Personnel Information


TSUJI Michiko

Job title

Assistant Professor

Mail Address

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 1900.01
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Maxillofacial Orthognathics, Assistant Professor
  • 2018.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Maxillofacial Orthognathics, Assistant Professor
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Department of Maxillofacial Orthognathics, Assistant Professor

Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. Inoue A, Tsuji M , Baba Y, Moriyama K. Non-prosthetic treatment using segmental osteotomy and bone grafting in a patient with cleft lip and palate Plastic and Aesthetic Research. 2022.09; 9 51. ( DOI )

  2. OguraK, Kobayashi Y, Hikita R, Tsuji M, Moriyama K. Three-dimensional analysis of the palatal morphology in growing patients with Apert syndrome and Crouzon syndrome. Congenital Anomalies (Kyoto). 2022.07; 62 (4): 153-160. ( PubMed, DOI )

  3. Cheng ES, Tsuji M, Suzuki S, Moriyama K. An overview of the intraoral features and craniofacial morphology of growing and adult Japanese cleidocranial dysplasia subjects. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2022.07; 44 (6): 711-722. ( PubMed, DOI )

  4. Ogura Kenji, Kobayashi Yukiho, Hikita Rina, Tsuji Michiko, Moriyama Keiji. 成長期のApert症候群およびCrouzon症候群患者における口蓋形態の3次元的解析(Three-dimensional analysis of the palatal morphology in growing patients with Apert syndrome and Crouzon syndrome) Congenital Anomalies. 2022.07; 62 (4): 153-160. ( ichushi )

  5. Nakano Haruhisa, Tachiki Chie, Sato Takuma, Tsuji Michiko, Mano Mikiko, Minoura Yusuke, Ogawa Kiyofumi, Nomura Yasuyo, Soya Takemi, Koshio Yutaka, Miyazawa Ken, Shimizu Noriyoshi, Moriyama Keiji. Incidence of impacted teeth requiring fenestration, traction, and orthodontic treatment in Japan(和訳中) Orthodontic Waves. 2021.12; 80 (4): 241-250. ( ichushi )

  6. Nakano Haruhisa, Tachiki Chie, Sato Takuma, Tsuji Michiko, Mano Mikiko, Minoura Yusuke, Ogawa Kiyofumi, Nomura Yasuyo, Soya Takemi, Koshio Yutaka, Miyazawa Ken, Shimizu Noriyoshi, Moriyama Keiji. Incidence of impacted teeth requiring fenestration, traction, and orthodontic treatment in Japan(和訳中) Orthodontic Waves. 2021.12; 80 (4): 241-250. ( ichushi )

  7. Nakano H, Tachiki C, Sato T, Tsuji M, Mano M, Minoura Y, Ogawa K, Nomura Y, Soya T, Koshio Y, Miyazawa K, Shimizu N, Moriyama K. Incidence of impacted teeth requiring fenestration, traction, and orthodontic treatment in Japan Orthodontic Waves. 2021.11; 80 (4): 241-250. ( DOI )

  8. Hla-Myint T, Tsuji M, Suzuki S, Obayashi N, Kurabayashi T, Moriyama K. Establishment of a novel method for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of deglutitive tongue movement by integration of ultrasound video imaging and lateral cephalogram Orthodontic Waves. 2021.03; 80 (1): 23-31.

  9. Thiri Hla-Myint , Tsuji Michiko, Suzuki Shoichi, Obayashi Naoto, Kurabayashi Tohru, Moriyama Keiji. 超音波ビデオ画像と側面頭部X線規格写真統合による嚥下時舌運動の定性的・定量的評価法において新規手法の確立(Establishment of a novel method for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of deglutitive tongue movement by integration of ultrasound video imaging and lateral cephalogram) Orthodontic Waves. 2021.03; 80 (1): 23-31. ( ichushi )

  10. Thiri Hla-Myint , Tsuji Michiko, Suzuki Shoichi, Obayashi Naoto, Kurabayashi Tohru, Moriyama Keiji. 超音波ビデオ画像と側面頭部X線規格写真統合による嚥下時舌運動の定性的・定量的評価法において新規手法の確立(Establishment of a novel method for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of deglutitive tongue movement by integration of ultrasound video imaging and lateral cephalogram) Orthodontic Waves. 2021.03; 80 (1): 23-31. ( ichushi )

