

村松 正明(ムラマツ マサアキ)







文京区 湯島 東京医科歯科大学 M&Dタワー24階







出身学校 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 千葉大学  医学部  1982年03月  卒業

出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 東京大学  医学系研究科  博士課程  1989年03月  単位取得満期退学

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 博士(医学)  東京大学

経歴(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2002年04月
    東京医科歯科大学 難治疾患研究所 ゲノム応用医学研究部門 分子疫学 教授
  • 2002年04月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻 環境社会医歯学講座 分子疫学 教授
  • 2022年06月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 生命理工医療科学専攻 生体検査科学講座 生体機能システム学分野 非常勤講師
  • 2023年05月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 非常勤講師
  • 2024年05月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 生命理工医療科学専攻 生体検査科学講座 血液・生体システム解析学分野 非常勤講師

経歴(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 1987 DNAX研究所(カリフォルニア州)博士研究員
  • 1990 東京大学医科学研究所 教務職員
  • 1993 東京大学医科学研究所 助手
  • 1996 ヘリックス研究所 部長研究員
  • 2000 ヒュービットジェノミクス CSO
  • 2002 東京医科歯科大学 難治疾患研究所 教授


所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本高血圧学会

  • 日本人類遺伝学会

  • 日本疫学会

委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2019年04月
    一般社団法人遺伝情報取扱協会 遺伝情報適正取扱認定委員会
  • 2020年07月
    経産省生物化学産業課 消費者向け(DTC)遺伝子検査ビジネスのあり方に関する研究会 委員長

資格、免許 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 医師国家試験


研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • メタボリック症候群/動脈硬化の分子疫学

競争的資金等の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ライフコースゲノム研究:健康推進と疾患予防に役立つゲノム情報活用に向けて

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2017年 - 2019年

  • パーソナルゲノムを用いたメタボリック症候群・動脈硬化の個別化予防に関する研究

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2014年 - 2017年

  • パーソナルゲノムを用いたメタボリック症候群・動脈硬化の個別化予防に関する研究

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2014年 - 2016年

  • ゲノムワイド関連解析を起点とするメタボリック症候群と動脈硬化の分子疫学研究

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2010年 - 2012年

  • 喫煙関連呼吸器疾患へのニコチン受容体遺伝子多型の関与の検討


論文・総説 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Katsuda1 T, Sato N, Mogushi K, Hase T & Muramatsu M. Sub-GOFA: A tool for Sub-Gene Ontology function analysis in clonal mosaicism using semantic (logical) similarity Bioinformation. 2022; 18 (1): 53-60. ( DOI )

  2. Fudono A, Imai C, Takimoto H, Tarui I, Aoyama T, Yago S, Okamitsu M, Muramatsu M, Sato N and Miyasaka N. Trimester-specific associations between extracellular vesicle microRNAs and fetal growth 2021.11; ( DOI )

  3. Zong Y, Tanaka M, Muramatsu M, Arai T. D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) rare genetic missense variant p.Pro103Leu and gastric cancer. Molecular and clinical oncology. 2021.03; 14 (3): 58. ( PubMed, DOI )

  4. Takahisa Watabe, Sho Kanzaki, Noriko Sato, Tatsuo Matsunaga, Masaaki Muramatsu, Kaoru Ogawa. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in tinnitus patients exhibiting severe distress. Sci Rep. 2020.08; 10 (1): 13023. ( PubMed, DOI )

  5. Govind P, Pavethynath S, Sawabe M, Arai T, Muramatsu M. Association between rs1229984 in ADH1B and cancer prevalence in a Japanese population. Molecular and clinical oncology. 2020.06; 12 (6): 503-510. ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Abudushataer M, Sato N, Mieno M, Sawabe M, Muramatsu M, Arai T. Association of CYP2A6 gene deletion with cancers in Japanese elderly: an autopsy study. BMC cancer. 2020.03; 20 (1): 186. ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Minn AKK, Sato N, Mieno MN, Arai T, Muramatsu M. Association study of long non-coding RNA HOTAIR rs920778 polymorphism with the risk of cancer in an elderly Japanese population. Gene. 2020.03; 729 144263. ( PubMed, DOI )

