasushi Shimada. Comparison of the bond strength of CAD/CAM inlay restorations with a specific cement . The International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry 2022.06 Sapporo, Japan

  39. 井上剛、陳雪霏、島田康史. POs-Ca含有歯磨剤が脱灰エナメル質に及ぼす影響. 第86回口腔病学会学術大会 2021.12.04 東京

  40. Shimada Y, Sumi Y, Tagami J, Yoshiyama M. 3D Imaging of OCT for Diagnosis of Dentin Caries. 2021 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session (Virtual Experience) 2021.07.23

  41. Shimada Yasushi, Yoshiyama Masahiro, Luong Minh, Hosaka Keiichi, Yamaji Kozo, Araki Kazuyuki, Sadr Alireza, Miyazaki Takashi, Sumi Yasunori, Tagami Junji. Diagnosis of unopened occlusal caries using swept-source optical coherence tomography. 2019 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session 2019.06.19

  42. Segarra Michelle, Shimada Yasushi, Tagami Junji, Sumi Yasunori. Three-dimensional observation of enamel cracks on restored teeth using SS-OCT. 2019 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session 2019.06.19 Vancouver, Canada

  43. Yasushi Shimada. 3D Assessment of Dental Caries and Tooth Crack Using SS-OCT . 2019 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session 2019.06.18 Vancouver, BC, Canada

  44. Yasushi Shimada, Keiichi Hosaka, Kazuyuki Araki, Alireza Sadr, Takashi Miyazaki, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami, Masahiro Yoshiyama. 3D Diagnosis of Proximal Caries Using Swept-source Optical Coherence Tomography. IADR/PER General Session 2018.07.25 London, England

  45. Juri Hayashi, Alireza Sadr, Tomohiro Takagaki, Tomoko Numata, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Yasunori Sumi. 3D assessment of Bulk-fill Composites Gap Formation and Polymerization Shrinkage. 95th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR 2017.03.22

  46. Alireza Sadr, Juri Hayashi, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami. Effects of Fiber Reinforcement on Composite Adaptation in Deep Cavities. 95th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR 2017.03.22

  47. Yu-Jung Lai, Ting-Chen Liu, Szu-Ying Huang, Rena Takahashi, Yasushi Shimada, Junji Tagami, Yu-Chih Chiang. Effects of S-PRG Fillers-containing Composite on Demineralization Inhibition of Enamel Surface: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Micro Computed Tomography (Micro CT) Approaches. 94th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR 2016.06.24 Seoul, Korea

  48. Rena Takahashi, Yasushi Shimada, Yu-Chih Chiang, Ikumi Wada, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. Comparison of light-cured pit and fissure sealants on enamel demineralization using swept-source optical coherence tomography. 94th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR 2016.06.24 Seoul, Korea

  49. Aramaki O, Kawashima N, Shimada Y, Okiji T, Tagami J . Three-dimensional analysis of Iba1+ macrophages in human dental pulp using whole mount immunostaining. 94th General session & exhibition of the IADR 2016.06.22 Seoul, Korea

  50. Tomoko TABATA, Yasushi SHIMADA, Alireza SADR, Junji TAGAMI, Yasunori SUMI. Assessment of Enamel Crack at Cavosurface Margin Using 3D SS-OCT. AADR 2016.03.17 Los Angeles

  51. Chihiro MATSUURA, Yasushi SHIMADA, Alireza SADR, Junji TAGAMI, Yasunori SUMI . 3D assessment of dentin caries under composite restorations using SS-OCT . AADR 2016.03.17 Los Angeles

  52. Yuan Zhou, Khairul Matin. Evaluation of Resin Infiltration to Prevent Progression of Root Caries. American Association for Dental Research (AADR) Annual Meeting 2016.03.16 Los Angeles, Calif, USA

  53. Yasushi Shimada. Optical coherence tomography as a new tool for caries diagnosis and assessment of restoration. KPPIKG 2016 2016.02.27 Jakarta

