Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
2003.04-2004.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Hospital Departments, Clinics for General Dentistry, Ambulatory Anesthesia Service, Research Assistant
2004.04-2014.11Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Assistant Professor
2014.11-2020.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Anesthesiology and Clinical Physiology, Associate Professor
2020.04-2022.05Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Orofacial Pain Management, Associate Professor
2022.06-2024.06Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Orofacial Pain Management, Associate Professor
2024.07-2024.09Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology, Associate Professor
2024.10-NowInstitute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology, Associate Professor
Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display 】
Baba Y, Sato Y, Takahashi K, Ito T, Wakita R, Maeda S. Allergic clinical symptoms and distribution of stimulation index of drug lymphocyte stimulation test for local anesthetics. Oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2024.11; 29 (1): 5. ( PubMed, DOI )
Wakita, R; Aida, J; Baba, Y; Utsumi, N; Nakayama, A; Maeda, S. Transient bradycardia during local anaesthesia to the oral cavity under intravenous sedation and its associate factors: a prospective observational study BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2024.10; 24 (1): 1165. ( PubMed, DOI )
Three Cases of Persistent Laryngeal Edema Postradiation Therapy. 2024.05; 71 (1): 24-28. ( PubMed, DOI )
Wakita, R; Kusumoto, Y; Shinozuka, O; Metropolitan, T; Hachinan Dent Assoc; Fukayama, H; Maeda, S. Dental findings and intravenous sedation in a patient with Potocki-Lupski syndrome: A case report SPECIAL CARE IN DENTISTRY. 2024.05; ( PubMed, DOI )
Okabe Saki, Nakagawa Yasuhiro, Sato Yu, Wakita Ryo, Maeda Shigeru, Ikoma Toshiyuki. リドカインとカプサイシンの2剤をカプセル化したポリ乳酸グリコール酸微粒子の合成と薬物放出特性(Preparation and Drug-release Properties of Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) Microparticles Co-encapsulating Lidocaine and Capsaicin) 口腔病学会雑誌. 2024.03; 91 (1): 35-46. ( ichushi )
Saki Okabe, Yasuhiro Nakagawa, Yu Sato, Ryo Wakita, Shigeru Maeda, Toshiyuki Ikoma. Preparation and Drug Release Properties of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Microparticles Co-encapsulating Dual Drugs, Lidocaine and Capsaicin The Journal of the Stomatological Society, Japan. 2024; in press
Asano Sayaka, Hirotoshi Yamamoto, Shigeru Maeda. Factors Affecting Intraoperative Blood Loss in Orthognathic Surgery: A Monocentric Retrospective Study 口腔病学会雑誌 掲載予定. 2024;
Ryo Wakita, Yukiko BaBa, Haruhisa Fukayama, Shigeru Maeda. Factors associated with transient bradycardia during local anesthesia administration to the oral cavity under intravenous sedation: A retrospective cohort study Journal of Dental Sciences. 2023.08; 19 (2): 878-884. ( PubMed, DOI )
Sumphaongern T, Yamahara E, Wakita R. Sudden Cardiac Arrest in a Dental Patient Awaiting Examination. Anesthesia progress. 2023.03; 70 (1): 25-30. ( PubMed, DOI )
Takaya Ito, Nozomi Utsumi, Yukiko Baba, Tomoka Matsumura, Ryo Wakita, Shigeru Maeda. Considerations for Satisfactory Sedation during Dental Implant Surgery Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2023.02; 13 (3): 461. ( PubMed, DOI )
Takahashi K, Matsumura T, Abe Y, Nakajima A, Funayama T, Sumphaongern T, Wakita R, Maeda S. Perioperative Management of a Patient With Tongue Cancer Who Developed Pneumomediastinum Following Tracheostomy Performed to Secure the Airway. Anesthesia progress. 2022.12; 69 (4): 37-39. ( PubMed, DOI )
Ken Takahashi,Yasuhiro Nakagawa, Yu Sato, Ryo Wakita, Maeda Shigeru, Toshiyuki Ikoma. pH-responsive release of anesthetic lidocaine derivative QX-OH from mesoporous silica nanoparticles mediated by ester bonds Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology. 2022.12; 78 ( DOI )
Ryo Wakita, Yukiko Baba, Saki Okabe, Haruhisa Fukayama. Transient facial nerve palsy due to plate and screw removal after sagittal split ramus osteotomy of the mandible Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2022.01; 5 ( DOI )
Wakita Ryo, Ito Takaya, Fukayama Haruhisa. Small doses of adrenaline contained in the local anaesthetic may result in prolonged increased cardiac function even after the vital signs return to normal Advances in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery. 2021; 3 100-104.