  11. Hla-Myint, T; Tsuji, M; Suzuki, S; Obayashi, N; Kurabayashi, T; Moriyama, K. Establishment of a novel method for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of deglutitive tongue movement by integration of ultrasound video imaging and lateral cephalogram ORTHODONTIC WAVES. 2021.01; 80 (1): 23-31. ( DOI )

  12. Tsuji Michiko, Suzuki Hiroyuki, Suzuki Shoichi, Moriyama Keiji. 鎖骨頭蓋骨異形成症例における過剰埋伏歯の形態と位置の3次元評価(Three-dimensional evaluation of morphology and position of impacted supernumerary teeth in cases of cleidocranial dysplasia) Congenital Anomalies. 2020.07; 60 (4): 106-114. ( ichushi )

  13. Kobayashi Y, Ogura K, Hikita R, Tsuji M, Moriyama K. Craniofacial, oral, and cervical morphological characteristics in Japanese patients with Apert syndrome or Crouzon syndrome. European Journal of Orthodontics. 2020.03; ( PubMed, DOI )

  14. Tsuji Michiko, Shoji Ayumi, Hirabayashi Kyoko, Kobayashi Yukiho, Moriyama Keiji. 軟骨無形成症患者における顎顔面形態の分析(Analysis of dentocraniofacial morphology in patients with achondroplasia) Congenital Anomalies. 2019.11; 59 (6): A55. ( ichushi )

  15. Tsuji M, Suzuki H, Suzuki S, Moriyama K. Three-dimensional evaluation of morphology and position of impacted supernumerary teeth in cases of cleidocranial dysplasia. Congenital Anomalies. 2019.10; ( PubMed, DOI )

  16. Matsuno S, Tsuji M, Hikita R, Matsumoto T, Baba Y, Moriyama K. Clinical study of dentocraniofacial characteristics in patients with Williams syndrome. Congenital Anomalies. 2019.09; 59 (5): 162-168. ( PubMed, DOI )

  17. Matsuno Sahori, Tsuji Michiko, Hikita Rina, Matsumoto Tsutomu, Baba Yoshiyuki, Moriyama Keiji. Williams症候群患者の歯牙頭蓋顔面特徴に関する臨床研究(Clinical study of dentocraniofacial characteristics in patients with Williams syndrome) Congenital Anomalies. 2019.09; 59 (5): 162-168. ( ichushi )

  18. Ahiko N, Baba Y, Tsuji M, Horikawa R, Moriyama K. Investigation of maxillofacial morphology and oral characteristics with Turner syndrome and early mixed dentition. Congenit Anom (Kyoto). 2019.01; 59 (1): 11-17. ( PubMed, DOI )

  19. Ahiko Nozomi, Baba Yoshiyuki, Tsuji Michiko, Horikawa Reiko, Moriyama Keiji. ターナー症候群と混合歯列前期の患者における顎顔面形態と口腔特性の検討(Investigation of maxillofacial morphology and oral characteristics with Turner syndrome and early mixed dentition) Congenital Anomalies. 2019.01; 59 (1): 11-17. ( ichushi )

  20. Sato Chiemi, Ogawa Takuya, Tsuge Risa, Shiga Momotoshi, Tsuji Michiko, Baba Yoshiyuki, Kosaki Kenjiro, Moriyama Keiji. Russell-Silver症候群の日本人小児11名の全身及び顎顔面に関する特徴(Systemic and maxillofacial characteristics of 11 Japanese children with Russell-Silver syndrome) Congenital Anomalies. 2017.09; 56 (5): 217-225. ( ichushi )

  21. Sato M, Baba Y, Haruyama N, Higashihori N, Tsuji M, Suzuki S, Moriyama K. Clinicostatistical analysis of congenitally missing permanent teeth in Japanese patients with cleft lip and/or palate Orthodontic Waves. 2016.06; 75 (2): 41-45.

  22. Chiemi Sato, Takuya Ogawa, Risa Tsuge, Momotoshi Shiga, Michiko Tsuji, Yoshiyuki Baba, Kenjiro Kosaki, Keiji Moriyama. Systemic and maxillofacial characteristics of eleven Japanese children with Russell-Silver syndrome. Congenit Anom (Kyoto). 2016.02; ( PubMed, DOI )

  23. Ahiko N, Baba Y, Tsuji M, Suzuki S, Kaneko T, Kindaichi J, Moriyama K. Investigation of maxillofacial morphology and dental development in hemifacial microsomia. Cleft Palate Craniofac J.. 2015.03; 52 (2): 203-209.