  54.  Yasushi Shimada, Juri Hayashi, Oto Aramaki, Ikumi Sanda, Alireza Sadr, Yasunori Sumi, Junji Tagami. 3D assessment of dental caries using swept-source optical coherence tomography. The Academy of Dental Materials Annual Meeting 2015.10.08

  55. I.Wada, Y. Shimada, A.Sadr, S.Nakashima, J. Tagami, Y Sumi. Assessment of non carious cervical lesion using swept-source optical coherence tomography. The Academy of Dental Materials Annual Meeting 2015.10.08

  56. Yasushi Shimada. Application of bacteriostatic dental materials for caries management. Annual Conference of Academic of Operative Dentistry of the Republic of China 2015.09.06 Taipei

  57. Yasushi Shimada. Application of swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) for diagnoisis of caries, cracks and defects of restorations . Annual Conference of Academic of Operative Dentistry of the Republic of China 2015.09.06 Taipei

  58. Turkistani A, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Nakashima S, Tagami J, Sumi Y.. Effect of adhesives on caries lesion progress around composite restorations. IADR General Session 2015.03.14 Boston, USA

  59. Horie K, Shimada Y, Matin K, Sadr A, Tagami J, Sumi Y. Monitoring of cariogenic demineralization at adhesive interface using SS-OCT. IADR General Session 2015.03.01 Boston, USA

  60. Tezuka H, Shimada Y, Matin K, Sadr A, Tagami J, Sumi Y. Assessment of cervical tooth demineralization induced by Streptococcus mutans using SS-OCT. IADR General Session 2015.03.01 Boston, USA

  61. Ueno T, Shimada Y, Matin K, Alireza S, Tagami J, Sumi Y. Optical evaluation of enamel and dentin demineralization by cariogenic biofilm using SS-OCT. 6th IAD 2015.01.31 Bangkok, Thailand

  62. Zhou Y, Shimada Y, Matin K, Sadr A, Tagami J, Sumi Y. Assessment of biofilm-induced enamel and dentin demineralization around composite restoration by swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). 6th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry 2015.01.31 Bangkok, Thailand

  63. Makishi P, Thitthaweerat S, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Giannini M, Tagami J, Sumi Y.. 3D Leakage Pathway and Bond Strength of Current Adhesive Systems in Class-I Cavity.. The 6th International Congress of Adhesive Dentistry 2015.01.31 Bangkok, Thailand

  64. Hayashi J, Sadr A, Espigares J, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Sumi Y. Gap Formation during Placement of Bulk-fill Composites in Deep Cavities. 2015.01.31

  65. MakishiP, Thitthaweerat S, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Giannini M, Tagami J, Sumi Y.. Relationship between non-destructive leakage evaluation and bond strength of adhesives.. ADM 2014 annual meeting 2014.10.08 Bologna, Italy.

  66. Turkistani A, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Nakashima S, Tagami J, Sumi Y.. Evaluation of demineralization around composite restorations using Optical Coherence Tomography. . IADRSEA-ADE 2014.08.11 Kuching, Malaysia

  67. Shimada Y. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) for diagnosis of dental caries and tooth crack. 13th International Congress of Iranian Association of Pediatric Dentistry 2014.08.08 Mashhad, Iran

  68. Shimada Y. Self-etch adhesivea and reliable bond. 13th International Congress of Iranian Association of Pediatric Dentistry 2014.08.07 Mashhad, Iran

  69. Makishi P, Thitthaweerat S, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Giannini M, Tagami J, Sumi Y.. Marginal adaptation of adhesives to class-I cavity and their bond-strength.. IADR General Session 2014.06.26 Cape Town, South Africa.