  8. Wang Tan, Matsuda Yoko, Nonaka Keisuke, Kakizaki Mototsune, Ishiwata Toshiyuki, Kanazawa Nobuo, Uegaki Satoko, Muramatsu Masaaki, Sawabe Motoji, Mori Seijiro, Tanaka Masashi, Kitagawa Masanobu, Arai Tomio. Clinicopathological characteristics of gastric cancer with carbohydrate antigen 19-9 expression occurring in elderly individuals: An autopsy study(和訳中) Pathology International. 2020.02; 70 (2): 92-100. ( 医中誌 )

  9. Wang T, Matsuda Y, Nonaka K, Kakizaki M, Ishiwata T, Kanazawa N, Uegaki S, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Mori S, Tanaka M, Kitagawa M, Arai T. Clinicopathological characteristics of gastric cancer with carbohydrate antigen 19-9 expression occurring in elderly individuals: An autopsy study. Pathology international. 2020.02; 70 (2): 92-100. ( PubMed, DOI )

  10. Matsuda Y, Tanaka M, Sawabe M, Mori S, Muramatsu M, Mieno MN, Ishiwata T, Arai T. The stem cell-specific intermediate filament nestin missense variation p.A1199P is associated with pancreatic cancer. Oncology letters. 2019.05; 17 (5): 4647-4654. ( PubMed, DOI )

  11. Pavethynath S, Imai C, Jin X, Hichiwa N, Takimoto H, Okamitsu M, Tarui I, Aoyama T, Yago S, Fudono A, Muramatsu M, Miyasaka N, Sato N. Metabolic and Immunological Shifts during Mid-to-Late Gestation Influence Maternal Blood Methylation of <i>CPT1A</i> and <i>SREBF1</i>. International journal of molecular sciences. 2019.03; 20 (5): ( PubMed, DOI )

  12. Matsunaga T, Muramatsu M. Self-organizing scale-free patterns in a phase-modulated periodic connecting system. BMC research notes. 2019.03; 12 (1): 122. ( PubMed, DOI )

  13. Shilpa Pavethynath, Chihiro Imai, JIN Xin, Naomi Hichiwa, Hidemi Takimoto, Motoko Okamitsu, Iori Tarui, Tomoko Aoyama , Satoshi Yago, Ayako Fudono, Masaaki Muramatsu, Naoyuki Miyasaka and Noriko Sato. Metabolic and immunological shifts during mid-to-late gestation influence maternal blood methylation of CPT1A and SREBF1 International Journal of Molecular Science. 2019;

  14. Hayashi M, Watanabe A, Muramatsu M, Yamashita N. Effectiveness of personal genomic testing for disease-prevention behavior when combined with careful consultation with a physician: a preliminary study. BMC research notes. 2018.04; 11 (1): 223. ( PubMed, DOI )

  15. Matsuda Y, Tanaka M, Sawabe M, Mori S, Muramatsu M, Mieno MN, Furukawa T, Arai T. Relationship between pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas, and single nucleotide polymorphisms in autopsied elderly patients. Genes, chromosomes & cancer. 2018.01; 57 (1): 12-18. ( PubMed, DOI )

  16. Yamada Y, Sakuma J, Takeuchi I, Yasukochi Y, Kato K, Oguri M, Fujimaki T, Horibe H, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi Y, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Shinkai S, Mori S, Arai T, Tanaka M. Identification of TNFSF13, SPATC1L, SLC22A25 and SALL4 as novel susceptibility loci for atrial fibrillation by an exome‑wide association study. Molecular medicine reports. 2017.11; 16 (5): 5823-5832. ( PubMed, DOI )