  24. Nakayama Y, Baba Y,Tsuji M, Fukuoka H, Ogawa T, Ohkuma M, Moriyama K. Dentomaxillofacial characteristics of ectodermal dysplasia. Congenit Anom (Kyoto). 2015.02; 55 (1): 42-48. ( PubMed, DOI )

  25. Surapornsawasd T, Ogawa T, Tsuji M, Moriyama K. Oculofaciocardiodental syndrome: novel BCOR mutations and expression in dental cells. J. Hum. Genet.. 2014.06; 59 (6): 314-320. ( PubMed, DOI )

  26. Okamura E, Suda N, Baba Y, Fukuoka H, Ogawa T, Ohkuma M, Ahiko N, Shiga M, Tsuji M, Moriyama K. Dental and maxillofacial characteristics of six Japanese individuals with ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-clefting syndrome. Cleft Palate Craniofac. J.. 2013.03; 50 (2): 192-200. ( PubMed, DOI )

  27. Kawafuji A, Suda N, Ichikawa N, Kakara S, Suzuki T, Ogawa T, Tsuji M, Moriyama K. Systemic and maxillofacial characteristics of patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome not treated with glossectomy. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011.04; 139 (4): 517-525. ( PubMed, DOI )

  28. Mukai-Higashihori K, Baba Y, Tetsumura A, Tsuji M, Ishizaki T, Higashihori N, Ohbayashi N, Kurabayashi T, Suzuki S, Ohyama K. Ultrasonographic assessment of new bone formation in maxillary distraction osteogenesis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.. 2008.08; 66 (8): 1750-1753.

  29. Gereltzul E, Baba Y, Suda N, Shiga M, Inoue MS, Tsuji M, Shin I, Hirata Y, Ohyama K, Moriyama K. Case report of de novo dup(18p)/del(18q) and r(18) mosaicism. J Hum Genet. 2008; 53 (10): 941-946. ( PubMed, DOI )

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Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display

  1. Moriyama K, YKobayashi Y, Tsuji M. An Orthodontic Perspective on Oral and Craniofacial Morphology of Patients with Apert and Crouzon Syndromes in Japan. CLEFT TOKYO 2024 The 16th world congress of the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation 2024.07.17 Tokyo

  2. 辻美千子、Hla-Myint Thiri、鈴木聖一、大林尚人、森山啓司. 超音波ビデオ画像と側面頭部X線規格写真の統合による嚥下時舌運動の定性的・定量的解析法の確立. 第80回東京矯正歯科学会記念学術大会 2021.07.14 東京都千代田区 / Web開催

  3. Tsuji M, Nakakuki K, Hirabayashi K, Moriyama K. Spontaneous tooth eruption after early enucleation of supernumerary teeth in a patient with cleidocranial dysplasia. The 9th Internarional Orthodontic Congress, The 12th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference, The 79th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2020.10.04 ondemand

  4. ハラミャントシリ、辻美千子、大林尚人、鈴木聖一、森山啓司. 側面頭部X線規格写真と超音波断層画像の統合による嚥下時舌運動様相の観察. 第78回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会 2019.11.20 長崎県長崎市

  5. Tsuji M, Shoji A, Hirabayashi K, Kobayashi Y, Moriyama K. Analysis of dentocraniofacial morphology in patients with achondroplasia. 第59回日本先天異常学会・The 13th World Congress of International Cleft Lip and Palate oundation CLEFT 2019 ICPF合同学術集会 2019.07.26 愛知県名古屋市

  6. Ogura K, Kobayashi Y, Hikita R, Shoji A, Tsuji M, Moriyama K. Analysis of palatal morphology of craniosynostosis patients: Comparison between Apert syndrome and Crouzon syndrome . The 11th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference(APOC 2018) 2018.03.05 Boracay, Phillipines