  70. Bakhsh TA, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Mandurah M, Alsayed E, Tagami J. Cryo-FIB/TEM for characterization of dental hard tissue interface. IADR General Session 2014.06.01 Cape Town, South Africa

  71. Hayashi J, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Sumi Y. gap formation during and after placement of composites in class-Ⅰ cavities. 2013.10.31

  72. 陳 雪霏, 井上 剛, 関口 博史, 島田 康史. SDFとGICを併用した齲蝕象牙質治療効果の評価. 第5回象牙質歯髄治療学会学術大会 2024.07.20 神奈川, 日本

  73. 高野隼輔, 高橋礼奈, 田端倫子, ZENG Chen, 池田正臣, 島田康史. ユニバーサルアドヒーシブ応用型レジンセメントの接着性能について. 第160回日本歯科保存学会2024年度春季学術大会 2024.05.17 宮城県仙台市

  74. 島田康史. 光学機器を利用した齲蝕の診断法. 第82回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会 2024.04.21 鹿児島市

  75. 島田康史. 光干渉断層計を用いた齲蝕の診断とモニタリング. 東北大学特別講義 2024.01.06

  76. 佐藤隆明,中川寿一,島田康史,池田正臣. イオン注入法による表面改質効果がジルコニア接着にもたらす影響. 第88回 口腔病学会学術大会 2023.12.02

  77. 島田康史. 新しい齲蝕の診断とモニタリング技術の開発. 第14回日本メタルフリー歯科医学会 2023.11.19

  78. 高橋 礼奈, 金森 ゆうな, 髙野 隼輔, 品川 淳一, 湊 洋祐, 髙橋 基, 津田 優香, 島田 康史. 新規1ステップ接着システムのレジンコーティング法における評価. 第159回日本歯科保存学会2023年度秋季学術大会 2023.11.11 静岡県浜松市

  79. 陳 雪霏, 井上 剛, 関澤 央輝, 新田 清文, 島田 康史. グラスアイオノマーセメント併用フッ化ジアンミン銀処置後根面齲蝕歯内の歯質評価. 2023.11.06 兵庫, 神戸

  80. 田代 浩史, 保坂 啓一, 田上 順次, 畑山 貴志, 島田 康史. 重度歯周病患者の口腔機能回復治療として直接法コンポジットレジン修復で対応し3年経過した1症例. 特定非営利活動法人日本歯科保存学会学術大会プログラムおよび講演抄録集 2023.10.01

  81. 畑山 貴志, 田端 倫子, 木部 航太, 池田 正臣, 角 保徳, 島田 康史. 新規低重合収縮レジンコアシステムに対するSS-OCTを用いた接着界面解析と根管象牙質への接着性能評価. 特定非営利活動法人日本歯科保存学会学術大会プログラムおよび講演抄録集 2023.10.01

  82. 佐藤 隆明,  島田 康史. 1歯欠損に対する接着ブリッジの生存率とその関連因子の検証:直接法コンポジットレジンと間接法ジルコニアブリッジの比較. 第77回NPO法人日本口腔科学会学術集会 2023.05.12 岡山

  83. 木部 航太, 畑山 貴志, 島田 康史. 新規化学重合型ボンディング材の接着強さと窩洞適合性の評価. 特定非営利活動法人日本歯科保存学会学術大会プログラムおよび講演抄録集 2023.05.01

  84. 梅森 幸,石丸美穂、内村祐之、礪波健一,則武加奈子,須永昌代,木下淳博,島田康史、新田 浩、相田 潤.. 歯のコンポジットレジン修復の予後に影響する要因. 第33回日本疫学会学術総会 2023.01 浜松

  85. 高橋礼奈, 佐藤隆明, 髙橋基, 金森ゆうな, 島田康史. CAD/CAMインレー修復におけるレジンコーティング法と仮封後の清掃方法が象牙質接着強さに及ぼす影響. 第87回口腔病学会学術大会 2022.12.03 東京

  86. 田端倫子, 中川寿一, マティン カイルール, 大槻昌幸, 青木章, 島田康史. OCTを用いたin vitro下バイオフィルムの定量化. 第34回日本レーザー歯学会学術大会 2022.11.27 東京 お茶の水 東京医科歯科大学

