Personnel Information


HIRONORI Ishibashi

Job title

Associate Professor

Birth date


Laboratory Address


Mail Address

The inquiry by e-mail is 《here

Research Areas, Keywords

thoracic surgery, lung cancer, thymoma

Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Faculty of Medicine, 1996, Graduated

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Faculty of Medicine, 1996, Graduated

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School, Division of Medical Science, 2004, Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School, Division of Medical Science, Doctor's Course, 2004, Completed

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2010.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Systemic Organ Regulation, Thoracic Surgery, Junior Associate Professor
  • 2018.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Systemic Organ Regulation, Thoracic Surgery, Junior Associate Professor
  • 2022.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Systemic Organ Regulation, Thoracic Surgery, Associate Professor
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Systemic Organ Regulation, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Associate Professor

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2010.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Medical and Dental Sciences Systemic Organ Regulation Thoracic Surgery, Junior Associate Professor
  • 2022.04
    , Associate Professor

Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • European Society of Thoracic Surgeon

  • European Society of Thoracic Surgeon

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Respiratory surgery

  • Human pathology

  • Human pathology

  • Respiratory surgery


Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. Hironori Ishibashi, Takashi Suzuki, Satoshi Suzuki, Takuya Moriya, Chika Kaneko, Touichirou Takizawa, Makoto Sunamori, Masashi Handa, Takashi Kondo, Hironobu Sasano. Sex steroid hormone receptors in human thymoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003.05; 88 (5): 2309-2317.

  2. Hironori Ishibashi, Takashi Suzuki, Satoshi Suzuki, Takuya Moriya, Chika Kaneko, Taisuke Nakata, Makoto Sunamori, Masashi Handa, Takashi Kondo, Hironobu Sasano. Estrogen inhibits cell proliferation through in situ production in human thymoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2005.09; 11 (18): 6495-6504. ( PubMed, DOI )

  3. Hironori Ishibashi, Takashi Suzuki, Satoshi Suzuki, Hiromichi Niikawa, Liangying Lu, Yasuhiro Miki, Takuya Moriya, Shin-Ichi Hayashi, Masashi Handa, Takashi Kondo, Hironobu Sasano. Progesterone receptor in non-small cell lung cancer--a potent prognostic factor and possible target for endocrine therapy. Cancer Res. 2005.07; 65 (14): 6450-6458. ( PubMed, DOI )

  4. Miyauchi M, Akashi T, Furukawa A, Uchida K, Tamura T, Ando N, Kirimura S, Shintaku H, Yamamoto K, Ito T, Miura K, Kayamori K, Ariizumi Y, Asakage T, Kudo A, Tanabe M, Fujii Y, Ishibashi H, Okubo K, Murakami M, Yamada T, Takemoto A, Bae Y, Eishi Y, Ohashi K. PHOX2B is a Sensitive and Specific Marker for the Histopathological Diagnosis of Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma. Endocrine pathology. 2022.12; 33 (4): 506-518. ( PubMed, DOI )

  5. Asakawa A, Ishibashi H, Sueyoshi K, Mori E, Nakashima Y, Kobayashi M, Okubo K. Reconstruction of the Bifurcation of Right Upper Bronchus Using Miyamoto's Technique for Typical Carcinoid. Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia. 2022.08; ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Ueno H, Yamaoka H, Hirai S, Fujita K, Ishikawa M, Fujii S, Aizawa Y, Ishii Y, Yoshimura M, Yamada K, Yoshino Y, Kurata M, Seto K, Ishibashi H, Okubo K, Nemoto S, Sumita K. Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke After Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Pulmonary Lobectomy in Patients With Lung Cancer: A Report of Four Cases and Literature Review. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association. 2022.08; 31 (8): 106593. ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Ishibashi H, Wakejima R, Asakawa A, Sugita Y, Ishikawa Y, Hanafusa M, Baba S, Nakashima Y, Seto K, Okubo K. Postoperative Delirium in Lung Cancer Anatomical Resection-Analysis of Risk Factors and Prognosis. World journal of surgery. 2022.05; 46 (5): 1196-1206. ( PubMed, DOI )

  8. Seto K, Nohara R, Sugita Y, Ishibashi H, Okubo K. Pulmonary Mucormycosis Involving the Left Main Bronchus and the Pulmonary Artery. Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia. 2022.04; ( PubMed, DOI )

  9. Asakawa A, Kawade G, Kurata M, Fukuda S, Onishi I, Kinowaki Y, Ishibashi S, Ikeda M, Watabe S, Kobayashi M, Ishibashi H, Okubo K, Kitagawa M, Yamamoto K. Stratification of lung squamous cell carcinoma based on ferroptosis regulators: Potential for new therapeutic strategies involving ferroptosis induction. Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2022.01; 165 82-90. ( PubMed, DOI )

  10. Ayaka Asakawa, Hironori Ishibashi, Yusuke Matsuyama, Takeo Fujiwara, Masashi Kobayashi, Kenichi Okubo. Preoperative nutritional status is associated with the prognosis for lung cancer. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2021.10; 29 (8): 763-771.