  7. Yuri Baba,Yuko Komazaki,Jun J Miyamoto,Kenji Ogura, Nozomi Ahiko,Yoshiyuki Baba,Michiko Tuji,Keiji Moriyama. Maxillofacial morphology of 4 cases of Marfan-related disorders in mixed dentition stage. The 49th Annual Scientific Congress,Korean Association of Orthodontists 2016.10.07 Korea

  8. Rina Hikita, Sahori Matsuno, Takuya Asami, Takuya Ogawa, Yoshiyuki Baba, Michiko Tsuji, Keiji Moriyama. Systemic and cranimaxillofacial characteristics of patients with Williams syndrome. International Congress of Human Genetics 2016 2016.04.03 Kyoto

  9. Tsuji M, Ogura K, Hikita R, Kobayashi Y, Moriyama K. Maxillofacial morphological characteristics of two Japanese patients with chromosome 18p deletion syndrome. International Congress of Human Genetics 2016. 2016.04.03 Kyoto

  10. Morita J, Tsuji M, Uezono M, Moriyama K. Characterristic orofacial phenotypes in a patient diagnosed with orofaciodigital s yndrome1. 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015.09.27 London

  11. Sahori Matsuno, Rina Hikita, Wanting Lin, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Mao Sato ,Michiko Tsuji, Yoshiyuki Baba, Keiji Moriyama. Clinical study of Williams syndrome patients: Part 1, General findings and characteristics of craniofacial morphology. 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015.09.27 London

  12. Takuya Asami, Rina Hikita, Ayumi Shoji, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Mao Sato ,Michiko Tsuji, Yoshiyuki Baba, Keiji Moriyama. Clinical study of Williams syndrome patients-Intraoral characteristics-. 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015.09.27 London

  13. Sakiko Akiyama, Michiko Tsuji, Taizo Hiratsuka, Rina Hikita, Tsutomu Matsumoto and Keiji Moriyama. An orthodontic management case of Williams syndrome with severe crowding in lower arch. 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015.09.27 London

  14. Tsuji M, Naganishi H, Torikai K, Moriyama K. A case of Apert syndrome treated by bimaxillary orthognathic surgery after Le Fort III distraction. The 16th Congress of International Society of Craniofacial Surgery 2015.09.14 千葉

  15. 辻美千子、馬場祥行、鈴木聖一、森山啓司. 新規創内型上顎骨延長器を用いて咬合および顔貌の改善をはかった両側性口唇口蓋裂の1症例.. 第68回日本矯正歯科学会 2009.11.16 福岡

  16. Tsuji M, Baba Y, Suzuki S, Moriyama K. Non-prosthetic treatment with segmental osteotomies and bone grafting in patients with cleft lip and palate.. 11th International Congress on Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies 2009.09.10

  17. Iida T, Hoshiai H, Hatsuno K, Taniguchi H, Tsuji M, Baba Y, Suzuki S, Moriyama K. Assessment of bone maturity by modal analysis after orthognathic surgery.. 11th International Congress on Cleft Lip and Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies 2009.09.10 Foltaleza

  18. Suda N, Kawafuji A, Ogawa T, Tsuji M, Moriyama M. Characteristics of Japanese Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome patients without glossectomy.. 85th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2009.06.10 Helsinki

  19. Kawafuji A, Suda N, Ichikawa N, Kakara S, Suzuki T, Ogawa T, Tsuji M, Moriyama K.. Systemic and maxillofacial characteristics of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome patients without having glossectomy.. 2nd Joint Meeting of the Korean Association of Orthodontists and the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2008.12.06 Seoul

  20. Tsuji M, Baba Y, Yagishita K, Yamami N, Mano Y, Suzuki S, Moriyama K. . Clinical application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for cleft patients treated by distraction osteogenesis.. 2nd Joint Meeting of the Korean Association of Orthodontists and the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2008.12.06 Seoul

  21. 馬場祥行、須田直人、志賀百年、辻美千子、ゲレルトゥズル エンクトゥフシン、平田結喜緒、大山 紀美栄、 森山啓司.. A case report of de novo rod/ring chromosome 18 mosaicism. . 第48回日本先天異常学会学術集会 2008.06.28 東京

  22. Tsuji M, Baba Y, Ishizaki T, Suzuki S, Moriyama K.. Correction of maxillary lateral deviation using RED system with auxiliary traction wire.. 6th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference 2008.03.27 Bangkok

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