  87. 陳 雪霏, 井上 剛, 島田 康史. フッ化ジアンミン銀塗布とグラスアイオノマーセメント充填を併用した人工脱灰象牙質における経時的構造変化. 日本歯科保存学会2022年度秋季学術大会(第157回) 2022.11.10 岡山

  88. 三木 仁志、田代 浩史、田上 順次、高垣 智博、保坂 啓一、佐藤 隆明、畑山 貴志、島田 康史. コンポジットレジン直接修復による永久歯先天欠如への審美回復症例. 2022年度・日本歯科審美学会第33回学術大会 2022.10.15

  89. 井上剛、島田康史. カルシウム含有接着システムが歯質接着性におよぼす影響. 第3回象牙質歯髄治療学会 2022.09.10 札幌

  90. 佐藤隆明, 高橋礼奈, 趙孟天, Abu Hasan Mohammad Khaled, 島田康史. レジンコーティング後の仮封材およびその除去法がレジンセメントの接着に及ぼす影響について . 第3回象牙質歯髄治療学会学術大会 2022.09.10

  91. 島田康史. 光干渉断層計(OCT)を用いた齲蝕の診断 可能性と限界. 第76回日本口腔科学会学術集会 2022.04.22 福岡国際会議場

  92. 佐藤隆明,田上順次,島田康史. 術前レントゲン診査によるコンポジットレジン修復のリスク評価. 第86回 口腔病学会学術大会 2021.12.04

  93. 島田康史. 光干渉断層計(OCT)を用いた齲蝕の診断. 口腔病学会例会 2021.11.11

  94. 金森ゆうな, 高橋礼奈, 池田正臣, 上條真吾, 盧山晨, 則武加奈子, 礪波健一, 新田浩, 二階堂徹, 島田康史, 田上順次. レジンコーティング法がCAD/CAMコンポジットレジンクラウンの適合性に及ぼす影響. 日本歯科保存学会2021年度秋季学術大会(第155回) 2021.10.28 Web開催

  95. 島田康史. 光干渉断層計によるう蝕の診断と接着修復の評価. 第34回日本接着歯学会学術大会 2015.12.20 東京

  96. 和田郁美,島田康史, サダルアリレザ,中嶋省志,田上順次,角保徳. 非う蝕性歯頸部欠損の光干渉断層計を用いた臨床評価. 日本歯科保存学会 2015.11.13

  97. 島田康史、三田郁美、手塚弘樹、堀江圭、荒牧音、田上順次. 新規1ステップ接着剤の処理時間が微小剪断接着強さに及ぼす影響. 日本歯科保存学会春季学術大会(第142回) 2015.06.25

  98. ルンダオミイングエド、島田康史、サダルアリレザ、田上順次、角 保徳.. クロスヘッドスピードとフロワブルレジンが微小引張接着強さに及ぼす影響の光干渉断層計による観察. 日本歯科保存学会春季学術大会(第142回) 2015.06.25 北九州市

  99. 松浦千尋,島田康史,サダルアリレザ,田上順次,角保徳. コンポジットレジン修復における窩底部象牙質う蝕のSS-OCT3D評価. 日本歯科保存学会(第141回) 2014.10.31 山形市

  100. 田端倫子,島田康史,サダルアリレザ,田上順次,角保徳. 接着修復窩縁部に生じたエナメル質亀裂のSS-OCT評価. 日本歯科保存学会(第141回) 2014.10.31 山形市

  101. コンポジットレジン修復における窩底部象牙質う蝕のSS-OCT3D評価(松浦千尋). 第141回保存学会 2014.10.31 山形

  102. Majkut Patrycja,サダルアリレザ,島田康史,ババビスタ,田上順次,角保徳. OCTおよびμCTを用いた歯冠歯髄腔の象牙質残りの厚さの評価. 日本歯科保存学会(第140回) 2014.06.19 滋賀


受賞学術賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2023 年度日本接着歯学会論文賞,日本接着歯学会,2023年09月