  11. Kobayashi M, Wada Y, Okumiya Y, Yataka K, Suzuki K, Nakashima Y, Ishibashi H, Okubo K. Use of carbon nanotube sensor for detecting postoperative abnormal respiratory waveforms. Journal of thoracic disease. 2021.05; 13 (5): 3051-3060. ( PubMed, DOI )

  12. Baba S, Akashi T, Kayamori K, Ohuchi T, Ogawa I, Kubota N, Nakano K, Nagatsuka H, Hasegawa H, Matsuzaka K, Tomii S, Uchida K, Katsuta N, Sekiya T, Ando N, Miura K, Ishibashi H, Ariizumi Y, Asakage T, Michi Y, Harada H, Sakamoto K, Eishi Y, Okubo K, Ikeda T. Homeobox transcription factor engrailed homeobox 1 is a possible diagnostic marker for adenoid cystic carcinoma and polymorphous adenocarcinoma. Pathology international. 2021.02; 71 (2): 113-123. ( PubMed, DOI )

  13. Nakashima Y, Kobayashi M, Sueyoshi K, Mori E, Asakawa A, Ishibashi H, Sugishita T, Yamaguchi K, Hoshino A, Okubo K. Intrathoracic omental herniation mimics posterior mediastinal lipomatous tumor. General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2021.01; 69 (1): 155-159. ( PubMed, DOI )

  14. Ishibashi H, Wakejima R, Asakawa A, Baba S, Nakashima Y, Seto K, Kobayashi M, Okubo K. Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation in Lung Cancer Lobectomy-Analysis of Risk Factors and Prognosis. World journal of surgery. 2020.11; 44 (11): 3952-3959. ( PubMed, DOI )

  15. Kobayashi M, Imai S, Ishibashi H, Okubo K. "Selective bronchus-blowing" method for effective inflate-deflate line identification in lung segmentectomy. Journal of thoracic disease. 2020.05; 12 (5): 2146-2152. ( PubMed, DOI )

  16. Yagishita A, Goya M, Takahashi Y, Ishibashi H, Akiyoshi K, Sekigawa M, Maeda S, Kawabata M, Okubo K, Hirao K. Bilateral cardiac sympathetic denervation of a recurrent refractory ventricular tachycardia occurring after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation and outflow tract premature ventricular contractions. Journal of arrhythmia. 2019.04; 35 (2): 287-289. ( PubMed, DOI )

  17. Masashi Kobayashi, Hironori Ishibashi, Chihiro Takasaki, Sachiko Imai, Susumu Kirimura, Kenichi Okubo. Pathological evaluation of the visceral pleura in the radical pleurectomy/decortication for malignant pleural mesothelioma patients. J Thorac Dis. 2019.03; 11 (3): 717-723.

  18. Masashi Kobayashi, Hironori Ishibashi, Chihiro Takasaki, Sachiko Imai, Susumu Kirimura, Kenichi Okubo. Pathological evaluation of the visceral pleura in the radical pleurectomy/decortication for malignant pleural mesothelioma patients. J Thorac Dis. 2019.03; 11 (3): 717-723.

  19. Imai S, Kobayashi M, Takasaki C, Ishibashi H, Okubo K. High expression of P-cadherin is significantly associated with poor prognosis in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2018.04; 118 13-19. ( PubMed, DOI )

  20. Tomii S, Akashi T, Ando N, Tamura T, Sakurai A, Terada A, Furukawa A, Suzuki Y, Kayamori K, Sakamoto K, Ishibashi H, Eishi Y. Cortical Actin Alteration at the Matrix-Side Cytoplasm in Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells and Its Significance in Invasion. Pathobiology : journal of immunopathology, molecular and cellular biology. 2017; 84 (4): 171-183. ( PubMed, DOI )

  21. Kumazawa S, Ishibashi H, Takahashi K, Okubo K. Transcervical excision of thymoma and video-assisted thoracoscopic extended thymectomy (VATET) for ectopic cervical thymoma with myasthenia gravis: report of a case. General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2016.12; 64 (12): 752-754. ( PubMed, DOI )

  22. Ishibashi H, Takahashi K, Kumazawa S, Okubo K. Preservation of the lung after 4-year compression by fibrous tumors of pleura. Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annals. 2016.09; 24 (7): 718-21. ( PubMed, DOI )

  23. Chihiro Takasaki, Masashi Kobayashi, Hironori Ishibashi, Takumi Akashi, Kenichi Okubo. Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α affects tumor proliferation and antiapoptosis in surgically resected lung cancer. Mol Clin Oncol. 2016.08; 5 (2): 295-300. ( PubMed, DOI )