  17. Yamada Y, Sakuma J, Takeuchi I, Yasukochi Y, Kato K, Oguri M, Fujimaki T, Horibe H, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi Y, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Shinkai S, Mori S, Arai T, Tanaka M. Identification of five genetic variants as novel determinants of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japanese by exome-wide association studies. Oncotarget. 2017.10; 8 (46): 80492-80505. ( PubMed, DOI )

  18. Kumpei Tanisawa, Nobuyoshi Hirose, Yasumichi Arai, Hiroshi Shimokata, Yoshiji Yamada, Hisashi Kawai, Motonaga Kojima, Shuichi Obuchi, Hirohiko Hirano, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Yoshinori Fujiwara, Yu Taniguchi, Shoji Shinkai, Kazushige Ihara, Maki Sugaya, Mitsuru Higuchi, Tomio Arai, Seijiro Mori, Motoji Sawabe, Noriko Sato, Masaaki Muramatsu, Masashi Tanaka. Inverse association between height-increasing alleles and extreme longevity in Japanese women. J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci.. 2017.08; ( PubMed, DOI )

  19. Sato N, Sudo K, Mori M, Imai C, Muramatsu M, Sugimoto M. Early gestational maternal low-protein diet diminishes hepatic response to fasting in young adult male mice. Scientific reports. 2017.08; 7 (1): 9812. ( PubMed, DOI )

  20. Khin Thet Thet Zaw , Sato Noriko, Ikeda Shinobu, Kaung Si Thu , Naka Mieno Makiko, Arai Tomio, Mori Seijiro, Furukawa Tetsushi, Sasano Tetsuo, Sawabe Motoji, Tanaka Masashi, Muramatsu Masaaki. ZFHX3遺伝子変異と心房細動、脳梗塞、肺血栓塞栓症との関連 剖検研究(Association of ZFHX3 gene variation with atrial fibrillation, cerebral infarction, and lung thromboembolism: An autopsy study) Journal of Cardiology. 2017.08; 70 (1-2): 180-184. ( 医中誌 )

  21. Nishi K, Luo H, Nakabayashi K, Doi K, Ishikura S, Iwaihara Y, Yoshida Y, Tanisawa K, Arai T, Mori S, Sawabe M, Muramatsu M, Tanaka M, Sakata T, Shirasawa S, Tsunoda T. An Alpha-kinase 2 Gene Variant Disrupts Filamentous Actin Localization in the Surface Cells of Colorectal Cancer Spheroids. Anticancer research. 2017.07; 37 (7): 3855-3862. ( PubMed, DOI )

  22. Yamada Y, Sakuma J, Takeuchi I, Yasukochi Y, Kato K, Oguri M, Fujimaki T, Horibe H, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi Y, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Shinkai S, Mori S, Arai T, Tanaka M. Identification of C21orf59 and ATG2A as novel determinants of renal function-related traits in Japanese by exome-wide association studies. Oncotarget. 2017.07; 8 (28): 45259-45273. ( PubMed, DOI )

  23. Yamada Y, Sakuma J, Takeuchi I, Yasukochi Y, Kato K, Oguri M, Fujimaki T, Horibe H, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi Y, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Shinkai S, Mori S, Arai T, Tanaka M. Identification of eight genetic variants as novel determinants of dyslipidemia in Japanese by exome-wide association studies. Oncotarget. 2017.06; 8 (24): 38950-38961. ( PubMed, DOI )

  24. Yamada Y, Sakuma J, Takeuchi I, Yasukochi Y, Kato K, Oguri M, Fujimaki T, Horibe H, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi Y, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Shinkai S, Mori S, Arai T, Tanaka M. Identification of six polymorphisms as novel susceptibility loci for ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke by exome-wide association studies. International journal of molecular medicine. 2017.06; 39 (6): 1477-1491. ( PubMed, DOI )