Sato Y, Ikoma T, Wakita R, Fukayama H. Interfacial interaction of anesthetic lidocaine and mesoporous silica nanoparticles in aqueous solutions and its release properties. Journal of materials chemistry. B. 2019.11; 7 (44): 7026-7032. ( PubMed, DOI )
Funayama Hiromi, Tashima Itaru, Okada Satoru, Ogawa Takuya, Yagi Hideki, Tada Hiroyuki, Wakita Ryo, Asada Yoshinobu, Endo Yasuo. マウスにおける、IL-1β、IL-18およびTNF-αの局所および全身での産生に対するゾレドロネートの作用ならびにリポ多糖類による増強(Effects of Zoledronate on Local and Systemic Production of IL-1β, IL-18, and TNF-α in Mice and Augmentation by Lipopolysaccharide) Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2019.06; 42 (6): 929-936. ( ichushi )
Funayama H, Tashima I, Okada S, Ogawa T, Yagi H, Tada H, Wakita R, Asada Y, Endo Y. Effects of Zoledronate on Local and Systemic Production of IL-1β, IL-18, and TNF-α in Mice and Augmentation by Lipopolysaccharide. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin. 2019; 42 (6): 929-936. ( PubMed, DOI )
Wakita R, Fukayama H. Methemoglobinemia should be suspected when oxygen saturation apparently decreases after prilocaine infiltration during intravenous sedation. Clinical case reports. 2018.06; 6 (6): 1077-1081. ( PubMed, DOI )
Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display 】
横山実希,内海 希,脇田 亮,前田 茂. 心疾患合併Down症の静脈内鎮静法下抜歯術に対し,非侵襲連続推定心拍出量測定を行った 一症例. 第50回日本歯科麻酔学会総会・学術集会 2022.10.27 東京
Hilmanda, Ryo Wakita, Chihiro Suzuki, Shigeru Maeda. Factors Associated with Variation in Pulse Transit Time using Pulse Oximetry. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology 2021.10 on line
Hiromi Funayama, Takaaki Munemasa, Ryo Wakita, Haruhisa Fukayama, Yasuo Endo, Yoshinobu Asada.. Iontophoretic administration of bisphosphonates: a trial for establishing a method to prevent their side effects and to retain their potent anti-bone resorptive effects. 11th Biennial Conference of the Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia (PDAA) 2018.09.15 Beijings
Wakita Ryo. 最新の局所麻酔法 安全で効果的な成績への戦略 効果的な局所麻酔のための電子機器(Local Anesthesia Update: Strategies for Safe and Effective Outcomes Electrical Devices for Effective Local Anesthesia). 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 2018.09.01
Wakita Ryo. Local Anesthesia Update: Strategies for Safe and Effective Outcomes Electrical Devices for Effective Local Anesthesia(和訳中). 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 2018.09.01
Wakita Ryo. 最新の局所麻酔法 安全で効果的な成績への戦略 効果的な局所麻酔のための電子機器(Local Anesthesia Update: Strategies for Safe and Effective Outcomes Electrical Devices for Effective Local Anesthesia). 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 2018.09.01
Wakita Ryo. 最新の局所麻酔法 安全で効果的な成績への戦略 効果的な局所麻酔のための電子機器(Local Anesthesia Update: Strategies for Safe and Effective Outcomes Electrical Devices for Effective Local Anesthesia). 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 2018.09.01
Wakita Ryo. 最新の局所麻酔法 安全で効果的な成績への戦略 効果的な局所麻酔のための電子機器(Local Anesthesia Update: Strategies for Safe and Effective Outcomes Electrical Devices for Effective Local Anesthesia). 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 2018.09.01
Wakita Ryo. 最新の局所麻酔法 安全で効果的な成績への戦略 効果的な局所麻酔のための電子機器(Local Anesthesia Update: Strategies for Safe and Effective Outcomes Electrical Devices for Effective Local Anesthesia). 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 2018.09.01
Wakita Ryo. 最新の局所麻酔法 安全で効果的な成績への戦略 効果的な局所麻酔のための電子機器(Local Anesthesia Update: Strategies for Safe and Effective Outcomes Electrical Devices for Effective Local Anesthesia). 日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 2018.09.01
Ryo Wakita. The effort to reduce the stimulus during local anesthesia - A new devices for effective local anesthesia -. 8th Mandaley Dental Conference 2018.07.15 Mandaley
Ryo Wakita. The effect on cardiac function of adrenaline in local anesthesia. 8th Mandaley Dental Conference 2017.07.23 Mandaley
Ryo Wakita and Haruhisa Fukayama.. Emergency response in Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital. -Two years statistical reports-. 7th Mandaley Dental Conference and Mid-year Meeting of Myanmar Dental association, 2016.07 Mandaley
Ryo Wakita and Haruhisa Fukayama. . Waveform of End-tidal Carbon Dioxide is useful to detect hypopnea during intravenous sedation. 36th Myamnar Dental Conference 2016.01 Yangon
Gene T. Yocum1, Ryo Wakita1, Michael R Stephen2, James M. Cook2, Charles W. Emala1, George Gallos1 (AUA Sponsor). Selective Pharmacologic Targeting of the GABAA α4 Subunit in Airway Smooth Muscle to Alleviate Bronchospasm. AUA 62nd Annual Meeting 2015.04.25 Nashville, Tennessee
Y. Hemmi, T. Yoshioka, T. Ikoma, N. Ohashi, K. Matsumoto, T. Ebisawa, R. Wakita,H. Fukayama and J. Tanaka. Equivalent Circuit Analysis of an Iontophoresis Electrode/Rat Skin system. STAC8 2014.06.26 Yokohama
Social Contribution 【 display / non-display 】
BLS training course in MDA conference,Myanmar Dental Association,Yangon,2016.01.30