  24. Hironori Ishibashi, Masashi Kobayashi, Chihiro Takasaki, Seiji Ishikawa, Yutaka Miura, Koshi Makita, Kenichi Okubo. Efficacy of Supraglottic Airway for Preventing Lung Injury Associated with Coughing at Extubation after Pulmonary Lobectomy. World J Surg. 2016.08; 40 (8): 1892-1898. ( PubMed, DOI )

  25. Ishibashi H, Takasaki C, Okubo K. Successful excision of a massive bleeding schwannoma by thoracoscopic surgery. Asian cardiovascular & thoracic annals. 2016.06; 24 (5): 484-6. ( PubMed, DOI )

  26. Hironori Ishibashi, Masashi Kobayashi, Chihiro Takasaki, Kenichi Okubo. Interim results of pleurectomy/decortication and intraoperative intrapleural hyperthermic cisplatin perfusion for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma intolerable to extrapleural pneumonectomy. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015.07; 63 (7): 395-400. ( PubMed, DOI )

  27. Ishibashi H, Takasaki C, Okubo K. Phrenic nerve paralysis from recurrence of stage I thymoma with myasthenia gravis 10 years after complete resection. General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2015.06; 63 (6): 365-8. ( PubMed, DOI )

  28. Ishibashi H, Takasaki C, Okubo K. Port-site recurrence after complete resection of stage I thymoma by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery: report of a case. Surgery today. 2015.02; 45 (2): 232-4. ( PubMed, DOI )

  29. Ishibashi H, Takahashi K, Kumazawa S, Okubo K. Successful excision of a giant mediastinal vagal schwannoma causing severe tracheal stenosis through a median sternotomy. The Annals of thoracic surgery. 2014.07; 98 (1): 336-8. ( PubMed, DOI )

  30. Ishibashi H, Akamatsu H, Kojima K, Usui H, Akashi T, Sunamori M. Good syndrome with thymic adenosquamous carcinoma--report of a case. Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia. 2007.02; 13 (1): 50-2. ( PubMed )

  31. Satoshi Suzuki, Hiroyoshi Tsubochi, Hironori Ishibashi, Takashi Suzuki, Takashi Kondo, Hironobu Sasano. Increased expression of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in the lungs of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Pathol Int. 2003.11; 53 (11): 751-756. ( PubMed, DOI )

  32. Hironori Ishibashi, Takashi Suzuki, Satoshi Suzuki, Takuya Moriya, Chika Kaneko, Touichirou Takizawa, Makoto Sunamori, Masashi Handa, Takashi Kondo, Hironobu Sasano. Sex steroid hormone receptors in human thymoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003.05; 88 (5): 2309-2317. ( PubMed, DOI )

  33. Satoshi Suzuki, Kaori Koyama, Andrew Darnel, Hironori Ishibashi, Seiichi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kubo, Takashi Suzuki, Hironobu Sasano, Zygmund S Krozowski. Dexamethasone upregulates 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in BEAS-2B cells. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003.05; 167 (9): 1244-1249. ( PubMed, DOI )

  34. Hironori Ishibashi, Takashi Suzuki, Satoshi Suzuki, Takuya Moriya, Chika Kaneko, Touichirou Takizawa, Makoto Sunamori, Masashi Handa, Takashi Kondo, Hironobu Sasano. Sex steroid hormone receptors in human thymoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003.05; 88 (5): 2309-2317.

  35. Ishibashi H, Akamatsu H, Kikuchi M, Sunamori M. Resection of endobronchial hamartoma by bronchoplasty and transbronchial endoscopic surgery. The Annals of thoracic surgery. 2003.04; 75 (4): 1300-2. ( PubMed, DOI )

  36. Ishibashi H, Akamatsu H, Sunamori M. Multiple thymoma with myasthenia gravis: report of a case. Surgery today. 2003; 33 (1): 49-51. ( PubMed, DOI )

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Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display

  1. 大久保 憲一, 石橋 洋則, 小林 正嗣, 今井 紗智子. 希少がん:悪性胸膜中皮腫に対する新たな治療法の開発 悪性胸膜中皮腫に対する根治的胸膜摘除および胸腔内温熱抗癌剤灌流を含む集学的治療. 日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 2018.10.01

  2. 大久保 憲一, 石橋 洋則, 小林 正嗣, 高橋 千尋. パンコースト腫瘍 拡大切除術を含む多様式治療法(Pancoast tumor: Multimodal treatment including extended resection). 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 2018.04.01

Awards & Honors 【 display / non-display

  • AACR-ITO EN, Ltd. Scholar-in-Training Award,95th American Association for Cancer Research ,2004.03

  • Scholarship to visit the 122th Congress of the German Society of Surgery,2005.04

  • Scholarship to visit the 122th Congress of the German Society of Surgery,2005.04

  • AACR-ITO EN, Ltd. Scholar-in-Training Award,95th American Association for Cancer Research,2004.03