  25. Yamada Y, Sakuma J, Takeuchi I, Yasukochi Y, Kato K, Oguri M, Fujimaki T, Horibe H, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi Y, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Shinkai S, Mori S, Arai T, Tanaka M. Identification of rs7350481 at chromosome 11q23.3 as a novel susceptibility locus for metabolic syndrome in Japanese individuals by an exome-wide association study. Oncotarget. 2017.06; 8 (24): 39296-39308. ( PubMed, DOI )

  26. Yamada Y, Sakuma J, Takeuchi I, Yasukochi Y, Kato K, Oguri M, Fujimaki T, Horibe H, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi Y, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Shinkai S, Mori S, Arai T, Tanaka M. Identification of polymorphisms in 12q24.1, ACAD10, and BRAP as novel genetic determinants of blood pressure in Japanese by exome-wide association studies. Oncotarget. 2017.06; 8 (26): 43068-43079. ( PubMed, DOI )

  27. Yamada Y, Sakuma J, Takeuchi I, Yasukochi Y, Kato K, Oguri M, Fujimaki T, Horibe H, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi Y, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Shinkai S, Mori S, Arai T, Tanaka M. Identification of EGFLAM, SPATC1L and RNASE13 as novel susceptibility loci for aortic aneurysm in Japanese individuals by exome-wide association studies. International journal of molecular medicine. 2017.05; 39 (5): 1091-1100. ( PubMed, DOI )

  28. Yamada Y, Sakuma J, Takeuchi I, Yasukochi Y, Kato K, Oguri M, Fujimaki T, Horibe H, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Fujiwara Y, Taniguchi Y, Obuchi S, Kawai H, Shinkai S, Mori S, Arai T, Tanaka M. Identification of STXBP2 as a novel susceptibility locus for myocardial infarction in Japanese individuals by an exome-wide association study. Oncotarget. 2017.05; 8 (20): 33527-33535. ( PubMed, DOI )

  29. Sariya Dechamethakun, Noriko Sato, Shinobu Ikeda, Motoji Sawabe, Seijiro Mori, Yoshiji Yamada, Masashi Tanaka Masaaki Muramatsu and Tomio Arai. Association of Macrophage Capping Protein (CAPG) Arg335His Polymorphism and Cancer Susceptibility in the Elderly Japanese Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Research. 2017.04; 6 (2): 417.

  30. Sariya Dechamethakun, Masaaki Muramatsu. Long noncoding RNA variations in cardiometabolic diseases. J. Hum. Genet.. 2017.01; 62 (1): 97-104. ( PubMed, DOI )

  31. Dechamethakun Sariya, Muramatsu Masaaki. 【異常制御されたノンコーディングRNAとヒトの疾患 微調整が撹乱因子となる】 心代謝疾患におけるlong noncoding RNAの変異(【Dysregulated Non-coding RNAs and Human Diseases: A Fine-Tuner Changes into a Confuser】 Long noncoding RNA variations in cardiometabolic diseases) Journal of Human Genetics. 2017.01; 62 (1): 97-104. ( 医中誌 )

  32. Yuko Maeda, Noriko Sato, Makiko Naka-Mieno, Seijiro Mori, Tomio Arai, Masashi Tanaka, Masaaki Muramatsu, Motoji Sawabe. Association of non-synonymous variants in WIPF3 and LIPA genes with abdominal aortic aneurysm: an autopsy study. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2016.12; 13 (12): 960-967. ( PubMed, DOI )

  33. Khin Thet Thet Zaw, Noriko Sato, Shinobu Ikeda, Kaung Si Thu, Makiko Naka Mieno, Tomio Arai, Seijiro Mori, Tetsushi Furukawa, Tetsuo Sasano, Motoji Sawabe, Masashi Tanaka, Masaaki Muramatsu. Association of ZFHX3 gene variation with atrial fibrillation, cerebral infarction, and lung thromboembolism: An autopsy study. J Cardiol. 2016.12; 70 (2): 180-184. ( PubMed, DOI )