  • Prof. Dr. Nobuo Nakabayashi Award,International congress on adhesive dentistry,2023年06月

  • 日本歯科保存学会学術賞,日本歯科保存学会,2020年

  • 日本歯科保存学会年間優秀論文賞,日本歯科保存学会,2019年

  • 東京医科歯科大学歯学部研究奨励賞,東京医科歯科大学歯学部,2016年

  • Outstanding Poster Award, First Prize Poster Award Competition,2015年02月

  • 日本歯科理工学会論文賞,日本歯科理工学会,2008年


その他業績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Overseas famous teacher project,2024年06月


  • 中国トップ会談,2024年01月


  • The 7th International Congress on Adhesive Dentistry,2023年06月

    トルコ国コンヤ市にて第7回国際接着歯学会にて、Scientific Memberとして協力

  • UP College of Dentistry – Tokyo Medical and Dental University Research Mini-Symposium,2023年05月


  • 1st KAU-TMDU Joint Meeting ,2023年03月

    サウジアラビア国King Abdulaziz Universityとシンポジウムを開催

  • 東京医科歯科大学・台北大学 保存修復学シンポジウム,2016年11月




担当授業科目(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 早期臨床体験実習,2023年

  • 包括臨床実習 PhaseⅠ,2022年 - 現在

  • 包括臨床実習 PhaseⅡ,2022年 - 現在

  • 大学院ボーダレス講義 組織材料工学コース,2022年 - 現在

  • 包括臨床実習 PhaseⅢ,2022年 - 現在

  • 歯と根尖歯周組織の疾患 保存修復学講義,2021年 - 現在

  • 最新の歯学,2021年 - 2023年

  • 歯と根尖歯周組織の疾患 保存修復学講義,2014年 - 2016年

  • 歯と根尖歯周組織の疾患 保存修復学実習,2014年 - 2016年

  • 臨床イントロダクション,2013年 - 2016年

  • 口腔保健学科2年生 歯科保存学講義,2010年 - 2016年

  • 口腔保健学科3年生 歯科保存学臨床実習,2010年 - 2016年

  • 口腔保健学科3年生 歯科保存学実習,2010年 - 2016年


担当授業科目(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 保存修復学,岡山大学

  • 保存修復学,東北大学

教育上の能力に関する事項 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Participation in the leadership program for medical and dental educations offered at Partners Harvard Medical International,2010年09月

職務上の実績に関する事項 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 東京医科歯科大学同窓会CDEコース,2024年05月

  • 東京医科歯科大学同窓会CDEコース,2023年05月

  • GC Webセミナー MI治療に求められるダイレクトボンディングの要件,2023年02月

  • TMDU2022東京医科歯科大学公開講座 最新のう蝕(むし歯)の治療と診断,2023年01月

社会貢献活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Oral Health Steering Committee,グラクソ・スミスクライン・コンシューマー・ヘルスケア・ジャパン株式会社,2024年04月 - 現在

  • 子どもの虫歯について,朝日新聞社,医療面「どうしました」,2023年07月13日 - 2023年07月31日

  • 放射線を使わない検査機器について,朝日新聞社,朝日新聞デジタル,2023年03月09日

  • Doctor’s Insight 世界初の検査OCT,NHK,Doctor’s Insight,2022年09月21日 - 現在

  • 日本歯科医学会連合大型研究推進委員会,日本歯科医学会連合,2022年08月 - 現在

  • 公益財団法人ライオン歯科衛生研究所評議委員,公益財団法人ライオン歯科衛生研究所,2022年06月 - 現在

  • Materials Guest Editor ,MDPI,Materials,2021年01月 - 2023年03月10日

  • Sensors Guest Editor,MDPI,Sensors,2020年09月 - 2022年07月22日