  34. Heying Zhou, Seijiro Mori, Tatsuro Ishizaki, Masashi Tanaka, Kumpei Tanisawa, Makiko Naka Mieno, Motoji Sawabe, Tomio Arai, Masaaki Muramatsu, Yoshiji Yamada, Hideki Ito. Genetic risk score based on the lifetime prevalence of femoral fracture in 924 consecutive autopsies of Japanese males. J. Bone Miner. Metab.. 2016.11; 34 (6): 685-691. ( PubMed, DOI )

  35. Kaung Si Thu, Noriko Sato, Shinobu Ikeda, Makiko Naka-Mieno, Tomio Arai, Seijiro Mori, Motoji Sawabe, Masaaki Muramatsu, Masashi Tanaka. Association of polymorphisms of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP2) gene with pulmonary tuberculosis in an elderly Japanese population. APMIS. 2016.08; 124 (8): 675-680. ( PubMed, DOI )

  36. Kumpei Tanisawa, Yasumichi Arai, Nobuyoshi Hirose, Hiroshi Shimokata, Yoshiji Yamada, Hisashi Kawai, Motonaga Kojima, Shuichi Obuchi, Hirohiko Hirano, Hideyo Yoshida, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Yoshinori Fujiwara, Kazushige Ihara, Maki Sugaya, Tomio Arai, Seijiro Mori, Motoji Sawabe, Noriko Sato, Masaaki Muramatsu, Mitsuru Higuchi, Yao-Wen Liu, Qing-Peng Kong, Masashi Tanaka. Exome-wide Association Study Identifies CLEC3B Missense Variant p.S106G as Being Associated With Extreme Longevity in East Asian Populations. J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci.. 2016.05; 72 (3): 309-318. ( PubMed, DOI )

  37. Yamada M, Sato N, Ikeda S, Arai T, Sawabe M, Mori S, Yamada Y, Muramatsu M, Tanaka M. Association of the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4 (CHD4) missense variation p.D140E with cancer: potential interaction with smoking. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2015; 54 (2): 122-128. ( PubMed )

  38. Nishizawa D, Kasai S, Hasegawa J, Sato N, Yamada H, Tanioka F, Nagashima M, Katoh R, Satoh Y,. Associations between the orexin (hypocretin) receptor 2 gene polymorphism Val308Ile and nicotine dependence in genome-wide and subsequent association studies. Mol Brain. 2015; 8 50. ( PubMed, DOI )

  39. Maekawa K, Nakamura R, Kaniwa N, Mizusawa S, Kitamoto A, Kitamoto T, Ukaji M, Matsuzawa Y, Sugiyama E, Uchida Y, Kurose K, Ueta M, Sotozono C, Ikeda H, Yagami A, Matsukura S, Kinoshita S, Muramatsu M, Ikezawa Z, Sekine A, Furuya H, Takahashi Y, Matsunaga K, Aihara M, Saito Y; Japan Pharmacogenomics Data Science Consortium.. Development of a simple genotyping method for the HLA-A*31:01-tagging SNP in Japanese. Pharmacogenomics. 2015; 16 (15): 1689-1699. ( PubMed )

  40. Zhou H, Mori S, Ishizaki T, Tanaka M, Tanisawa K, Mieno MN, Sawabe M, Arai T, Muramatsu M, Yamada Y, Ito H.. Genetic risk score based on the lifetime prevalence of femoral fracture in 924 consecutive autopsies of Japanese males. J Bone Miner Metab. 2015; ( PubMed )

  41. Zhou H, Mori S, Tanaka M, Sawabe M, Arai T, Muramatsu M, Mieno MN, Shinkai S, Yamada Y, Miyachi M, Murakami H, Sanada K, Ito H.. A missense single nucleotide polymorphism, V114I of the Werner syndrome gene, is associated with risk of osteoporosis and femoral fracture in the Japanese population. J Bone Miner Metab. 33:694-700 (2015) J Bone Miner Metab. 2015; 33 (6): 694-700. ( PubMed )

  42. Daimon M, Sato H, Kaino W, Tada K, Takase K, Karasawa S, Wada K, Kameda W, Susa S, Oizumi T, Kayama T, Muramatsu M, Kato T.. Association of the G-protein β3 subunit gene polymorphism with the incidence of cardiovascular disease independent of hypertension: the Funagata study. J Hum Hypertens. 2013.10; 27 (10): 612-616.

  43. Honma N, Yamamoto K, Ohnaka K, Morita M, Toyomura K, Kono S, Muramatsu M, Arai T, Ueki T, Tanaka M, Kakeji Y, Maehara Y, Okamura T, Ikejiri K, Futami K, Maekawa T, Yasunami Y, Takenaka K, Ichimiya H, Terasaka R.. Estrogen receptor-β gene polymorphism and colorectal cancer risk: effect modified by body mass index and isoflavone intake. Int J Cancer. 2013.02; 132 (4): 951-958.

  44. Honma N, Mori S, Zhou H, Ikeda S, Mieno MN, Tanaka N, Takubo K, Arai T, Sawabe M, Muramatsu M, Ito H.. Association between estrogen receptor-β dinucleotide repeat polymorphism and incidence of femoral fracture. J Bone Miner Metab. 2013.01; 31 (1): 96-101.

  45. Tohkin M, Kaniwa N, Saito Y, Sugiyama E, Kurose K, Nishikawa J, Hasegawa R, Aihara M, Matsunaga K, Abe M, Furuya H, Takahashi Y, Ikeda H, Muramatsu M, Ueta M, Sotozono C, Kinoshita S, Ikezawa Z. A whole-genome association study of major determinants for allopurinol-related Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in Japanese patients. Pharmacogenomics J. 2013.01; 13 (1): 60-69.

  46. Kengia JT, Ko KC, Ikeda S, Hiraishi A, Mieno-Naka M, Arai T, Sato N, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M.. A gene variant in the Atp10d gene associates with atherosclerotic indices in Japanese elderly population. Atherosclerosis. 2013; 231 (1): 158-162.

  47. Ishii T, Hagiwara K, Ikeda S, Arai T, Mieno MN, Kumasaka T, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Gemma A, Kida K.. Association between genetic variations in surfactant protein d and emphysema, interstitial pneumonia, and lung cancer in a Japanese population. COPD. 2012.08; 9 (4): 409-416.

  48. Miyaki K, Htun NC, Song Y, Ikeda S, Muramatsu M, Shimbo T.. The combined impact of 12 common variants on hypertension in Japanese men, considering GWAS results. J Hum Hypertens. 2012.07; 26 (7): 430-436.

  49. Ikeda S, Tanaka N, Arai T, Chida K, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M.. Polymorphisms of LTA, LGALS2, and PSMA6 genes and coronary atherosclerosis: a pathological study of 1503 consecutive autopsy cases. Atherosclerosis. 2012.04; 221 (2): 458-460.

  50. Ishii T, Hagiwara K, Kamio K, Ikeda S, Arai T, Mieno MN, Kumasaka T, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M, Gemma A, Kida K.. Involvement of surfactant protein D in emphysema revealed by genetic association study. Eur J Hum Genet. 2012.02; 20 (2): 230-235.

  51. Ko MK, Ikeda S, Mieno-Naka M, Arai T, Zaidi SA, Sato N, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M.. Association of COMT gene polymorphisms with systemic atherosclerosis in elderly Japanese. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2012; 19 (6): 552-558.

  52. Xi C, Miyaki K, Ikeda S, Song Y, Sinbo T, Muramatsu M.. Association of GLUT4 gene variants with HbA1c level in Japanese men. Endocr J. 2012; 59 (8): 677-684.

  53. Yamada M, Ishii T, Ikeda S, Naka-Mieno M, Tanaka N, Arai T, Kumasaka T, Gemma A, Kida K, Muramatsu M, Sawabe M.. Association of fucosyltransferase 8 (FUT8) polymorphism Thr267Lys with pulmonary emphysema. J Hum Genet. 2011.11; 56 (12): 857-860.

  54. Htun NC, Miyaki K, Song Y, Ikeda S, Shimbo T, Muramatsu M.. Association of the catechol-O-methyl transferase gene Val158Met polymorphism with blood pressure and prevalence of hypertension: interaction with dietary energy intake. Am J Hypertens. 2011.09; 24 (9): 1022-1026.

  55. Honma N, Arai T, Takubo K, Younes M, Tanaka N, Mieno MN, Tamura K, Ikeda S, Sawabe M, Muramatsu M.. Oestrogen receptor-β CA repeat polymorphism is associated with incidence of colorectal cancer among females. Histopathology. 2011.08; 59 (2): 216-224.

  56. Matsukura H, Aisaki K, Igarashi K, Matsushima Y, Kanno J, Muramatsu M, Sudo K, Sato N.. Genistein promotes DNA demethylation of the steroidogenic factor 1(SF-1) promoter in endometrial stromal cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011.08; 412 (2): 366-372.

  57. Sato N, Yamakawa N, Masuda M, Sudo K, Hatada I, Muramatsu M.. enome-wide DNA methylation analysis reveals phytoestrogen modification of promoter methylation patterns during embryonic stem cell differentiation. PLoS One. 2011.04; 6 (4): e19278.

  58. 村松 正明. 【生活習慣病の克服に向けたゲノム医療-ゲノム医科学の進展と精密医療の実現】生活習慣病の遺伝子検査 医学のあゆみ. 2021.07; 278 (5): 334-339. ( 医中誌 )

  59. 村松 正明. 最新ゲノム情報の解析と活用 医療と検査機器・試薬. 2020.06; 43 (3): 276-280. ( 医中誌 )

  60. 山下 直秀, 村松 正明, 林 幹浩, 渡邉 直, 田口 淳一, 堀尾 留里子, 飴谷 章夫, 小島 直樹, 金田 俊介. 【ゲノム医療の実用化に向けた現状と課題】 臨床における全ゲノム解析の有用性 臨床医薬. 2018.08; 34 (8): 567-577. ( 医中誌 )

  61. 田口 淳一, 村松 正明, 林 幹浩, 堀尾 留里子, 山下 直秀. 健常人に対する単一遺伝子疾患の網羅的レアバリアント解析により発見されたプロテインS異常症の一例 先進的予防医学への試み 人間ドック. 2017.08; 32 (2): 366. ( 医中誌 )


講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Kaung Si Thu, Noriko Sato, Shinobu Ikeda, Makiko Naka-Mieno, Tomio Arai, Seijiro Mori, Motoji Sawabe, Masashi Tanaka, Masaaki Muramatsu. Association of polymorphisms of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP2) gene with pulmonary tuberculosis in an elderly Japanese population. The Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2016 2016.12.02 Yokohama

  2. Khin Thet Thet Zaw, Noriko Sato, Shinobu Ikeda, Kaung Si Thu, Makiko Naka-Mieno, Tomio Arai, Seijiro Mori, Tetsushi Furakawa, Tetsuo Sasano, Motoji Sawabe, Masashi Tanaka, Masaaki Muramatsu. Phenome scan of ZFHX3 gene variation: association with atrial fibrillation, cerebral infarction, and lung thromboembolism. The Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2016 2016.12.02

  3. 飛知和 尚美、今井 千裕、Shilpa Pavethynath、金 昕、瀧本 秀美、岡光 基子、Nay Chi Thun、青山 友子、矢郷 哲志、不殿 絢子、宮坂 尚幸、佐藤 憲子. 新生児におけるSKI遺伝子ADHD関連部位のDNAメチル化個人差. 第41回日本分子生物学会 2018.11.30 横浜

  4. 村松正明. 多因子疾患の遺伝子検査がもたらす健康観・疾病観の変化. 第56回日本人間ドック学会学術大会 2015.07.31 横浜